Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
Whenever I see someone here in desperate need of someone to talk to, I'll often want to try and comfort them. But then, as soon as I start to write the message I come to realization that I don't have the slightest clue on how to get what I'm trying to say across.

Unable to properly convert thoughts in constructive sentences that carry the information and/or emotions directly associated to the message.

It takes me monumental effort to translate thoughts into understandable language.

It's one of the reasons why I joke more then I post seriously. Because it's drastically easier.
One of the reasons of my current frustrations, not being able to help ::(:

But don't worry, I think you're making a great job here :)


Well-known member
I was very crafty as a child, and always making sculptures and dolls and houses for them...
When I was 4, I made a beautiful castle out of tampons and showed it to mom.
Then she bought a garbage pail for the bathroom with a lid.


New member
I find comfort in working out and cooking. I'm also into vintage clothes and the styles,music and culture of America during the 1950s-80s.


Well-known member
I like cooking, but only for myself. I dislike the criticism I get from others when I cook for them.


Well-known member
I can't eat my own cooking.
Not that it's bad-- I'm a gourmet chef; it's just a part of my OCD. haha
If I try to eat anything I've prepared for myself, I get sick.


Well-known member
I can't eat my own cooking.
Not that it's bad-- I'm a gourmet chef; it's just a part of my OCD. haha
If I try to eat anything I've prepared for myself, I get sick.
Hmm, well I think we'd get along very well! You don't eat your own cooking and I inhale food like a tornado. :D


Well-known member
I hate this about me but,

I stole £100 from the holiday kitty jar when I was 14 and went on an all night bender. I drank myself to near death. We did not have a holiday that year because my parents coudn't afford it.


Well-known member
I can't eat my own cooking.
Not that it's bad-- I'm a gourmet chef; it's just a part of my OCD. haha
If I try to eat anything I've prepared for myself, I get sick.

You're a gourmet chef? Neat! Maybe, one day, I could come by and visit and I could taste some of your delectable food:D! I could even cook for you (although you might get more than sick::p:)! What kinds of food can you make?

A random fact? Hmmm, well, I can put my legs over my head, if that counts.


Well-known member
What kinds of food can you make?

Well... I've never been to culinary school, but I did cater all through highschool as one of my 3 jobs. I've been cooking for my family since I was 7.

I do pastries and desserts, h'orderves, Italian, Cajun, French and Korean style foods.
I'm still learning but I could bake, stew or fry most things on the fly with minimal ingredients. (as our cupboards are usually pretty bare)