Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member

my first rock concert-omfg was not Rock but Rick Springfield. *bows head in shame* was dragged to it by my bgf and her mom who had a cl** on for him from his days on the soap opera. I actually think he's ok now since i hear he had issues with depression, but when we went to the show he was just a sex symbol LoL so lame.


Well-known member
I visited India. It was an awesome trip but I never would've gone if I hadn't been invited by a friend. I wish I could travel abroad more, but I'm scared (and not rich).
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Well-known member
WOW Josette, do tell how it was!! :)


my first rock concert-omfg was not Rock but Rick Springfield. *bows head in shame* was dragged to it by my bgf and her mom who had a cl** on for him from his days on the soap opera. I actually think he's ok now since i hear he had issues with depression, but when we went to the show he was just a sex symbol LoL so lame.
^hehe do tell how it was :) were you very much impressed?

one of the cassettes I bought first was by Kylie Minogue, because of how good she looked in a magazine!!! lol!! (I never even listened to any of her songs before, I think!! haha)
There are still some catchy tunes on that tho, lol!!


Well-known member
I had a glorious beast of a Newfoundland dog named Mr. Bo Jangles, and I miss him immensely. He was very sick with many medical problems that I didn't make enough money to adequately treat, so I had to give him away to a nice family that had other newfoundland dogs. He has friends now and has the best in medical treatment, but I miss that great fuzzy bastar**d with a vengence even after almost 3 years.

I can do 50 consecutive push-ups and I think that Charles Camille Saint-Saens is a vastly underrated composer who should be ranked amongst the great symphonists such as Beethoven and Brahms.
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Well-known member
I have a 61/2 foot tall cage in my room. I have a secret crush on one of the waitresses at a local restaurant. I once rode an elephant. My hair started to turn grey when I was 21. I have blue eyes. I have been questioned by the police. My sister is a devoted christian. I like black metal. I make a killer lasagna. I don't have a drivers license. Every two weeks me and my friends go out into the woods to shoot at each other.


Well-known member
I share an ancestor with the pterodactyls

Actually, you do. Land animals are all descended from fish who lived in estuaries and could breathe air and had limb-like appendages for crawling over rocks. Some migrated to the land, where there was no competition. So it is possible there are fish which are relatives of yours.


Well-known member
I have never been sprayed by a skunk.

However I have been within 50 feet of a skunk as it sprayed my dog which is almost as bad.


Well-known member
i'm somewhat able to create songs in my head and reproduce the sounds.

i wish i had explored music at an early age.


Well-known member
I didn't come down in the last shower, which was over a week ago now and caused widespread flooding.