How to act towards men you are attracted to...


Well-known member
KiaKaha was right! There should be a thread about this; directed at everyone who is attracted to men.

So, how should you act? How do you act?
Does it work?

I was attracted to someone once. I didn't act any different than I do around anyone else.
I think that because of my general disposition and kind nature- people tend to assume I'm flirting with them, but I'm just nice to everyone.
Lucky for me, acting normal worked the one time I liked someone.
Unfortunately... it also works for every other person I meet.

I suppose that flirting is important; something as small as a smile can go a long way.
What do you say, ladies? Gentlemen?

Guys are visual. They like you to smile and laugh and be flirty. Always show interest in their hobbies and hope it's not prowrestling or monster truck rallies haha :cool:


Well-known member
When I'm attracted to someone i usually smile a lot. Eye contact is SO important too. I found I don't even have to speak a whole lot if I remember to smile and maintain eye contact.

not creepy eye contact...just steady,"i'm focused on this moment and you" type of contact.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
Eye contact and smiling are very important. These can be a challenge for most of us (with our social anxiety and all). I am a terrible flirt and can never tell when a guy likes me, and I usually give poor signals when I like someone so they can never tell either. Online it is different though, and most of my dating experience has revolved around my meeting guys online and then meeting them in real life.

I once saw a man I felt instantly attracted to while walking on the street. I knew I would never see him again so I just stared at him, something I don't usually do, my reasoning being I would never see him again so it didn't matter if he thought I was a creep. I just wanted to look at him for as long as I could. What he did next shocked me. He actually smiled at me, and asked if he could give me his phone number. We dated for a year.

That is how obvious it has to be apparently. What I thought was staring was probably regular "I am interested" eye contact which gave him the go ahead to approach me. I am in a relationship now (met him online, ha), but if I were to date again, I'll remember the eye contact and smile technique. Guys, if you notice a girl doing that, she is most likely interested in you.


Well-known member
I tended to always act indifferent to men I was attracted to.

I mean I could carry on a normal conversation ,but had no desire to flirt, because I always knew that they had no problem getting women to 'flirt' with them,so I was just the opposite..just indifferent..not flirty..not rude.

It seemed to have always worked out quite well that way and most certainly 'peeked' their interest.


Well-known member
I have a wonderful idea!
How about-- from now on; when faced with a man whom you deem as attractive, you raise your arms up and scream into his face:

Would that be enough of a hint?
...maybe too much of a hint?
Oh well... I'm no expert in any capacity.


Well-known member
^ haha, they'd be running the other way at the word 'babies'.

I was thinking more along the lines of flip your hair, bat your eyes, put on some lipgloss (In slow motion) and lick your lips. But hey, perhaps this would scare them more...
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Well-known member
I have a wonderful idea!
How about-- from now on; when faced with a man whom you deem as attractive, you raise your arms up and scream into his face:

Would that be enough of a hint?
...maybe too much of a hint?
Oh well... I'm no expert in any capacity.

Well, it would certainly save all the faffing about.


Well-known member
hoppy, gosh damn you. I now have a huge crush on Hugh Laurie when he was younger (as if I didn't have it on Dr House already!! Though he slightly scares me!!)
Will now need to google him obsessively yikes!! :)

(PS That link didn't work so I had to google it! Some other cool songs & funny bits by him & Stephen Fry online!! lol!!)

Girls, yeah, they usually run at the word 'babies' - not all of them tho!! (and some may come back??)

Completely unrelated to the thread (but for some reason I want to post it!)
Elmo's Got A Gun - YouTube
or maybe it's a symbolic representation of what happens?? :) (I mean in the chorus lol!! 'run run run' - oh there isn't a chorus yikes, just imagine it then?? I hope this isn't too violent to post huh?? I'll remove it if needed!!)

(some may also 'go for it' and then hop off and might have kids all over Europe... happened to a friend??)

Yeah, it seems that just being friendly and polite (and enthusiastic or just generally happy/appreciative - at least in the situation) can often 'do the trick'!!
I think Dottie said in another thread that people often misunderstood being friendly& polite for trying to flirt or such! (I can admit to it sometimes happening too!!)

Sometimes misunderstandings can happen, alas! On both sides, I guess... so hm...?
and yeah, people can be speechless - on both sides lol!! (sometimes mutually yikes!!)

Sorry I'm not being helpful... too distracted by Hugh Laurie Youtube videos!! gosh!! lol!!

I didn't know Hugh Laurie existed until he was Dr House??
Oh gosh maybe I need to start a Hugh Laurie appreciation thread/blog post?? :) lol!


Well-known member
I have a wonderful idea!
How about-- from now on; when faced with a man whom you deem as attractive, you raise your arms up and scream into his face:

Would that be enough of a hint?
...maybe too much of a hint?
Oh well... I'm no expert in any capacity.
No, silly. That's going to drive them away!


Well-known member
I think giving any kind of special attention to a man will do the trick. Depending on the circumstances, there are lots of way you can do this. If you meet him at work, try to cross paths with him as much as possible, and always smile. If you meet him in class, sit near him or just happen to linger long enough to meet up with him as he is coming out of the classroom. Most men are pretty laid-back and good-humored, so some light teasing is a good way to go. If it's not too creepy, learn what his favorite snacks are, and find a way to surprise him with them, either directly or indirectly(you could just happen to bake up a batch of his favorite cookies and leave them out for the whole office to share, for example). I'm no good at flirting, but I do know how to be perceptive and creative when it comes to dropping little "thinking of you" hints. I like to go for the sincere approach, rather than the flippant approach which doesn't suit my personality at all. And, you can always, always, always make a mix tape--er, mix cd for him. :p


Well-known member
And, you can always, always, always make a mix tape--er, mix cd for him. :p
How To Make A Girl Uninterested In You In 10 Seconds Flat (Mikey Edition):

Her - Hey, cutie. Can I make a mix CD for you?
Me - Sure. Can you put "Voracious Haemoglobinic Syndrome" by Aborted and "Vaults Of Ageless Pain" by Beheaded on there?
Her - Uhh....
No mind games, isn't judgmental, can talk about something besides themselves and tv shows and can show that they have a strong side. Just my taste and experience.

^ This isn't really giving advice on how to act but hey.


Well-known member
How To Make A Girl Uninterested In You In 10 Seconds Flat (Mikey Edition):

Her - Hey, cutie. Can I make a mix CD for you?
Me - Sure. Can you put "Voracious Haemoglobinic Syndrome" by Aborted and "Vaults Of Ageless Pain" by Beheaded on there?
Her - Uhh....

Bahahahaha. :D


Well-known member
Plan B:
Run around the block 18 times; get all hot and sweaty, and then approach your target and pour a bottle of water over your head and chest.
Then look him in the eyes and say: "What the **** are YOU lookin' at?!"

I guess that has the same effect as the making babies version of my plan does?
I'm not very good at this whole... attraction thing...
I'm sure half of my plan is decent-- but the speech part probably needs to be changed to something more along the lines of: "I'm sweaty. Do you like getting sweaty? Want to get sweaty together?" > then go running some more.

I don't even know what we're talking about anymore.

I would say that my technique needs some work, but... meh.