Post a random fact about yourself...

My forearms overheat in hot weather/labor intensive situations. They become red and start feeling really uncomfortable (and, of course, very warm).

To stop this it, I need to soak them with cold water. I assume it has to do with blood staying in the arms for some reason (hence the redness).

Rudolph arms, activate! >:O


Active member
I love watching Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
I have farted twice in the middle of classes when I was in school, one time in 4th grade and the other in 8th grade.
Hmm, don't know what else to say..haha::p:


Well-known member
I believe that living with SAD is unacceptable. Eradication of any trace is a must.

Yes it is unacceptable. First we have to accept ours self if we want being be acceptable. We live in illusion which create SA. Others are acceptable because they accept them self remember that. We can't change other people (that's losted fight before the war) but what we can is change our self :)


Well-known member
Ha Ha

Sorry, that just struck me as funny. Why do you do that?

LoL-I know it sounds crazy..."bruxism while expressing affection" is what it's referred to as. I had a gf once who did the same when petting her great dane!
It's hard to describe why we do it.
Not so funny cuz the neves on the one side of my face hurt like heck. I have to learn to curb it :(
The date predicted for my birth was my brother's 8th birthday. It seems I didn't want to share a birthday because I was born 4 days later. :D So I am 8 years and 4 days younger than my brother (and only sibling). Also, we are Persian and celebrate Persian New Year which usually falls on on the 21st of March and I was born on the 17th (St. Patrick's Day). So my birthday is )most years) exactly between my brother's birthday and Persian New Year.


Well-known member
The date predicted for my birth was my brother's 8th birthday. It seems I didn't want to share a birthday because I was born 4 days later. :D So I am 8 years and 4 days younger than my brother (and only sibling). Also, we are Persian and celebrate Persian New Year which usually falls on on the 21st of March and I was born on the 17th (St. Patrick's Day). So my birthday is )most years) exactly between my brother's birthday and Persian New Year.
^ Interesting. My brother and I were both born in the same month. He's in the beginning of the month and I'm at the very end. And because of that, our birthdays always land on the same weekday (Like, if his birthday is on a Friday, then mine will be on a Friday too). Oh, and we're a year and 28 days apart.


Well-known member
I should be sleeping. Lack of sleep, at first, just makes me a bit kooky. I've already seriously considered dyeing my hair platinum blonde, purple, bright red and green. Not all at once though, nono.


Well-known member
Fox sports announcers take almost all the enjoyment out of watching baseball for me. I honestly don't think they have any idea what they are talking about.

"With all the defenders focusing on Durant, everyone else has to be ready to receive and shoot the ball!"



I love music which does not involve instruments, such as drums, guitars, organs, and by far more importantly, NOT the HUMAN VOICE!!

How weird is that? Is it a crime?


Well-known member
I have a faint scar above my upper lip from a day when I was sick in middle school. You see, we had a whippet who was quite responsive to the slightest stimuli.

And she was slightly quicker than me.... :cool: