I want to know ten things about you.


New member
2. I love learning new things
7. Im single
8. I have lost faith in the opposite sex

Lost faith in the opposite sex?

Hmmm... They "P" me off and embarrass me too - and I am a man myself. Hence: I don't have many male friends.

Many men don't want to grow up - and get they away with it. Too bad maturing is not mandatory.

Don't give up, though. There are some neat guys out there.

Learn new things about yourself, like how to visualize your ideal man. The results may surprise you!

In the mean time: enjoy your single life.

That's all I have to say for now.

Be well.


Well-known member
1. I hate spiders, bridges, and heights.
2. I love animals
3. I've lost faith in the human race
4. I want to move to Europe, America doesn't suit my taste.
5. I have no faith or religion, but would love to know the answers to our creation and role.
6. I smoke too much weed I think.
7. I am obsessed with my computer.
8. I would love to live for a few thousand years.
9. I've been single for far too many years.
10. I try to stay optimistic, even though I am more pessimistic. Maybe I'm just hella confused.
11. I am in love with history in general.
12. I want to be rich, not because of greed but because a little money can change a persons life, and there are far too few people who realize this and genuinely want to improve the lives of others.
13. I am a smart and educated young man who has absolutely no motivation.
14. I believe there is life on other planets, you cannot fathom how large space is, so it's pretty illogical to claim there is nothing out there.
15. I believe humanity will destroy itself/set us back thousands of years. We don't like to look at the big picture and just live our lives without thinking of sustainability.
16. I love to collect coins/paper money.
17. I love to play video games.
18. I eat unhealthy.

That was interesting. Went to 18 cause I was bored.


Well-known member
1) I'm hugely interested by all aspects of psychology and also philosophy. Particularly when it comes to psychatric stuff and criminal psychology.
2) My favourite sport by far is the sport of mixed martial arts.
3) I'm very much into fitness, I love working out.
4) I find water very therapeutic, I love the shower. I just tend to really be able to relax in there.
5) I visualise a lot, mainly about the future, scenarios I could get put into, etc. Most of the time they're good, too, not negative.
6) I have a lot of faith in myself. I know that I'm going to beat these problems one day, and I'm on the road to doing so now.
7) I very much enjoy speaking to people, new people included.
8) I don't think I like change that much,.
9) I enjoy my own company - I don't suffer from SA.
10) I'm 19.


Well-known member
Ok here it goes...

10 Things about me:

1. I love nature and being outside in general
2. Skateboarding is a favorite of mine :)
3. Enjoy politics way more than anyone should
4. Always try to do whats right, even when its not easy.
5. Very sensitive, more so than average males.
6. I do not enjoy my current job
7. Agoraphobia is kicking my ass
8. Very addictive personality
9. Play video games more than I probably should
10. My hair is a mess!


Active member
1.I am in love with drawing and art(but probably suck).
2.I fancy white rabbits with red eyes(hell, i even have one).
3.If i knew i was going to die in a week i would eat nothing but steak and chocolate (not at the exact same time though).
4.Im currently working on memorizing the name and visual appearance of every muscle,bone,and anatomical feature in the human body.
5.I LOVE scary movies,video games and books.
6.I watch bizarre foods with andrew zimmern like clockwork,every monday.
7.The manga Berserk is freaking awesome.
8.I have four siblings, all of which are shy like me.
9.Its shameful,but if i like something and they have an action figure of it...i have to buy it...im so pathetic.
10.If i get a complement from someone i immediately have to disagree and put myself down, my inner critic is a mind raper.
1) Big football fan, both playing and watching
2) I love lifting and keep getting bigger and bigger
3) I consider time at home a waste
4) I'm more then a little bit stuck up and cocky, but
5) Am also extremely friendly, and love meeting new people
6) Never had a girl friend, and see almost every girl that gets passed my first glance as a possibility
7) I'm a decent talker, I often have good points to say, the delivery just isn't that good sometimes
8) I love my life and myself, for all my flaws
9) I like to color coordinate, and got decent cloth and shoe game
10) I have alternating moods, but usually maintain some kinda of even kell in public.


