Opposite Sex


Well-known member
I prefer talking to women personally, I have no idea why but I can't seem to be interested in having a long convo with a guy except my very few guy friends. There is always a few exception but usually i feel way more comfortable with girls


Well-known member
sometimes guys, since i l know im the friend and they are on mine. also i know that aroound guys i wont be talking about how "cute" so and so is. plus since i am one i know girls can be more judgemental than guys, plus i like being a gross, burpy, x box playing, 20 yr old sometimes, so it works out
Depends on the person, some girls can be real bichy, and some guys can be jerks. So if the person is just laid back and open-minded and not mean!! and a caring person. I'm happy to hang around with! :)

I used to have more male friends though, I don't know why, I just like to hang out with guys as just friends.^^ I also have some female friends. All, good people:)

More comfortable.. Well, if a person is respectful and not acting mean and is open-minded and a true friend, I feel comfortable what-so-ever gender it is. I mean, people are people right? ::p: Everyone has a different list of interests,so
if there are common stuff, It makes it easier to make a small talk:)
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Well-known member
im most comfortable with guys. other girls make me uncomfortable. i think i just have more in common with guys. i feel..threatened by girls i guess.


I'd say it depends on the person as well o.o but girls scare me more, I think maybe because I feel they're judging me which makes me crawl into my shell.


Active member
when men get together, some sort of competition usually arises

It really depends on the situation and the topic

Exactly. I'm not gonna talk about my feelings or anything else that makes me feel vulnerable or weak with other guys. Most women are pretty easy to open up to about these things though. Of course, between two straight guys or women, you don't ever have to worry about anyone developing feelings for the other. ::p:


Well-known member
Opposite sex, girls are intimidating. So competitive, and gossipy.
( I know not all of them are like that, but a lot are)

Unless they guy is extremely attractive/charming/nice/funny/ and has really nice teeth. Then I avoid them like the plague. : (


I dislike being around both sexes but for different reasons. With guys it's always a competition and I always feel tension between us no matter how friendly you are towards each other.

With being around girls I always feel like I'm being put in the spotlight and they constantly have high expectations of me to take charge and make them laugh/make interesting conversation etc.

If I had to choose I would definitely say I'm more uncomfortable around girls especially the attractive ones.


Well-known member
I don't know why but this is how the following rank for me

attractive girls are the hardest to talk to
girls I don't find unattractive are a little bit easier
girls I do find unattractive and all guys are easiest to talk to

and worst of all is talking to decent or good looking girls when there's other guys around

Wouldn't a girl you don't find unattractive be an attractive girl, or not necessarily? ::p:

Anywho, I agree with you. Attractive girls, 99 times out of 100, have the WORST personalities and think they're above everyone else (guys AND girls). Quite frankly, I wouldn't even want to begin talking to one like this because it would go nowhere and I'd be made to feel bad and/or inferior for no reason at all. I'd rather talk to an average looking girl with a great personality who's fun, and down to earth any day...but if she was the latter too that would be ok ;)


Well-known member
Generally, I feel more anxious when talking to guys, especially if they look attractive or self-confident, and not to mention if I like them.

With girls I can be quite more natural, even though if it is an attractive, superficial and not very smart girl I fear that she might criticize me or make fun of me later. Anyway, it's much worse with guys.


Well-known member
Wouldn't a girl you don't find unattractive be an attractive girl, or not necessarily? ::p:

Anywho, I agree with you. Attractive girls, 99 times out of 100, have the WORST personalities and think they're above everyone else (guys AND girls). Quite frankly, I wouldn't even want to begin talking to one like this because it would go nowhere and I'd be made to feel bad and/or inferior for no reason at all. I'd rather talk to an average looking girl with a great personality who's fun, and down to earth any day...but if she was the latter too that would be ok ;)

I think that stereotype is wrong. Most pretty girls tend to be caring, forgiving and understanding, in my honest opinion.


Well-known member
i find it more difficult to start a conversation with someone, and I never do even with most people Im comfortable with, but, if someone talks to me, regardless of gender or appearance, Im ok with talking to them


Well-known member
for me, i have a WAY easier time talking to women.

Men 90% of the time trigger my anxiety.

The reasoning, and this is mildly silly and maybe a little typical-guy of me, is while talking, im also focusing on how pretty she is. And for some reason that really helpes to alleviate my anxiety.



Well-known member
The people I have the hardest time speaking to are people who notice my anxiety and respond negatively to it. Their response could be suprise, anger, suspicion, spite, ridicule, and this feeds my anxiety.


Well-known member
for me, i have a WAY easier time talking to women.

Men 90% of the time trigger my anxiety.

The reasoning, and this is mildly silly and maybe a little typical-guy of me, is while talking, im also focusing on how pretty she is. And for some reason that really helpes to alleviate my anxiety.


Yeah but, aren't you with someone? You have a wife. Would it be the same if you were single again? Would you still be more comfortable with girls I mean?


Well-known member
I was when i was single. I was always waaaay more comfortable talking to women than other men.

Dont know if that would still be the same today though.


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I feel more comfortable talking to the opposite sex (females), probably because I had a much better relationship with my mother than my father.


Well-known member
Unfortunately I have an easier time talking to the same sex (guys).

If you have social anxiety, you're straight, and have an easier time talking to the opposite sex I envy you greatly. :)