How old were you when you lost your virginity?


Well-known member
That's great for you,here people regard virgins past 20,especially males,like some kind of subhuman creatures,like the biggest losers.

the people i know i lie to them, i tell me old buddys that i had that and this girl:) and invent a few stores, i don't know if they believe me, but where i lived you can't say you are a vrigin at nearly 20, you are crucified if you do so.


Well-known member
the people i know i lie to them, i tell me old buddys that i had that and this girl:) and invent a few stores, i don't know if they believe me, but where i lived you can't say you are a vrigin at nearly 20, you are crucified if you do so.

You are not the only one that does that,I lie too but most of the time I avoid the subject.Every time people start to talk about sex it's a signal for me that I have to go or try to change the subject if I can.


Well-known member
I'm not ashamed to admit I'm a virgin at all. If some random person walked up to me and asked if I was a virgin, I'd tell them the truth, and even if they tried to make fun of me for it, it wouldn't get to me. I'm not insecure about being a virgin. I don't really care. I think the more important thing is that I've never felt love. If given a theoretical choice between having all the sex I could ever want, or finding a girl to love but remaining a virgin forever, I would choose the latter.


Well-known member
If given a theoretical choice between having all the sex I could ever want, or finding a girl to love but remaining a virgin forever, I would choose the latter.

Of course I'll chose the latter too but that's the problem it's just a theoretical choice in reality virginity is almost like a stigma that will prevent me from
getting what I really want in fact:a true relationship and love.
I respect you for not caring ,I only wished I would not be so ashamed about it.


Active member
I'm not ashamed to admit I'm a virgin at all. If some random person walked up to me and asked if I was a virgin, I'd tell them the truth, and even if they tried to make fun of me for it, it wouldn't get to me. I'm not insecure about being a virgin. I don't really care. I think the more important thing is that I've never felt love. If given a theoretical choice between having all the sex I could ever want, or finding a girl to love but remaining a virgin forever, I would choose the latter.

Good man.

(10 Chars)


Active member
I was 17. I didn't want to. I met this boy on myspace and went to go visit him. As soon as we got to his place he asked if he wanted t have sex and I said yes. I didn't want to, but I was too afraid to say no. I was afraid of what he would think of me if I told him no.


Well-known member
16. It wasn't consensual. It was with my boyfriend. For some still unknown reason to me, i stayed with him for a while after it. I'm now 19 and he was my only experience.


20 and have yet to lose it.

I wanted to lose it to my last (and also first) girlfriend, who I was with for about a year and a half, but she said she wasn't ready and I respected that. Things fizzled out and we broke up. A year later she confessed to me she'd been using me to cover her sexual orientation, so I guess I never had the chance anyway.


Well-known member
It was one week before my 17th birthday. And it wasn't my idea. And I hate him forever and that my parents didn't seem to care when they found out.

As for you virgin men, some of us women don't mind a less experienced'll learn the "right" way to do things ;)


Well-known member
As for you virgin men, some of us women don't mind a less experienced'll learn the "right" way to do things ;)

Doing things might not be that hard, but premature ejaculation or getting no erection can bother some men (like me in the beginning).


I'm 35 and have never even kissed anyone. Not something I'm happy about at all, of course, but it's not like my virginity is the thing that defines who I am - there's a lot of other things wrong with me as well! :D

I considered prostitutes a couple of times but I just don't think it's my kind of thing. To me it matters a lot that a woman has sex with me because she wants me and not because we've made a commercial transaction. Being with a prostitute would probably not help me feel better. On the contrary, I would probably feel even more like a loser. It's not really the sex itself that I'm longing for the most, I think, but the intimacy.


Well-known member
I'm 16, had a gf but I was too shy to take things further than "I love you" facebook messages.