Well-known member
1. I can't live without music.
2. I'm obsessed with Rammstein.
3. I love speaking German but I'm not fluent.
4. I've never had a real boyfriend.
5. I still like animated movies/shows.
6. I can't go anywhere by myself.
7. I'm addicted to chocolate.
8. I play World of Warcraft every day.
9. I like crossword puzzles.
10. I can solve almost any computer-related problem, but I cannot explain how I did it.


Well-known member
1.) I enjoy nature 2.) i'm very sensitive 3.) I don't like to see others in mental distress 4.) I was in a garage rock band in High School 5.) I love music 6.) I like to express myself 7.) I'm a gamer 8.) i'm quite smart 9.) I think for myself regardless of what people think of me 10.) uh, that's all I got :p.


Well-known member
1) I'm indian.
2) I always like to help people...its like an obsession.
3) I get decent grades at school
4) Love to play/watch soccer
5) Am pretty adventurous, hate to sit around and do nothing. (not that i dont)
6) Wish i could travel around the world and see all there is to see.
7) Can be insanely good at video games (like cod)
8) Love animals
9) Unfortunately, am pretty judgemental
10) Loves to learn new things.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
1/ I'm half Cook Islander and half English-Australian - My dad is white, my mum is black..somehow I came out looking Asian.
2/Born In American Samoa. I think it's meant to be like 1 of 2 places you can be born in the world where you can be a National but not a Citizen, so yeah, I'm a US national, an Australian permanent resident, and citizen of nowhere - I feel so special.
3/I think I would be super happy if I never had to leave the house. My home is my haven, and it is where I feel safest.
4/I admire people who are not afraid to be themselves at all times. I hope that in time I can break free of my inhibitions and be like that.
5/ I would love to have another child, a boy would be a great, he shall be named Dexter or Leland. Hubby isn't entirely happy with either of those names though - haha:p
6/ I've sprained or twisted my ankles about 5-7 times each. Never broken a bone though!
7/I enjoy all kinds of music, rap, dance, hip hop, metal, rock, pop, old rock, some classical.
8/I have like an obsession with movies and tv shows and buy way too many! I'm drawn to the dvd section in a store as opposed to the make-up or clothing section.
9/ I don't think I'm particularly good at anything, or possess any talent, though I'm capable of being 'ok' to 'good' at most things. Jack of all trades, master of none, as they say.
10/ I'd really love to learn another language one day. German, Spanish, or French. + I would love to see other parts of the world, there is so much to be learned. I'd love to see how other people live their lives.
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  1. I think the best time to eat chocolate is first thing in the morning
  2. I don't drink coffee 'cause it makes me feel blech and it makes my breath stink
  3. The beach is my favourite place
  4. I prefer farmers markets to supermarkets
  5. I really want a pomegranate 'cause it's been aeons since I had one and I've forgotten what they taste like
  6. I don't like loud music in shops
  7. I think Ben Cousins is a god
  8. Midnight Oil has been my favourite band since I was about 4
  9. I love being at sporting events where there are lots of noisy spectators
  10. Transvestites make me smile involuntarily

secretly awesome

Well-known member
1) i hate the sounds people make when they eat. 2) i have had my car stolen by someone i gave the keys to. 3) i'm touchy-feely 4) i can dish it out, but i'm working on taking it in. 5) i once spent a day watching lifetime movie channel 5) i have the beard of a 13 year old. 6) wierd people think i'm strange. 7) much of the chinese zodiac aptly describes myself and my immediate family, and fortune cookies have blown my mind. 8) i live a sordid little life. 9) i can "fart" with my hands and my eye-sockets. 10) i have no compuction about not leaving a tip.


