Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
In my household, I'm the only one that writes with their right-hand, and the only one that has brown-coloured eyes, the most common. :p


Well-known member
I have a serious case of wanderlust. I really wanna see the world, I'm sick of being cooped up here in my country. I can only afford to travel to nearby countries for now, but I'm hoping to backpack through Europe someday. Italy, Spain, France, Greece... *sighs dreamily*


Well-known member
I have a serious case of wanderlust. I really wanna see the world, I'm sick of being cooped up here in my country. I can only afford to travel to nearby countries for now, but I'm hoping to backpack through Europe someday. Italy, Spain, France, Greece... *sighs dreamily*
You're in Singapore, so I can see how that can be like that for you. I'm in Australia, and while I'd like to go see other countries, Australia is large and diverse enough not to feel cooped up. I hope you realise your dreams and go backpacking!

I would love to see more of Australia. Kakadu National Park and some of the north of the country more than anything else. Rainforests and natural scenery is the best, and I live in a lucky country for that sort of thing.

Having said that, I've never traveled overseas. I would love to visit America, Canada, and Scandinavia eventually. Next year my mate is planning a trip to Germany, Greece, and Spain in time for Oktoberfest so hopefully I'll get the cash together to make that happen!


Well-known member
I like to hold Lenny's water dish while she jumps in and has a wash. Then I let her sit on my shoulder while her feathers dry and she preens herself.


not actually Fiona Apple
I never E-mail anyone, but I have 4 active E-mail accounts.

Me too, except I only have three E-Mail accounts. My main email, my back up one, and my spam/unimportant things email account. I also have about 30 other E-mails I've used once or less that I no longer remember, usually for a specific task.


I have a black belt in taekwondo, but I haven't thrown a kick in years.

Lol same story with me. I haven't done it since I was 18 so all my flexibility is gone so maybe I can still kick someone in the shins, or maybe fight a midget. I know you're absolutely sweet, but we should team up and beat up random strangers to hone our skills again >:]


Well-known member
Lol same story with me. I haven't done it since I was 18 so all my flexibility is gone so maybe I can still kick someone in the shins, or maybe fight a midget. I know you're absolutely sweet, but we should team up and beat up random strangers to hone our skills again >:]

Haha, I'm in.
Me too, except I only have three E-Mail accounts. My main email, my back up one, and my spam/unimportant things email account. I also have about 30 other E-mails I've used once or less that I no longer remember, usually for a specific task.

Ha! I have all of those for the exact same reason. :B The extra one I have is for finances and other businessey-business.
Lol same story with me. I haven't done it since I was 18 so all my flexibility is gone so maybe I can still kick someone in the shins, or maybe fight a midget. I know you're absolutely sweet, but we should team up and beat up random strangers to hone our skills again >:]

I'll pretend to be a stranger for the.. eh.. right price. And for a little bit extra, I won't even call the cops on you~♪ *nudge nudge*


I'll pretend to be a stranger for the.. eh.. right price. And for a little bit extra, I won't even call the cops on you~♪ *nudge nudge*

Well I was planning on robbing them too, its pointless if I give you money. =\


Well-known member
i never answer my phone unless it's my husband or my mother. if someone wants to talk to me they have to email or text.
I hate answering the phone from people outside my contacts. In fact, I have to call someone today and I'm procrastinating because it makes me anxious thinking about it.

I realise how silly it is, but damn me, I can't shake that feeling.