How old were you when you lost your virginity?


Well-known member
Well I lost it this past weekend so I was 20. All my friend lost it when they were 13-16 so i'm very late with this if I compare to them.

Well now I can say that I have done it but i'm still worried that I didn't do a good job in bed and that I had a disgusting body and that this guy will spread rumors about me and my performance. It will be awkward next time we 'll meet (we have so many friends in common so I know this will happen).
The first time is never going to be awesome. It's going to be awkward and insecure. You did it, though, and that's a big step.

I really hope he doesn't "spread rumours," because that would be awful. ::(:


Well-known member
still a virgin.

i said it in a earlier post, if at 21 years nothing has changed, I'm going for prostitutes, will be hard but i will do it. 1 more year i have.
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Well-known member
The first time is never going to be awesome. It's going to be awkward and insecure. You did it, though, and that's a big step.

I really hope he doesn't "spread rumours," because that would be awful. ::(:

Well I felt like it was nice (I enjoyed it) but i'm still very worried what he thougt of my performance haha.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
If he knew it was your first time, what the crap expectations could he have about your performance? He'd have to be a serious idiot to have complaints about your technique or something.


Well-known member
Well I felt like it was nice (I enjoyed it) but i'm still very worried what he thougt of my performance haha.
I don't think you need to worry. I'm sure you were fine.

If he knew it was your first time, what the crap expectations could he have about your performance? He'd have to be a serious idiot to have complaints about your technique or something.
Yeah, pretty much. I know my first time is going to be supremely awkward, but if she already knows that, that's going to be better for me and I won't feel so bad making mistakes, which I will.


Well-known member
I'm couple months into 23 years old and lost mine this weekend to my Girlfriend who I've been with for nearly 2 months, for some reason I feel really comfortable with her,only legit girlfiend I've had. Anyways, She was really patient with me cause I put it off a few times due to being nervous, but we slowly worked into it getting more and more exploritive with each others bodies which helped me when the time came to feel comfortable.


Well-known member
I lost my virginity the first time this year in January (at 22 years old) to a hooker. 5 days later, I went back to the same pimp (whom I met online after I accidentally came across this massive local prostitution network) and booked another girl. So far, I've had sex 3 times and now I am currently getting off my anti-depressants because they really screw up one's ability to maintain a strong erection or to ejaculate. Been going cold turkey for 1 week from Fluvoxamine already (dropped from 250mg/day to zero overnight) and in a few weeks or months I'm going back to booking hookers again.


Well-known member
I must add. Losing virginity and having sex makes VERY LITTLE to NO DIFFERENCE to your current life. Sure, you might feel a wee bit more confident a few minutes or hours after the session, then you wake up the next day and go "Oh hell, I'm still in the same rut as ever before." Sex without love/romance is very empty, and can get you addicted but doesn't do anything to long-term confidence or solving of anxiety-related problems.


Well-known member
23 this summer, and no I never had sex, never had a girlfriend either. I determined that I'll get help for the first time I'll speak to a family friend who has connections, so I'll join a therapy of some kind, I would like to try group therapy. and if some time passes and I have confidence among people then I hope I'll have some confidence among girls too... I think if I'd lose my virginity with a prostitute, that would be like cheating in a game.

Canis lupus

Well-known member
28 and still a virgin. I tried with a prostitute about half a year ago but was too nervous and because of that physically incapable. I am planning on paying for it again though. Not so much because I want to lose it but to conquer my fear about all of it. I already lost a wonderful girl once because I was too afraid to make a move and I don't want to experience that again. I'm still fighting a depression because of it and it's been almost 2 years.


Well-known member
I must add. Losing virginity and having sex makes VERY LITTLE to NO DIFFERENCE to your current life. Sure, you might feel a wee bit more confident a few minutes or hours after the session, then you wake up the next day and go "Oh hell, I'm still in the same rut as ever before." Sex without love/romance is very empty, and can get you addicted but doesn't do anything to long-term confidence or solving of anxiety-related problems.

I agree. I had sex 3 times with different prostitutes and one even told me I was cute. I still think I'm a loser and talking to girls isn't any easier than it was before.


Well-known member
I agree. I had sex 3 times with different prostitutes and one even told me I was cute. I still think I'm a loser and talking to girls isn't any easier than it was before.

It depends from person to person.For me,my virginity and inexperience with women is a major insecurity,it's holding me back,it's like my confidence is right there but in chains waiting to be free.So for me losing my virginity by any means possible will be a way to increase my confidence.


Well-known member
I agree. I had sex 3 times with different prostitutes and one even told me I was cute. I still think I'm a loser and talking to girls isn't any easier than it was before.

hehe, i would like a compliment like that, better than nothing.


Well-known member
has anyone had acquaintances that judged you for being a virgin?it's happened 3 times by the same people and at one point they made me cry,i don't even want to have sex,i'm a gray a,i don't exclude it if i love someone,but telling me what to do?it felt like a type of sexual harassment.


Well-known member
has anyone had acquaintances that judged you for being a virgin?it's happened 3 times by the same people and at one point they made me cry,i don't even want to have sex,i'm a gray a,i don't exclude it if i love someone,but telling me what to do?it felt like a type of sexual harassment.

I'm not sure what is wrong with being a virgin. In my culture, most men and women do not have sex until they get married.


Well-known member
has anyone had acquaintances that judged you for being a virgin?it's happened 3 times by the same people and at one point they made me cry,i don't even want to have sex,i'm a gray a,i don't exclude it if i love someone,but telling me what to do?it felt like a type of sexual harassment.
I've been there, with both family and classmates. It sucks, I'm sorry you had to go through that. No one should do anything just because other people, "society", thinks it's the social norm. To hell with social norms, just do what you want and as long as you hurt no one, just have fun, enjoy.


Well-known member
has anyone had acquaintances that judged you for being a virgin?it's happened 3 times by the same people and at one point they made me cry,i don't even want to have sex,i'm a gray a,i don't exclude it if i love someone,but telling me what to do?it felt like a type of sexual harassment.

Yes, well, technically. Someone in my class one day in high school asked me question (which I've forgotten::p:), but it led to them asking (out loud, in front of everyone, mind you) if what a woman's "vagina" was. Apparently, the answer I gave was wrong since everyone began to tease me about being ignorant about a woman's body and being a virgin. Very humiliating. My brothers and father have teased me sometimes about my lack of exposure with sex and women. I'm sure there are other experiences, but I'd rather not think of them.

But, well, your body is yours. You choose to do with it what you will. If you don't want to have sex, then that's your choice. Others can either accept it or leave. Nuns abstain from sex from their entire lives and that doesn't make them bad, does it:)?


Well-known member
I'm not sure what is wrong with being a virgin. In my culture, most men and women do not have sex until they get married.

That's great for you,here people regard virgins past 20,especially males,like some kind of subhuman creatures,like the biggest losers.