Well-known member
1. Once got an empty fortune cookie.
2. Found God in a psych ward. Apparently He is a handicapped black woman.
3. Wore a dress to school on Dress Up Day in 12th grade.
4. Great as mimicking others on the guitar, but can't write my own stuff.
5. Love chocolate, beef stew, and Wawa egg nog.
6. I've named two of my three electric guitars.
7. I'd love to learn to play my violin, but lack the drive to improve.
8. Born on an astrological cusp, and I seem to love times of change (dawn, dusk, spring, autumn).
9. Would love to practice archery in the back yard, but I don't need a visit from the cops.
10. Can't wait to see Blind Guardian live again when their album comes out later this year.


Well-known member
1) I'm in college & majoring in history
2) I'm very emotional, yet very aloof
3) I obsessively watch dvd's of television series
4) I hate the sun & hot weather
5) I love fairies & thoroughly believe in them
6) I'm far too sensitive & get my feelings hurt very easily
7) I have a bad temper
8) I'm smart but sometimes I feel stupid because I have a hard time understanding things
9) I love google & YouTube
10) I love being an Aquarius & I think it's the best star sign of all


Well-known member
1. I am a fan of underground music in the uk
2. I procrastinate a lot and leave all my work till the last minute
3. I get very stressed at times
4. I am slowly becoming more of a recluse :(
5. I am 1/4 chinese
6. I hate chucking out old stuff of mine
7. I am very nostalgic and think out memories and the past a lot
8. I am into graffiti and like to draw a lot
9. I am terrible at academic subjects
10. I am very oversensitive and I also seem to care about other people's feelings more than most people at my school...


Active member
1. i like anything odd/weird/unusual, food,music,movies..etc..
2. i find Asian culture fascinating
3. i hate perfection
4. Queen of procrastination
5. im determined and semi-aggressive
6. Nostalgic
7. very random personality,sometimes i feel like i have 2 souls fighting over 1 body
8. artistic/poetic
9. old romantic
10. religious


1.My biggest dream is to get normal but it seems impossible:/
2.I love sport im training every week but it doesnt give me more self esteem:/
3.Im a very nice guy but the people(parents,friends) think im ok but im depressed because i know that S.A.D is destrying my live and i can do nothing:/
4.Its not easy for me to talk about myself because there i nothing i like in me.


Well-known member
1) I love to read, except I don't do it much nowadays due to lack of time, or perhaps I'm losing interest, I'm not sure.

2) I haven't swarm in a long time.

3) I can't cycle/ride a bicycle.

4) I love to eat, but am trying to break out of this bad cycle now.

5) I watch quite a fair bit of tv, basically prime time tv, rarely movies.

6) I haven't been to a movie in the cinema in a long time. The last time I went was perhaps 10mths back, can't remember now, but before that, I think I didn't went to a cinema for more than a year or two I think.

7) I like shopping.

8) I love makeup, it helps me through the day when I'm out about about.

9) I've lived in the same house my whole life.

10) I've been having headaches of late, such as like now as I'm typing.


Active member
1. I'm somewhere between vegetarian and vegan.
2. I love this thread.
3. I've never been diagnosed with anything (never been to a psychiatrist), but seem to have social anxiety, along with some OCD, ODD, and paranoia.
4. I wish I was a better person.
5. I dumpster-dive for food, then donate the money I save.
6. I study anthropology/sociology.
7. I use music, sugar, and friends as "coping devices".
8. I have nightmares almost every night, and am an insomniac.
9. I simultaniously wish I could stop feeling/being hurt so easily/much, and love life, and get happiness just from riding my bicycle through the park to Uni, seeing the dog walkers, and soccer players, and children, and other cyclists.
10. This evening, I almost fainted from anxiety when I was at Uni. I was scared I was going to get trapped inside the elevator.

This reminds me of a social psychology exersize, where you think of ten things about yourself, and see how many relate to individual things, and how many are group, or something? I can't remember if that's how it works...