How old were you when you lost your virginity?


Well-known member
27. But I didn´t really loose anything :).


I was just about to say, in what way is anything "lost"? haha. Its just a funny label to me hah. Probably to cause guilt, or make you feel less of a person, used by religion.

Interviewer:"At what age did you lose your virginity?"
Morrissey:"I wasn't aware that I had."

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Well-known member
I think I was 17 years old. There wasn't any love involved, just lust. Did it with a guy in my class when we were hanging out together. It was a fun night but I must admit that I was a bit anxious to meet him in school the day after. But it went okay and I don't regret it, I was 100% ready. It was an experience and I actually got more confident afterwards. I'm now 20 years old and I love sex (lol), I don't understand how some people can say it's overrated. ::(:

I agree that you shouldn't have to see or hear about it every 5 minutes in music, TV shows, movies or the internet. But it's a nice natural thing and if you do it right it can be amazing.


Well-known member
Ive posted a few times in this thread and im still one. It hasnt been bothering me too much though until recently.

The guys that I hang out with have always been as bad with women as I am but suddenly so many of them started to make a lot more progress than me. They all started to talk and flirt with girls and now they all have girlfriends awho have already done....things,they are just on the verge of losing their virginities.

I dunno its just kinda depressing, Ive never even kissed a girl so I feel like id have to climb mount everest twice to have sex at this point.


Well-known member
Ive posted a few times in this thread and im still one. It hasnt been bothering me too much though until recently.

The guys that I hang out with have always been as bad with women as I am but suddenly so many of them started to make a lot more progress than me. They all started to talk and flirt with girls and now they all have girlfriends awho have already done....things,they are just on the verge of losing their virginities.

I dunno its just kinda depressing, Ive never even kissed a girl so I feel like id have to climb mount everest twice to have sex at this point.
Can you ask your friends what they have done differently to get the confidence they now have?


Well-known member
I had a girlfriend when I was 17 (just turned 19 now) and we'd been together for a few months and had been fooling around for quite some time although never actually had sex yet. I don't know what happened or why I did this, but one day she was over at my house and things were getting serious and for some reason I made some lame excuse and told her she had to leave. The next day I broke up with her and I didn't even know the reason why I was doing it. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know why I did that. I haven't had a girlfriend since, so I'm still a virgin...through my own doing. (and I want to know why)


Well-known member
I had a girlfriend when I was 17 (just turned 19 now) and we'd been together for a few months and had been fooling around for quite some time although never actually had sex yet. I don't know what happened or why I did this, but one day she was over at my house and things were getting serious and for some reason I made some lame excuse and told her she had to leave. The next day I broke up with her and I didn't even know the reason why I was doing it. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know why I did that. I haven't had a girlfriend since, so I'm still a virgin...through my own doing. (and I want to know why)
Maybe you were not ready to lose your virginity yet. Breaking up with her was possibly a defense mechanism against that.

In any case, I feel sorry for your ex. She must've been broken-hearted.


Well-known member
They dont have SA though thats the thing, theyre extroverts.
You said you were all in the same boat for a while, and then they branched off. Maybe they felt the way you do now, but something tangible happened that was a turning point. I'm just guessing, obviously.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Your time will come.

Bustn Justin

Well-known member
I lost mine at 28. I figured that I waited so long I just take the plunge.

I was dealing with my sexuality and was feeling super depressed. So I went online and found a man to fool around with. I was more anxious being sexuality with a girl so that is why I found a guy. Even after that it took me a long time to understand that I am bisexuals.

Not how I wanted it to be but that what happened.


Well-known member
Two weeks ago to an Asian prostitute that was twice my age. (It was my friend's idea). If you're wondering, although it was a nice experience, I regret doing it.

Oh yes, I'm 18. I would also like to add that it's not really worth paying $60 for 20 minutes...


Active member
You said you were all in the same boat for a while, and then they branched off. Maybe they felt the way you do now, but something tangible happened that was a turning point. I'm just guessing, obviously.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Your time will come.

My former friends did not have any girlfriends and consequently sex, untill they left High School and they are definitly extroverts at least most of them are. But the reason why we didn't was that we were kind of geeky with a mainly closed circle of friends but they were all definitly capable of socialising. So this could be the case with his friends rather then them overcoming some kind of social anxiety.


Well-known member
My former friends did not have any girlfriends and consequently sex, untill they left High School and they are definitly extroverts at least most of them are. But the reason why we didn't was that we were kind of geeky with a mainly closed circle of friends but they were all definitly capable of socialising. So this could be the case with his friends rather then them overcoming some kind of social anxiety.

Thats exactly what happened.


Well-known member
29 and still a virgin, I'm fine with it though, it never felt like something I myself would want to do. Maybe I am Asexual I dunno. I haven't really had the chance to meet anyone though as I stay at home all the time and don't work. I wouldn't really have the confidence and being fat doesnt help either.


Well-known member
Well I lost it this past weekend so I was 20. All my friend lost it when they were 13-16 so i'm very late with this if I compare to them.

Well now I can say that I have done it but i'm still worried that I didn't do a good job in bed and that I had a disgusting body and that this guy will spread rumors about me and my performance. It will be awkward next time we 'll meet (we have so many friends in common so I know this will happen).
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Well-known member
Well I lost it this past weekend so I was 20. All my friend lost it when they were 13-16 so i'm very late with this if I compare to them.

Well now I can say that I have done it but i'm still worried that I didn't do a good job in the bed and that I had a disgusting body and that this guy will spread rumors about me and my performance. It will be awkward next time we 'll meet (we have so many common friends so I know this will happen).

Congrats :)

I myself am 22 and trying to find a girlfriend to lose mine to.