Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
I play role-playing games, My favorite food is Lasagna, I can sharpen knives like a pro, H.P Lovecraft is my favorite author, I am a horror movie fanatic, My favorite TV-shows are Dexter, Game of thrones and Breaking bad, I love Zack Snyder movies, I sometimes listen to cheesy 80's power ballads :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I survived a high speed, 360° rollover that totaled my 25,000 lb truck when I launched it from the highway into a cornfield. I was not wearing a seat belt at the time.

Please DO NOT try this at home!


Well-known member
I hate wrapping presents. If the paper gets a crease in it I have to start again until theres no creases in the paper
In real life and sometimes online, I call many of my friends ''dude''. Even if they are girls. Though, most of them are a good sport about it. :D


Well-known member
I check if there's someone under my bed before turning off the lights to go to sleep.