Post ur crushs!! Past and Present


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I really like this girl I've met recently named Kristamae, she's so cute, no other girl in the world compares to this girl. She has the coolest personality too. I don't think I'll ever have enough guts to tell her though.


Well-known member
Probably had 3-4 real crushes through my life. One of them I have still now and ofcourse I haven't done anything about them, just admiring from far away. lol.


I don't have crushes anymore, it only disappoints me and make me jealous when they find themselves a "partner".


Well-known member
I have a crush on a totally cute girl who I see at the gym. Been wanting to ask her out for awhile but I havent seen her. Grrrrrrrrrrr its frustrating me.
Shes totally outgoing and popular, which makes me hesitant but I'm just going to go for it. Thats if I ever see her again lol :(


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There is this one girl.....and I actually have been managing to talk to her. She's very nice to me but I don't think she feels the same way.


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1st crush- a boy named Jeremy from my church when I was probably 10 or 11.

Then some other guys...too many to name, lol. I had crushes on a ton of guys in my high school.

Then my senior year of HS I met MY Jeremy and he was my last and forever crush <3


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too many to care to remember, but they all finished the same way, but at least i'm getting closer to the one i have right now


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First crush was in first grade. Her name: B...... F......... ???????? (she's a spy)

Second crush uni. First name F.......... B............ (she's also a spy)

I had no crushes in High School, because I went to an all boy school.

Celebrity crushes.

Catherine Zeta Jones. Kate Beckinsale. Jennifer Connely.


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For now, my heart burns in flames. Maybe someday, someone can put out the fire, but I seriously doubt it.
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Well-known member
Maybe I should get drunk before school and spill it out one on one with my crush that I like her?


Active member
old and married now haven't had a crush since highschool - his name was Peter he was tall, skinny, geeky looking with glasses but had hell of a sense of humour
pippy longstocking, tia from escape to witch mountain (an orphan with special powers), darcy in kindergarten, rhonda in grade school, my cousin laura, claire from alabama, yvonne, melinda, tricia, chani in dune, amy, chrissy hynde (first two pretenders albums), mrs. p (my teacher), brenda (piggy back ride!), chris in life drawing (had 'passion skin fire desire' written on her shoe), jennifer, alice, micale (she was depressed also), patti smith (she looked like jennifer), agnes, judy ann.

god, that only gets me up to 22yo, and i'm leaving out a lot!


I remember in middle school there was a girl called Rebecca, and highschool was a girl called Jenny.

I was really close with Jenny.. but the anxiety just got in the way too much...


Well-known member
I don't think I'm capable of developing crushes anymore, like somehow my subconscious has recognised the futility of it. Now, all instances of physical attraction are short-lived and almost immediately replaced with feelings of anxiety and a general sense of self loathing. I'm pretty sure that my mind is preparing me for a life of solitude.
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I really like this girl I've met recently named Kristamae, she's so cute, no other girl in the world compares to this girl. She has the coolest personality too. I don't think I'll ever have enough guts to tell her though.

Yo get them juices flowin son