I want to know ten things about you.


Well-known member
1 I love dragons
2 i love animals
3 my favorites book(s) are Anne MCcafferys
4 i hate doing dishes
5 i love shrimp
6 my book case is actually bending in the middle cause of all the books i have
7 i have 8 dogs and 3 cats
8 i am having trouble thinkin of more things to write:D
9 my favorite band is Train
10 I have a butterfly mobile over my completly purple bedroom.

Boy, that was random huh?


Well-known member
1. Leeches terrify me. Not those little black things. I mean the big fat green ones with orange bellies.

2. I collect bones.

3. My camera is always with me, often in lieu of a purse.

4. I'm a dog person. But my tabby cat is always a few feet away and I can count on two hands the number of nights I spent in the past five years without her curled up next to me.

5. A knee injury pulled me from dance and riding which broke my heart.

6. I buy vinyl though I don't own a turntable.

7. I've been writing in an online journal every day since 2002 (because the physical ones get found...and read).

8. I coached a badminton team in my final year of high school.

9. My strongest subjects in high school were English and Creative Writing but I'm majoring in biological sciences.

10. Watching random dance-offs at school, in the streets, or even at the airport when a flight is delayed and we're all exhausted makes me really happy.


Well-known member
1. I'm a dreamer and I have a very vivid imagination
2. I love martial arts. Used to take Kung Fu and Tai Chi Lessons.
3. My favorite book is Jonathan Livingston Seagull
4. I really like watching animes. As of late I've been watching Bleach, but there hasn't been any new episodes. I wanted to know so bad what happened next that I looked for the manga comics online. I found them, they're up to Ep 408 ::p:
5. I'm a very sensitive caring person, which can be bad at times. Some people don't want my help. I'm learning to ask before I do anything.
6. When I manage to sleep I have really cool dreams. In my dreams I have super powers like telekinesis, breathe underwater and flying.
7. I love Teriyaki Chicken and Sweet and Sour Pork.
8. I like all kinds of movies. The Lord of the Rings movies are probably my favorite. I read the books too.
9. I'm good with simple technical stuff. My family is always calling me to fix their TV or computer.
10. My favorite TV shows right now are Lie to Me, So You Think You Can Dance, Hell's Kitchen and Cake Boss.


Well-known member
1.I used to be obsessed with researching Illuminati and NWO-related stuff, but it's starting to freak me out so I'll have to stop.
2.I love all music that's extremely happy and loud.
3.My favorite authors are Dean Koontz and Stephen King.
4.I love the city.
5.I'm slow at everything.
6.I like drawing.
7.I play the violin.
8.I'm Christian.
9.I'm trying to learn to animate, but it's not going too well.
10.I have no life.


Well-known member
1) I'm married and have two kids. A daughter 6 years old and a son 4 years old. I met my wife about 22 years ago, started dating 14 years ago and married 9 years ago.

2) I love music and listen to it constantly. I have my iTunes (about 30 GB worth) playing all day while I work on the computer. I love stuff across many genres and am always open to new music as long as it's something original.

3) I have tried to learn guitar, bass, double bass, clarinet, tenor sax, piano and cornet and sucked at every one of them. I was usually too embarrassed to inflict my practice on house mates.

4) I used to draw but don't much anymore. I think I'm ok but I don't have much time for it. I have kind of a cartoony style.

5) In my spare time these days I generally veg in front of the TV. My favourite series at the moment is probably Dexter then maybe True Blood, just waiting here in Aus for the latest series of both.

6) I probably feel most relaxed when I'm walking through some rainforest and chilling with nature.

7) I love animals and I am vegetarian (lacto-ovo).

8) I'm not a bad cook. I usually cook by nose. I have a good supply of spices and often just make up recipes based on some vague idea of a flavour in the back of my head. Trouble is if I make something nice I can't remember what I did so they are often one-offs.

9) I dress for comfort rather than style. I pretty much live in t-shirts, jeans and fleecy tops. I can't stand any sort of irritation against my skin and that's why I always cut the lables off the inside of my clothes.

10) I'd probably be a good writer if I had anything to say. My most elaborate ideas generally come out kind of sci-fi which is not surprising because the only reading I do is science mags. I've tried writing songs but they always sound like a big whinge and I think the world has enough negativity.

That's about it really...
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Great thread... very interesting....I am going to give 5 good, and 5 which I consider to be bad...


1. I am understanding and tolerant, especially to those who are less successful than most.
2. I use manners and consider peoples feelings
3. I am a MEAN guitarist
4. I have a good observational sense of humour
5. I have a degree in computer science, although I am thinking of quitting and studying sociology/anthropology.

