How old were you when you lost your virginity?


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17, but I was a totally different person back then. I went through sort of a change after that relationship. I plan to wait for marriage.


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I am 27 and lost my virginity about a month and a half ago. I discussed it on here in the online dating thread.

To the people who I came across in my life and told me that getting laid will make me confident and normal........guess what? I'm the same person I was before I got laid. I still don't like being around people and am still awkward. Thanks for the advice.

I don't regret losing it at all, though. I had to know what it felt like. The mystery was killing me. Now I know, and I feel better about it.


I first lost my lunch money when I was about 6. My mother tied it up in a handkerchief but I dropped it when playing baseball at school.


I was 15 when i lost mine to boy the same age. I regret it now... He was an awful person... Wish i could go back and change who it was. I suppose he made me what i am today... Xx


Active member
I was 13... I think.

I mean, I'm pretty sure.
At least, that's when I consider it being uh, lost. (such a strange term. like misplacing your keys!)


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Twenty one years old and still a virgin. lol I actually think I am scared to lose my virginity, I run at every opportunity.


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I haven't read the entire thread but I have a feeling I'm more on the "loser" end of the scale than any of you, in the sex department! :D I "lost my virginity" at 26 but he didn't even consider it real sex because he didn't go all the way in. I'm 39 now and he was the only guy I ever "did it" with. So I don't even know if I'm a virgin or not and I'll be 40 next year!! I used to love that movie but now it hits too close to home. ::(:

I'm 29 and have a similar story only with this girl and we preferred the making out part of it anyway. I don't really see it as a problem if its not something that is that important to the individual. I think its a physical confidence thing as well. I tend to be skinny and nerdy awkward so i don't exactly feel like the tall and buff brad pitt type that have no problems with the physical side of it.

I can't imagine me doing it. I'd probably say "what is that, so what do we do now, is there an instructions manual on this, panics, falls off bed, it'd ruin the mood".

Then again i'd like to prove myself wrong some day.


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18... Still haven't. But hey I've made out. Now that I look back, if I wasnt so oblivious back then I could've gotten some.
It used to be by choice, but a while ago I realized that if I hold back then I'll probably die a virgin. Of course that isnt really working out for me now either...


a while ago I realized that if I hold back then I'll probably die a virgin. Of course that isnt really working out for me now either...

this whole obsession with losing one's it such a bad thing to die a virgin? Think of the unique perspective you have on long as you didn't spend your whole life pre-occupied with something you didn't experience!!


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I see women these days and my first thoughts are not about physical attraction. They are about how awkward close contact would be both emotionally or physically.


Well-known member
Oh, I can relate there! Hindsight sucks, doesn't it?
Yup! I've changed a lot, so at least I'm content in that area.
this whole obsession with losing one's it such a bad thing to die a virgin? Think of the unique perspective you have on long as you didn't spend your whole life pre-occupied with something you didn't experience!!

Well, I'm not obsessed with it. I'm not a try hard. I'm just saying, it's something I'd like to try out before I die!
It does get to me sometimes when I see people say things like
"If you're older than 18 and a virgin then you're pathetic."
I mean yes, that's incredibley arrogant and immature, but in a way it still gets to me.
Also when I told it to me friend he was just all; "What.. Really? I mean.. You've never done.. it?" "But you're in college man get some"
Etc. It's become a very social thing. So it's kind of hard not to be at least somewhat self-concious about it