How old were you when you lost your virginity?


Well-known member
^ Well atleast you're not like most people who seem to want to screw anything that moves. I'm all for not having sex unless in a committed relationship.


Active member
I still haven't yet and I'm 20. And I haven't kissed a guy since I was 13 (does it even count at that age?) I don't really mind it yet. I think when I'm 30 and am still a virgin I might start lying about it. But at the moment I'm okay with it. I seriously doubt that I'll ever get the opportunity, but I think I'm okay with that. But for some reason I'm rather embarrassed about not ever having a boyfriend. I think it's because my family always asks me about it. "Do you have a boyfriend yet?" "Don't you ever want kids?" "Don't you know that MOST people your age have already met their significant others?" Oi.

i feel you. i'm in that exact situation. like exactly. except, i'm not 20, i'm a couple years younger.


Active member
I don't understand why having sex is such a big deal, it was always my opinion that it means more when you wait and it's with someone special. I mean I will wait until however long it takes to get married and find the right guy. It doesn't make you a loser to still be a virgin no matter how old you are

Roman Legion

Well-known member
22 and still one.. I don't mind at all either. I don't even care to date, doubt I could get one if I tried anyway; women think you are creepy if you don't speak..


I did when was 27. sex is just a meaningless act. I recommend all male virgins to pay for it so you will soon realize how little you were missing. I cant believe the things men will do for such an empty experience. there is no great epiphany waiting for you, just animmediate letdown and a return to your normal dull life.


Well-known member
Two weeks ago to an Asian prostitute that was twice my age. (It was my friend's idea). If you're wondering, although it was a nice experience, I regret doing it.
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Well-known member
I'm 19 and still a virgin. i give myself a age-limit . 20 or 21. then ill go for prostitutes, they are also just humans, they have heart, they have feelings(of course not to the client, i mean in life). I won't only do that because society tells me to, but because i think the time arrived.


Active member
21 and still a virgin.

I disagree with people who believe in waiting. I don't see how waiting is going to make is special and from my understanding the first time is usually awkward and not that enjoyable and practive will improve sex or so I am told.

^ Well atleast you're not like most people who seem to want to screw anything that moves. I'm all for not having sex unless in a committed relationship.

I don't see whats wrong with wanting to screw everything that moves. If that's what someone likes and nobody is wronged by your actions then what is wrong with it.

I do however agree with most people that there is nothing wrong with virginity.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I disagree with people who believe in waiting. I don't see how waiting is going to make is special and from my understanding the first time is usually awkward and not that enjoyable and practive will improve sex or so I am told.

If someone wants their first time to be special, and with someone they have deep feelings for, then there's nothing wrong with that. A lot of people do feel that way. On the other hand, if someone just wants to know what the experience is like, then using a 'professional' isn't a big deal either, and they shouldn't be made to feel guilty about that. To some people sex is a wonderful, bonding, loving experience, while to others it's an extremely enjoyable physical activity. There's no right or wrong way to have a first time.


Well-known member
I've seen the bright lights of Memphis and the Commodore Hotel
And, underneath a street lamp I met a Southern Belle
Well, she took me to the river where she cast her spell
And, in that southern moonlight she sang her song so well

If you'll be my Dixie Chicken, I'll be your Tennessee Lamb
And we can walk together down in Dixieland
Down in Dixieland

Well, we made all the hot spots - my money flowed like wine
And then that lowdown southern whiskey began to fog my mind
And I don't remember church bells or the money I put down
Or the white picket fence and boardwalk of the house at the edge of town
Oh, but boy do I remember the strain of her refrain
And the nights we spent together, and the way she called my name

If you'll be my Dixie Chicken, I'll be your Tennessee Lamb
And we can walk together down in Dixieland
Down in Dixieland

Well, it's been a year since she ran away - guess that guitar player sure could play
She always liked to sing along - she was always handy with a song
Then one night in the lobby of the Commodore Hotel
I chanced to meet a bartender who said he knew her well
And as he handed me a drink he began to hum a song
And all the boys there at the bar began to sing along

If you'll be my Dixie Chicken, I'll be your Tennessee Lamb
And we can walk together down in Dixieland
Down in Dixieland

- "Dixie Chicken" by Little Feat
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Well-known member
When I was 19, with some random girl on the floor of my friends house. I was trying to hang on for like a girlfriend or something but, peer pressure from my jerk friends got the best of me.

what do u mean choc, what happened? your friends convinced u to just be a player and not go for the girl?

would the girl have appreciated it if you hung on to her to be your girlfriend? do u regret not going for the girl?


Well-known member
if i remember correct, i was 21 and it was my girlfriend. i was very terrible probably but she was really nice to pretend it was ok. im happy at least that it was over and done with, with it came some relief and contentment that i don't have to force myself to find a girlfriend if i didn't think i was well/mature/ready/good enough to do it, because at least i got to see how its like
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