How are you feeling?



It's too hot and humid out ::(: Why do I always waste the decent days? I should be using fair weather days to clean my room, and I waste them. Now it's hot and I'll be stuck downstairs..............


Well-known member
Extremely tired and sore.Went for a run yesterday and decided to try a new route but ended up getting lost for who knows how long. I left when there was still sun out and came back when everything was dark. Why didnt i ask anyone for directions? I basically knew i was close to home but not exactly where so i idnt want people to think i was stupid =/


Well-known member
not sure . an ex from 8 yrs ago - we've stayed online friends on and off- messaged me again, i fell out with him over nothing really few months ago, he wanted to know how i am. i wasnt gonna reply but i thought hes prob the only 'friend' that actually cares about me and actually wants to hear from i messaged him back.


Well-known member
I'm looking more and more like a lumberjack with this beard. I just lack flannel shirts. And an axe. But I'd be worried if I or my parents owned an axe. Although I do have Axe body spray. Need a sawdust scent.


Well-known member
Been a bit irritated lately. Things seem to bug me more than normal. Even things like the chirping of birds in the trees and dogs barking in the street get on my nerves. UGH hopefully it's just a passing phase.