Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
My last day of high school is tomorrow and I don't think I've ever been happier. :) Well... I have to go back for graduation, but besides that, I'm done!


Well-known member
My last day of high school is tomorrow and I don't think I've ever been happier. :) Well... I have to go back for graduation, but besides that, I'm done!


My random fact then I guess I miss university since I graduated this semester. But not HS =D


Well-known member
Though I have little recollection of the event, I have had the blood of at least 6 other people in my body while having none of my own.


Well-known member
I drink approximately a mininum of 6 cups of green tea per day.

Catnip tea is my favourite sort of tea. If it wasn't for my cat always trying to get high off it, I would drink it more often.
I often have to pause/quit a video game because the combination from tension in the house, and the added excitement of the game gives me chest pains.


I love to sing.

And I've been told I can do it well.

If I could afford professional lessons, I think I could be pretty good.

I want to be in a musical :D


Well-known member
I prefer to watch documentaries instead to go a party. ::p:

That sounds like a good night in to me. :)

I still like watching cartoons I'm a 5yr old kid trapped in a 30yr old body.
I still like playing with Lego you can make loads of wonderful things with it.