Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
I love tea
I can't help staring at people when in town
I have posters on my wall of my favourite people (johnny depp, jim carrey, michael j fox also muse and keane..."
Listens to french music where i cannot understand a word! :D


Well-known member
I know this is a lie. Lemurs don't like suits. They talk about it all the time..
It's obvious you just hired a human actor for your cover.

You are TOO smart you smarty puma. It's not a suit BUT... not an actor either. It IS me. So how do I do it? I guess, still remains a secret. Like Bushes baked beans.


Well-known member
wow! really? you just can't suck your cheeks in? can you almost do it or not at all?

if it makes you feel any better, i can barely whistle. i can make a sound, but i can't change pitch or anything like everyone else i know. and i've practiced lol

lol yeah, i can suck my cheeks in a little, but not so much that it looks right like the fish face other people can make, lol.. so i guess i can almost do it, but i don't get very close, haha!

and i can't really whistle either.. i used to be able to when i was a kid, then i got braces, maybe that threw me off.. i got my braces off a loooong time ago but i still can't do it, i also had my tongue pierced which threw me off even more, lol.. i can make noise, but it sounds like sh!t, ha


Can it be more than one? :D

I went to a boarding school.

I have green eyes.

I LOVE asparagus.


Well-known member
I have Hazel eyes. (the best eyes because they can be both brown AND green).

I can hop four feet in the air...

I can mentally stop sneezes and hiccups right away.

I worked at a toy store for almost 3 years. And touched my coworker's rack in the backroom. (It wasnt THAT kind of toy store, we all had racks with our names to put our stuff on =) It was a Learning Express infant-12 year old toy store... )

Oh and I also touched her boobies. The end for now. =/ (My endorphin rush is gonna get me banned lol)


Well-known member
I study people, often at lunchtimes at work people read or use the pc so i just get my headphones out and drift off. I then get detached from the room and end up picking up on peoples behaviours, just random useless stuff like the way they eat, what routines they take. Quite invasive really but if i ever need to parody them or try and create a caricature i'm pretty set lol.


Well-known member
I dont like cats that much, I think they are evil. they do look cute though

When God Made Cats

When God made the world, He chose to put animals in it, and decided to give each whatever it wanted. All the animals formed a long line before His throne, and the cat quietly went to the end of the line. To the elephant and the bear He gave strength, to the rabbit and the deer, swiftness; to the owl, the ability to see at night, to the birds and the butterflies, great beauty; to the fox, cunning; to the monkey, intelligence; to the dog, loyalty; to the lion, courage; to the otter, playfulness. And all these were things the animals begged of God. At last he came to the end of the line, and there sat the little cat, waiting patiently. "What will YOU have?" God asked the cat.

The cat shrugged modestly. "Oh, whatever scraps you have left over. I don't mind."

"But I'm God. I have everything left over."

"Then I'll have a little of everything, please."

And God gave a great shout of laughter at the cleverness of this small animal, and gave the cat everything she asked for, adding grace and elegance and, only for her, a gentle purr that would always attract humans and assure her a warm and comfortable home.

But he took away her false modesty.

- Lenore Fleischer

Lol, me too. But be careful with it here, though. There might be people that wont get that it's scened-drama for comic effect, and take it a bit too serious. ;)
-sometimes I just skip over long posts, why? for obvious reasons

Oh, yes, me too. Though, I don't mind when they use good/decent spelling/grammar. Then I can run it through NaturalReader and read with it as it's being read to me.

What annoys me more is when people don't use paragraphs.. I just can't read a wall of text without internally freaking out.
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I hate it when people stand in my blind spot. In front of me, next to me, and even 3/4th to the back of me is relatively fine, because I can still see/spot them with the corners of my eyes and hear the sounds they make, but when they stand (close) behind me I get this strong urge to forcefully get them out of that spot.

I never do, of course. But the urge is there..


Active member
I still LOVE spongebob.
I'm so scared i will get fat.
I can't wait for the last Harry Potter movie to come out.
And i always paint my nails, i feel so naked without it!


Well-known member
i think beauty is a primal asset more fundamentally important than money, power, craftsmanship, talent, etc

i wish songs were people, and that i could put my arms around them

if there was 1 week left to live/end of the world and no next life/afterlife, i would probably be a hardcore chain smoker, druggie, (insert vice here) and party hard

'whatever it takes' is a motto that got me to succeed in the little things that i have. the line between 'what u can change' and 'what u cant change' is light grey and dotted.