I want to know ten things about you.


Well-known member
why thanks for asking x]

1. Way high expectations (aka perfectionist or don't do it at all)
2. In love with hiking, camping, calm and sunny mothernature.
3. Trying to eat 100% raw except one meal a week.
4. When in shape, I become an exercise fanatic.
5. Currently very out of shape
6. Misanthropic. Modern Man= Parasite.
7. Self-sacrificingly determined
8. Worships Gandhi and Henry David Thoreau
9. Lesbian
10. Divided into the person I want to be, and the person that stops me from becoming her. Currently the second is winning


Well-known member
Ten things:
1.Quiet- I am more of a listener.
2.Music lover - When people listen to my iPod. They always have the same reaction. "Where did you get this????"... That's how geeky I am to music.
3.Bookworm- I hate academic books. But I do love novels and short stories. Back in highschool, during our sports fest., I used to stay in the library the whole day instead of watching them play.
4.Stupid- Because I'm absentminded, forgetful, careless, have no sense of direction, disorganized, slow etc. I'm not putting down myself. Just stating a fact.
5.A frustrated photographer- I really love taking pictures. I prefer colorful, meaningful or funny themes. I don't have an SLR, but for a compact cam, many people admired my shots. :)
6. Cat lover- I go all mushy and silly and babyish when I see cats, especially kittens. Just thinking of cats makes me blurt Nyaaa Nyaaa! :p
7.Immature- I don't really feel like my age. I think I'm still a teenager by heart. I'm 23 but acts like 16 or something.
8.Nervous- I think my nervous system is hyperactive. I get shaky hands easily even if the situation is not that scary. It tends to happen when I'm too concentrated on things and I'm scared to fail. Even just playing a game like "snakes" can give me shaking and sweaty hands,when I'm determined not to lose. Just drinking one cup of coffee can make me palpitate already.
9.Techie- I'm knowledgeable on the latest softwares or programs, I know how to fix and manipulate my own PC, I research about gadgets or stuffs, I lurk different forums etc.
10.Emotional- I'm emotional only on the inside. (Obviously, just from the way I vent here). But most people see me with a "blank or expressionless face". Even my bf complains about it. He says that he sometimes go crazy determining what I'm thinking. LOL!


Active member
1) I hate initiating conversations.
2) But I love continuing them once you initiate one. :)
3) I'm super shy, but I don't appear like it because I try not to; sometimes, I would come off as snobby or really distant and aloof.
4) I love animals :D Especially kittens and puppies~ those adorable eyes!
5) I love music. Can't live without it.
6) I'd like to have many close friends that I can call at any time and depend on 100%. Not many of those in my life :/
7) I love to sing, and I'm learning how to compose (going to professionally record a song in about two weeks :p).
8) I'd like to have kids sometime in the future (I'm still in school) preferably two so they have another family member to depend on.
9) Love Asian dramas.
10) Love Asian everything.


Well-known member
1. My best accomplishment was finding my fiancé.
2. I loves, action adventure, sci fi, fantasy type shows
3. Is sensitive, I am caring, but have trouble initiating that unless people have shown care towards me.
4. Isn’t good at anything, but is determined to become good at something, I think it’s great if you can be passionate about something.
5. I, play video games and I have similar taste in games as I do shows/movies
6. if you go by the stereotypes, I am a mixture of a tomboy and girly girl.
7. I love cats and dogs equally; I like most animals and semi admire certain animals in the kingdom that could seriously harm us from a distance.
8. I am naturally a creative person
I am not an educated person but I am still a deep thinker (probably because of SP)
9. I spend a lot of time on the computer and am hoping to get into graphic design.
10 I love my food.
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Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
1-The only animal I’m afraid of is the butterfly, specially darker ones, and moths…and yes, I know it’s odd.
You mean like this?


Well-known member
HA, Well, i’ve seen worse than that actually, but that would be enough to make me run away ::p:. I don't know what it is, I just find them disgusting...

