Post a random fact about yourself...



Although I've constantly had dreams of being Superman. I've never been able to fly in them.


Well-known member
One time I made a 30 story house of cards hand to god. It took me over 13 1/2 hours and I went through over 50 packs of cards(I reinforced the hell out of it) and it was taller than me I had to get on a chair. I took so many pictures but they got deleted a while ago so nobody believes me:(


Well-known member
I have an extra rib on the right side of my chest that runs diagonaly across the front of my torrso making my right pectoral muscle appear significantly larger than my left.
One time I made a 30 story house of cards hand to god. It took me over 13 1/2 hours and I went through over 50 packs of cards(I reinforced the hell out of it) and it was taller than me I had to get on a chair. I took so many pictures but they got deleted a while ago so nobody believes me:(

If it's any consulation, I believe you. :3

I actually made a house of cards too. But I cheated with clear sticky tape. I made it like really tall. For funsies I put it on my arm and walked around with it. Many knew instantly that it was a hoax, but quite a few people looked stupefied by it. It was awesome. :D


Well-known member
i have been to Brasil 3 times alone yet im scared to get on a bus to go to the local shops.
yeah i dont get it either .................ha
^ Because buses are terrifying (or at least, I think so). For me it's really because I'm never certain what kind of crowd is going to be in it.. or whether there's going to be a place to sit down.

In an airplane on the other hand you're usually much more certain about the what's and how's.


Well-known member
^ Because buses are terrifying (or at least, I think so). For me it's really because I'm never certain what kind of crowd is going to be in it.. or whether there's going to be a place to sit down.

In an airplane on the other hand you're usually much more certain about the what's and how's.

you summed it up perfectly there on a plane you know theres not going to be a group of youths causing trouble, or its going to be so crowded you cant find a seat. yet again im really scared of flying i watched to many episodes of air crash investigation but still i dont let it stop me.


Well-known member
Maybe I'll move to Rio next year looking for job, but maybe is a bit dangerous place to live in.
its nice and safe away from the main city but id never travel about the main city part alone, i heard some terrible story's over there. stick to the coast line away from the tourist places and your fine


Well-known member
errm I'm only 19 years old but I have a grandfather who was born in the year 1898. Mahoosive age gaps, wooo. :D


I am a badass guitarist. All that time in isolation has lead to a lot of practice. My only claim to anything remotely interesting about me.


Well-known member
I'm a very small person. No, not quite that small. But people always comment on how "tiny" I am. I'm like a more feminine version of Ellen Page.
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