1.) My dad would beat the crap out of me as a child; it still hurts
2.) If I were to do it all over again, I'd skip my depressed teen years
3.) I used to burn myself with cigarettes and hot needles in my teens, but only last night I realized that I was self-mutilating; I began to cry
4.) I meditate every day and practice martial arts for personal development
5.) It was love at first sight with beekeeping when I was 17, started to raise my own at 18
6.) Since childhood, women would confide things in me they shouldn't have
7.) Often, I am too damn serious, but I'm learning to laugh at myself
8.) Stopped crying at 17. Unable till about 2 yrs. ago at 49
9.) Don't like extremes of any kind, but am accepting of a lot now. A lot!
10.) I am glad for what all of you shared: teaches me plenty!
11.) Don't like scary movies at all: they haunt me for months
12.) Am still somewhat shy, but have come a very long way
13.) Went to #13 because it's my lucky number.
2.) If I were to do it all over again, I'd skip my depressed teen years
3.) I used to burn myself with cigarettes and hot needles in my teens, but only last night I realized that I was self-mutilating; I began to cry
4.) I meditate every day and practice martial arts for personal development
5.) It was love at first sight with beekeeping when I was 17, started to raise my own at 18
6.) Since childhood, women would confide things in me they shouldn't have
7.) Often, I am too damn serious, but I'm learning to laugh at myself
8.) Stopped crying at 17. Unable till about 2 yrs. ago at 49
9.) Don't like extremes of any kind, but am accepting of a lot now. A lot!
10.) I am glad for what all of you shared: teaches me plenty!
11.) Don't like scary movies at all: they haunt me for months
12.) Am still somewhat shy, but have come a very long way
13.) Went to #13 because it's my lucky number.