In kindergarten I had a crush on this girl Judith
We actually "went out" lmao and I brought her a rose one day
I found her on Facebook not too long ago and she didn't remember me
Made me really sad because I've never forgotten her
First grade, my best friend Tyler
Second grade, this girl Lyndsay that was really mean to me
Third grade, Tyler because we were in the same class again.. oh and I went out with this girl Jessica and she gave me all of her brothers Pokemon cards
Fourth grade, my teacher! Ms. Petralia. She was in her early 20's and I loved her lol. And this girl Emily Brzozowicz. She was the most popular girl and we actually went out for a while. Then she broke up with me and it was this huge deal in our class hahaha it was so dramatic.
Fifth grade, Emily was in my class again so it was still her. She was a bitch though. Her nickname was actually Emily Brzozobitch.
Sixth grade, no one that I remember
Seventh grade, I went out with two girls- Serena (dumped me after a couple months and said I wasn't manly enough) and Katie (After I dumped Katie, I came out of the closet)
Second year in Seventh grade(I failed first time)- this straight guy Michael.. I was in LOVEEE. Obsessed with him and then I told my bestfriend and she told everybody..the whole school knew. Very embarrassing.
Eighth grade, still Michael. Still obsessed.
Ninth grade, this really tall gay senior named Ben. I was obsessed with him. (Michael went to a different school)
Tenth grade, two guys: Logan and Jeremy.. both straight
And then I dropped out and have only really had a crush on this guy Dale I met online. We ended up meeting in person but he stopped talking to me because he met someone else. Wow this is really long, sorry you guys