How are you feeling?

Pretty good!!! :) I just had a conversation at school with my school counselor :)
He told me ''The light will shine in your life again'' he said I'm brave for taking the step to make a move in my life after spending time at home cuz of my anxiety disorder , he thinks it's a step forward to start school :)


Well-known member
I feel like crap,I dont know if its because I am too much at home or what,but its pretty certain that I will will commit suicide in the future.


Well-known member
I want to know, what is going on?

I'm confused and lonely, a little heart sunken.

But I appreciate what I've got yet willing to improve if the opportunity arises.


Well-known member
mixed feelings of fear and excitement. do i take the chance and perhaps gain some reward from the risk? or do i just do nothing, and be happy in the fact that nothing will go wrong?
mixed feelings of fear and excitement. do i take the chance and perhaps gain some reward from the risk? or do i just do nothing, and be happy in the fact that nothing will go wrong?

I have the same question I ask myself all the time before I enter a situation :)
Very understanding to me, good luck emu_noodles, hope you can face it and feel good afterwards :)
And if you carried on the situation and just faced it, you say I DID IT :D be proud ^^


Well-known member
DespairSoul said:
:Hun then u publicly admit u are cured?:) And all of it was just a laziness? No SA?
I was kidding of course=)

Hun i understand how u feel hug your way and hope soon u will feel better;)

Thanks for the hug girl!and hope you feel better with the flu ;)


Well-known member
Feeling great, thank god as i havnt been feeling good in a bit. :)

I managed 8 hours of socializing today YAY :)

I went for dinner with my best mate, she treated me (part of for my bday pressie!). All you can eat chinese buffet mmmm.
My friend had a baba and i went shopping after dinner to get her new beba something nice.
Then went straight to my mates house. There was 7 people there. I was only expecting the the couple and baby to be there but it turned out there was 6 people there. When i walked in, and was told there was other people there, my heart skipped a beat and my head said "oh $hit", but i over-rided the thought and said "ill be fine, these are good friends", and i was fine (well as fine as i could have been in that situation)

But isnt it funny how one anxious thing that happens (blushed at an inappropiate time) can ruin the whole good feeling. But im not focusing on that right now so yeah, good day over all and my back bloody aches right now! :)

;) That's awesome Hottie! I guess u was doing well. Bahaha to me happened something similar i expected few people on some place and later turn out that was there 4people more as should:/ so i love those unexpected situation which totally freak me out whenever this happened and i'm happy for u was dealing with this so well!


Well-known member
Thanks for the hug girl!and hope you feel better with the flu ;)

Thanks for wish but answer is : No i'm not yet better but i will be and i found out isn't flu but side effect of meds. which i'm taking what is yet worse as flu =/ Because i can't change at the moment for others i hope this pain stop soon as possible. I will drink lots of tea and stuff. Well 100 i'm not sure if is meds. side effect but for flu this don't look because i don't fly on toalet much and if would be the stomach flu i would because time ago what i had it i was flying on wc like crayzy=/


Well-known member
I have a user title and I don't even know how I got it o_O. I do have a slight idea of where it came from though *cough* coyote *cough*... sorry must be catching a cold :eek:

hehe Easy, love your new nickname!! :) It's one of the coolest out there & soo appropriate!! :)

/I wish I had something cool like that too!! :)/

Good to hear you are well & jammin' it!! :)


Bad start to the day but even though I looked like crap today (gross hair, unwashed face) and was exhausted from not getting enough sleep, I somehow ended up feeling okay. My moods confuse the heck out of me. It must have something to do with my excitement about all the goals I have and upcoming events in my life. Also, this new healthy eating regimen has been going fantastically and I crave whole foods now. Doing a lot of research on it and trying new, healthier snacks. It feels great.

I hope everyone else is okay, and if not, sending you best wishes and a hug.


Well-known member
Bad start to the day but even though I looked like crap today (gross hair, unwashed face) and was exhausted from not getting enough sleep, I somehow ended up feeling okay. My moods confuse the heck out of me. It must have something to do with my excitement about all the goals I have and upcoming events in my life. Also, this new healthy eating regimen has been going fantastically and I crave whole foods now. Doing a lot of research on it and trying new, healthier snacks. It feels great.

I hope everyone else is okay, and if not, sending you best wishes and a hug.

Healthier is great; I kinda got off my regimen and notice a difference. But yeah... I feel bleh. Lots of stuff coming up next few weeks; just hard to remain positive and gung ho feeling more apathetic than anything. My moods been fluctuating like Im... on a roller coaster. Meh lame analogy, my minds off.


Well-known member
Just got a message that my sister has earinfection. She's on vacation for a week to close a very heavy period. Last summer she also became sick during vacation. On top of this she also has the worst weather out there. I feel so sad for her.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Presumption is the mother of all **** ups
Look deeeeply into my eyes, Remus. You are in my power. You will do as I say...


Well-known member
Going through a bit of a bad spell and filled with doubt and uncertainty. Feels easier to give in... Ugh - That's LIFE for you!!!!


Well-known member
Going through a bit of a bad spell and filled with doubt and uncertainty. Feels easier to give in... Ugh - That's LIFE for you!!!!

SO am I dude. Today - couldn't even type on SPW. I changed my surrounding, took a walk, listened to Sympathy For the Devil then Princes of the Universe, felt a tad better, went back. And kept challenging the negative thoughts of whats upcoming for me, esp tomorrow. The doubts, etc. That I'll be overcome and have to make hard decisions.

Then I got a baseball bat and started smashing things. No lol, I didnt. =)

It feels easier to give up yeah. BUT WE WONT. Go force yourself up, do something, anything, to dispel even one of those thoughts.

I still feel bad, but fightin. Fight with me =D *hi5's emu and cheers on*

Tomorrows a new life, treat it as such, todays not over yet either.