1. I have a strict code of conduct which I deem necessary for society to function correctly
2. in relationships, romantic/friendships I get jealous because of other people in their life. I have to be number one to them...always.
3. I am often bitter towards people and society
4. I cant get my life together
5. If i feel hurt, or have perceived some kind of unfairness toward me, I get resentful


not actually Fiona Apple
1) I'm a philosophy major
2) I throw the Discus
3) I'm a little bit of a Fiona Apple fan
4) I have zero self-esteem
5) Very active imagination, a dreamer in all respects
6) Never been kissed
7) Can Juggle
8) Drinks a lot of milk
9) Hates shaving almost as much as facial hair
10) Tired of life.


1 I love b-movies
2 My favourite band is American Football
3 I hate olives
4 I collect Zeldagames
5 I got this bad habit to bite inside my cheeks
6 I'm scared of dolls
7 My day always starts with playing videogames
8 I'm bisexuall
9 I like to write
10 When I'm sad I always try to think about the children in Africa
1) -- I'm a
ed up lil' chap. :B

2) -- I collect collections. And odd collections at that, like knowledge on certain categories (for example).

3) -- I am incredibly paranoid.

4) -- I am relatively naive about hard projects that I can('t) achieve. I try the seemingly impossible.

5) -- I destroy digital things when I try to fix them.

6) -- Sadly, my English is better then my Dutch. ¦C

7) -- I'm bisexual. I love everybody. :V

8) -- I think Godzilla is adorable.

9) -- I get too involved with characters from TV shows. When a show ends, I usually mourn a little over it.

10) -- Deep inside, I'm an incredibly angry person.
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Well-known member
1-love horror movies
2-can play the drums
4-qualified level 2 reiki healer
5-obsession with skulls (tats,posters,clothes,jewellery)
6-listen to music 24/7!
7-would love to be a drummer in a band if i never had SA :(
8-would love to meet more ppl with SA
9-bit of an insomniac ::(:
10-was blessed by 13 witches when i was born ::p: (so i found out a yr or so ago)


Well-known member
1. I have brown eyes 2. I workout 4 times a week. 3. I'm sensitive. 4. I like going to parks 5. I like going on walks with my friends 6. I like travelling 7. I'm romantic 8. I like quotes and poetry 9. I have an Ipod touch 10. I like junk food



not actually Fiona Apple
1. I have brown eyes 2. I workout 4 times a week. 3. I'm sensitive. 4. I like going to parks 5. I like going on walks with my friends 6. I like travelling 7. I'm romantic 8. I like quotes and poetry 9. I have an Ipod touch 10. I like junk food


1, check
2, 1/2 check
3, check
4, kinda check
5, 3/4 check
6, no
7, check
8, check
9, iPod video check
10, double check

You sound very much like me. :)


Well-known member
1. I'm the only one in my family that lives outside the box (my relationship, my behaviors, etc) and it has made me the black sheep (But secretly, I don't give a damn)

2. I would rather have no friends than deal with any drama

3. I changed my major 3 times before settling on computer science/systems support (Psych, Law, and Soc were the others)

4. I know I'm a damn good cook, but sometimes I'd rather just make a bowl of Kraft Mac n Cheese with tuna and I'm completely satisfied

5. I used to draw anime, and very well, but somewhere in late HS, I just stopped and am afraid to try again

6. On the outside, I'm a peaceful, loving person, but sometimes inside, I'm a raging inferno of fear and hate

7. I love cats so much. I even meow like one most of the time, and will purr and nuzzle my partner ^_^

8. I'd rather be backstage chillin with the band than in the mosh pit at a concert (that and I can't stand mosh pits lol)

9. I'm an uber klutz, to the max lol

10. I didn't mow a lawn, ever, until a few weeks ago


1, wish i could fly
2, insomniac
3, poet
4, want to learn to swim
5, love baking
6, really tired at this moment

soorrry i can only think of these at the moment but ill check in later when i have more


Well-known member
-drug addict
-I play acoustic guitar and keyboard, just beginning to understand music theory and comprehend song writing
-i care way too much and worry about my friends self destructive behaviors constantly. seriously im going to have a nervous breakdown.
-i love the rain, i wish it would rain everyday of the year
-im extremely morbid and sometimes sarcastic
-I listen to music from the time i wake up till the time i go to bed
-i have an eclectic sense of beauty, i find troubled and broken people absolutely beautiful, as well as beauty in the more traditional sense
-i fall in love way too easily
-im extremely sexually deviant
-i share too much information on the internet with strangers :D
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Well-known member
-I enjoyed reading this thread
-mood pattern: 3 days depressed and destructive, 3 days hopeful and constructive
-I play acoustic guitar but not well, drums but not well, and piano but not well. I give up on talents before they develop
-Misanthropic but yet I love most people
-Detail orientated
-Extremely passionate about nature
-I love post rock, southern rock, rockrock(ha), grunge and some bluegrass :D it's cheery
-I truly believe I will completely overcome social anxiety in the next 1 full year. But I don't think I will ever get rid of my AvPD because I'm almost proud of it. EEK.
-Often mistaken for being older than I am, by means of my personality
- I spend way too much time on the computer!