I think the general population assumes those with SAD/whatever social problems are the ones who are ugly/fat/bad clothes/ etc but this is not true.
personally I try to comensate for my lack of social skills but trying to dress well/look good. I dont think the average person would look at me and assume i have social issues until they got to know who i really was.
Do you consider this as fake behavior? I mean i feel that i shouldnt make the other areas of my life the same level as my social skills so i try to improve those areas... so i work out, dress nice and good hygiene etc and hopefully to boost my confidence/self image.
just wondering what others here dress/look like
I seen the post pics thread and a good portion of them look like normal ppl to me then the rest fit the steretype i guess.
I agree with you! Most people seem to believe (judging by the movies, magazines, and so forth) that people with social anxiety of whatever sort it may be, are "weirdos", fat, ugly, ackward, poorly dressed, or otherwise visibly inadequate by the standards of popular culture. I must say I believed this was true myself, and that was a major source of anxiety and low self-esteem. I assumed everyone else with SA was a "freak", and that I was in the company of "weirdos", and therefore a "weirdo" myself. I came to this site after a conversation with my mom in which I admitted that possibly, people with SA were normal looking, had regular interests, and that many might be attractive cool people I would befriend in real life.
That is how I ended up here. I actualy have about 30 users' pictures saved on my computer as proof that most people with SA are normal by my personal standards, and many are very attractive and cool people, also by my standards. There is a tendency for people with SA to be weird, but it's not much stronger than that found among slightly more intellectual majors in college, or say in AP classes in high-school. A good 70 - 80% are drawn from a completely normal sample. Furthermore, the people who are "weird" looking tend to be so BECAUSE of their SA, from what I can tell.