How old were you when you lost your virginity?


Well-known member
22, I waited til it felt right. I don't have any regrets. it was a pretty funny experience.. well not for him... *dies laughing*


Well-known member
About 19 I think. I'm already 32, so that's been a while ago. I loved her, she loved me, she was more experienced than me, so things were nice.


Well-known member
mid twenties. it wasn't anything special, after I screwed up the one chance I had of sex with someone I really liked a few years previously I figured i'd be waiting forever and end up like the 40 year old virgin if I didn't do something about it. I'm glad I got it out of the way because every time I used to hear the V word it used to irritate me.


Well-known member
First times are never going to go according to plan. If he was young, he would be awkward about it, too.

Mine did. She loved me, I loved her, she asked me if I really wanted it, and that it's ok if I wanted to wait, and so on. She was more experienced than me. It was nice and fun.


Well-known member
Heck no,it's just depressing to realize no one has ever wanted to touch you at age 30.
I remember your photo and you're a good-looking woman. I hope the date you had recently can change all this.

Felt compelled by social rules to get it over with
I understand. Hopefully next time there'll be less pressure and you can enjoy it a little more.

yeah true but it's never been too great, i don't think it was just a first time thing
What do you mean? You think you'll never enjoy sex?

Mine did. She loved me, I loved her, she asked me if I really wanted it, and that it's ok if I wanted to wait, and so on. She was more experienced than me. It was nice and fun.
Of course there are exceptions, and this is one of them. I'm happy for you, man. :)


Well-known member
There already was next time, and thankfully it was a lot, that I dont have a girl friend, it's the best :p