How are you feeling?


Active member
I’ve a situation that I like to called it love sick.
I’m hunting his parfume,his shower soap,everythings! I realized that everythings that I search ‘s him!


Well-known member
I've spent almost an hour pacing and imagining/rehearsing a conversation that won't happen for weeks, probably not at all. And it never goes the way you think and your rehearsal is useless after the first 30 seconds.

Decisions, decisions.


Well-known member
I gotta try to scrape together some confidence. I mentioned to my uncle, who is a professional welder, that I want to learn how to weld. He invited me to come to his shop and he would show me around, which would be fine if he had done that on a saturday when there was no one else working. He just called and told me he has time now. So no doubt he will introduce me to some of his coworkers and I'm sure I will find some way to end up looking like a moron.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
F**king depressed and irratiable. ::(: Even though I really shouldn't be, I don't even know why I'm feeling so low today. Because I just got back from 2 of the best live music concerts I've ever been to - Judas Priest & Iron Maiden concerts back-to back at the Glasgow SECC this past Tuesday and Wednesday night.


Well-known member
Pre good, just realised shameless is on 4od so no megavideo/videobb 72 minutes bullsh*t. Uploading some slept on music to some doodles and got a bit of vanity editing on the go too, ima buzzing.


Well-known member
Don't know what to do. I'm being asked to go out tomorrow night because it's a friend's 18th birthday, but I really don't want to. Another friend said to me, "you better had because I don't want to be left alone with his chav mates". That's the thing, since we left school, he started smoking and got popular in college, and now he keeps what is in my opinion the most unsavoury company. Put simply, I don't want to be going out with any friends of his. I don't drink and I don't smoke, and that's all his birthday night out is going to be - he often stayed out drinking until sunrise before, the only difference is that it's no longer illegal for him to do it.

I can't just say no, can I? And I'm not going to fabricate a reason not to go out. I just don't think it's appropriate to tell him that I'm barely comfortable around him, let alone his friends, and the truth is that they are probably the normal ones, not me. I'm all for broadening my social horizons but this is really not for me! I just needed to share how I'm feeling about it, it's like a load off. I'm not sure what I'll do, but the whole thing is making me feel like this!



Well-known member
Sounds like a bad day...

I hope you feel better soon (the heat will remain there, but you can take a rest, good for both stop being tired and worrying ::p:)
^ Ugh, I've had a horrible past two days. I finally did get some rest today, about 5 hours of sleep. I could use more, but my mind still isn't tired. But, this day is slowly getting better. Thanks for the concern.