Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
when i was little, i thought it would be cool to run really fast with my eyes closed

it was exhilarating

until i ran into the tree

it only took 5 stitches to close the gash in my forehead

the next time, I made sure there weren't any trees around

that's called learning
when i was little, i thought it would be cool to run really fast with my eyes closed

it was exhilarating

until i ran into the tree

it only took 5 stitches to close the gash in my forehead

the next time, I made sure there weren't any trees around

that's called learning

You are so smart! :)

I've broken my left arm twice, both times while on a trampoline. The second time, I snapped both the radius and ulna and had to have plates and screws put in my arm. This was years ago, but I still have two ugly looking scars on my arm. I pretty much forget they are there until someone says, "What happened to your arm?" They always look freaked out, so I spin some gruesome tale so they'll shut the eff up.


Like clicking your finger - thumb against the third finger...

I can do that with my feet - big toe & second toe, and it makes a louder noise against the floor. Girls don't like it much in bed


Well-known member
brothers are great

by brother threw an unopened can of Orange Crush at me

bounced off my head

that took a few stitches, too
Once, when we were really young, I pissed my sister off. I don't remember what I did, but she put on a softball helmet, grabbed two mini pool cues, and came at me all Xena-like.


Well-known member
oh yeah, pool tables are no place for sibling rivalry

it's a good thing the cheap cues weren't made of hardwood

or i would have had even more stitches in my head

(let's not talk about the dart board)
^^^ those are nothing, I sprayed 409 in my brothers eyes when I was little b/c he was attacking me.
I also went after him with a stool after he choked me.

sibling rivalry at its finest
No, but my brother ended up having to go to a mental hospital for a week or two...b/c he was always beating me up.

I think i just dampered the mood a lil bit.....

so i'll post a new secret.....if i have a dry booger, i pick and flick....

gross and unattractive but i do it anyway, b/c i'm to laxy to go get a tissue and sometimes they are stuck and don't blow out


Well-known member
^some boogers need help getting clear

nothing wrong with that

as long as it's done it private