Post a random fact about yourself...


One fact about me is that I love good-tasting food too much even though Motherwolff has an ilness that makes those foods bad to eat.


Well-known member
i think dates are like cockroaches, because i actually ate a dead one by accident thinking it was a date, never had any since
i tend to procrastinate on my homework..........alot (ok not realy random im sure alot of people do this)
that's all i gt for now
One of my goals is to save the world from an alien invasion.



Well-known member
I love females even though they somewhat scare the living daylights out of me::eek::.

Seriously, though, my favorite color is silver.


Well-known member
My dog is my best friend. For real.
My morality will change the world.
My eyes are the kind that look back.
When I was little, I used to craft my own toys.

Would make a skeleton out of iron wire and make limbs with cotton pads and cotton tape over that. Then I'd use pencils/pens to give them texture and color.

I must've been 8 or 11 then.


Well-known member
I fake happiness around my friends when I'm feeling upset just so they're not feeling uncomfortable. I would hate for a friend to be a sad-sack around me, so I try not to inflict the same poison on them.

When I go for walks, I always have my iPod with me. Always. I love walking and listening to music. I listen to music for probably at least two hours every day.
Whenever I see someone here in desperate need of someone to talk to, I'll often want to try and comfort them. But then, as soon as I start to write the message I come to realization that I don't have the slightest clue on how to get what I'm trying to say across.

Unable to properly convert thoughts in constructive sentences that carry the information and/or emotions directly associated to the message.

It takes me monumental effort to translate thoughts into understandable language.

It's one of the reasons why I joke more then I post seriously. Because it's drastically easier.