Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
I cannot, for the life of me, spell unnecessarily correctly.

I use google search to auto-correct unecesasrilrilyfhgkwe.


Well-known member
sometimes I feel cool alone when I do things like juggling the fridge door open with my legs while preparing food, or flipping a water bottle and catching it behind my back.

however, when I try to replicate these talents nonchalantly in front of other people it is disastrous. an example being the water bottle flipping into my face, stumbling and stepping on it, and then falling over.


Well-known member

sometimes i like to meow. out loud. randomly. ::eek::

and i thought i was the only person who did that...

nah seriously i do it at dogs to make them think there is cat nearby or do it to a cat so they think its another cat.
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I like to eat lemons. But I try not to do it too often so I don't ruin my teeth :s


Well-known member
the only reason i go get coffe at school is because the guy behind the counter has the nices most at ease smile ever....and all i can ever say is "uhhhhh medium iced coffe no cream" well sometimes he doesnt hear me so i get to say it twice. lol


Well-known member
and i thought i was the only person who did that...

nah seriously i do it at dogs to make them think there is cat nearby or do it to a cat so they think its another cat.

whahahaha oh man i laughed, so im not the only one lol
sometimes i just search for barking dogs on the internet to confuse my dog .. ah good times yeah.
Today I've tried out a Vanilla Coke for the first time after visiting an American products shop. I went there to buy again some Cherry Cokes, cause the last time I drank one was in the UK many years ago, but I didn't expect finding Vanilla Cokes. Nice flavour, although I don't love it as much as the other one. I wonder if someday a Chocolate Coke will be make up, maybe it exists yet.

By the way, today I've got a diploma this morning after ending a language course. That made my day.


Well-known member
oh, i don't meow at dogs or other kitties. ::eek::

i meow at myself, i guess. and i don't meow all the time, maybe once every several days at a random moment. :p

just last week i let out a few meows as i was unlocking the gate to my backyard studio apartment. once i opened the gate door and was on the other side, locking it, i noticed that my next door neighbor was in his backyard, about 20 feet away. i'm SURE he heard me. there were no kitties around at the time. eep!

you might want to try working it into conversations. like this...

YouTube - ‪Super troopers meow‬‏


Well-known member
i've read the first two books of a song of ice and fire, in five days , the first one took three days, and the second one took two
I once won the lottery.

(Moneys all gone now though)

A couple of months ago, my mother bought $100 in lottery tickets (the cheapo scratch and win kind) to split between two of my aunts for their birthdays. That night, we played every single card. We won $58. It was a major fail, but totally worth it. :)


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I amuse/calm myself by doodling 4 way symmetrical patterns on graph paper and coloring them with Sharpies...
I also amuse myself by irritating the verbally abusive and mentally ill pill popping shrew next door by blasting Pantera over the religious crap she plays at high volume... all... freaking... night. It pays to own biiiiiiiiig speakers. Did I mention that I'm not a nice person when the situation requires....