That was a bit cruel to post that pic ::p: but it reminds me of my partner he hates lady bugs.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Why yes, I am a horrible person. :D

You have no idea how hard it is to get one of those things to stand still for a picture. ::p:

I was sitting on a bench outside once, at night. I didn't have the front light on, so it was pretty dark. I was under a tree with giant, night-blooming moonflowers on it and I heard what sounded at first like a hummingbird. I reached out for it and it turned out to be a gigantic moth, come to light on the flowers apparently for their nectar. I was startled, but then I laughed.
1. I'm a science nerd, love it, I actually prefer to watch Nova documentaries than to go outside, EXTREMELY LAME but I enjoy it
2. Love Art (doesn't matter if it's painting, sculpture, poetry, music or film...)
3. I love stevie wonder
4. I haven't ate red meat since 2007 and I barely eat any other type of meat, chicken once every blue moon, maybe oneday I'll go full vegan
5. overally sensitive but no one knows because I hide it well
6. Extremely empathic, there's probably not a single person on earth where I could not put myself in their shoes.
7. I hate the summer, yet love the winter because it gives people an excuse to stay indoors
8. I have no sense of direction, I could literally walk 5 blocks and get lost, which is why I don't drive.
9. I label myself an agnostic but I'm probably leaning more towards an atheist who is just afraid to call himself an atheist because of the stigma that comes with the word. I have to think this one through a bit more.
10. I voted for Obama
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What I hate about you

Umm let me see if I can even do this...

1. I hate math
2. I like muffins
3. I like needles, what the hell?
4. I'm really bad at coming up with 10 things about me
5. My left eye hurts right now
6. I usually only drink Diet Soda
7. This is really hard *I'm stupid for wearing my contacts backwards all day
8. I like bright colors
9. I absolutely have to have every light turned off at all times
10. I love Mushrooms
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Well-known member
Oh let me see...

1. I do math equation to distress from other study
2. The only reason I go out to night clubs is because I love to dance (I don't drink or like talking with guys I don't know)
3. I don't like cheese or tomatoes but I love pizza
4. I dislike all incests - spiders, flies, butterflies any kind of bug...EEeek!!
5. Rom Com films make me very depressed
6. I love to take walks and take photos - sometimes hard when I think people are looking at me.
7. I like to think that I am a nice person, I always have best interests at heart sometimes to afraid to act on them though.
8. I am a completely different person when in the presence of someone I am comfortable with.
9. I like poetry
10 . Hot a fan of neon pink!
1. I'm minimalist
2. I've broken 5 different bones in my body
3. I love cold compared to hot weather any day
4. I'm a middle child
5. I always read a book 50 pages per reading, the pg I leave off on must be even
6. I always start my day on a odd number on the clock
7. I go jogging at 10-11 pm at night because there are less gas emissions for me to inhale than during the day on my usual route
8. My name has been changed to a whiter name since my parents thought I would have a higher chance of getting a job in this world, especially in this country, this happened when I was 17 and I couldn't do anything about it.
9. I would rather wear a suit than casual clothing, it makes me feel professional and good
10. I feel asleep in my backyard on the porch once last summer, I had a terrible tan.
1. People usually think I'm Irish, probably from the freckles and the name. As far as I know, I'm not.
2. I bite my fingernails/cuticles. Sometimes they get gross, sometimes I let them grow.
3. I've failed or dropped out of 3 public speaking classes.
4. The start-up disk on my computer is full and I need to delete some things because it's getting pretty dysfunctional... I can't even open iTunes right now.
5. I swear too much.
6. I smoke Kamel Reds. (Okay, sometimes I chainsmoke Kamel Reds...)
7. I read fashion blogs, but you probably wouldn't guess it.
8. My largest abiding celebrity crush is Jeph Howard (the bassist from The Used.) I don't really listen to them anymore, but that whole skinny/dirty/sexy thing still works for me.
9. I've never broken a bone or sprained anything... The worst injury I ever had was probably an infected splinter in my foot in grade school... Waiting for the other shoe, right?
10. I don't leave my house without makeup on anymore.


Well-known member
2. I bite my fingernails/cuticles. Sometimes they get gross, sometimes I let them grow.

Wear gloves when you're at home!!! You'll forget you're wearing some and you'll bite into them. Miam =) Eventually you'll lose the habit. I did it with socks 'cause I'm kool like a penguin, I don't need fingers.


1. Im random all the time
2. I love learning new things
3. Im nosey
4. I love veg
5. I love Music & TV
6. Most of the time i live in a world of my own
7. Im single
8. I have lost faith in the opposite sex
9. I hate spiders
10. I love contact lenses and faketan.
Wear gloves when you're at home!!! You'll forget you're wearing some and you'll bite into them. Miam =) Eventually you'll lose the habit. I did it with socks 'cause I'm kool like a penguin, I don't need fingers.

Yeah, I paint my nails pretty often to keep from biting them. lol'd @ socks... I need fingers! If I'm home I'm usually on the computer or reading or doing something else where fingers are pretty handy (oh, pun, wow), plus with HH wearing fabric on already sweaty hands isn't the most appealing idea ever. :) Thanks, though.