How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Agreed to hang out down town with a couple friends tomorrow... I was feeling pretty anxious and kinda depressed about it, but now the feeling is waning a bit. I've been watching Drew Carey's Improv-A-Ganza (hilarious show :D) and that's been helping. Laughter is the best medicine :)


So ready for bed. Tired and kind of down. BUT super excited about my NEW IPOD NANO!!! WOOO! :)


Well-known member
Relieved. I have all of next week off, I can try to catch up with myself. I also faced a huge fear today and came out best. :D

THUMBS UP! Awesome. That's the best, facing a huge fear and not bad as thought, and esp if comes out best! Have fun off. Wish I did lol.
flat. so, so flat.

What I wouldn't give to have one straight week of mental "stability" I see so many people take for granted.

It's nearly Easter, i should be feeling happy, excited, or just feeling something!
Nervous, today it's a networking day on the group therapy.
My invironment is going to meet my therapists and group clients.
I have to tell something in the group, nerves :eek:
I take my mom and grandma with me, i hope they can see what I learn there :)



Confused. Torn between happy feelings and a mix of various negative feelings. Trying to hold onto the happy! Have a headache though :/


Well-known member
Stressed kinda. My alarm on my cell phone is malfunctioning so I almost missed Biology agaaaaain this morning. Woke up 20 minutes before I had to be there and was a bit late. Had half a panic attack about walking into that class late because the teacher is intense... turned out okay though. Now I just have a tonne of homework. Woo for tracing every main vein, artery, and capillary of the human body. (Did you know if you lined all those up they're reach half way to the mooooon? Well, now you do) I get extra rambly when rushed and stressed, have to go to an appointment, baaaai.


Well-known member
^^Hold tight Beat.

Luna - lol. Fun read. =) Have fun tracing veins.

UGH I don't want to go to school; wont be as bad as I think like usual, but, just gotta do some things that's always nerve racking; and next few weeks; gonna eh. Plus something else that "happens" Friday just always hate that time.

Whatever. I'll figure it out. Gotta fight through apathy which is more prevalent atm than anxiety.
^^Hold tight Beat.

Luna - lol. Fun read. =) Have fun tracing veins.

UGH I don't want to go to school; wont be as bad as I think like usual, but, just gotta do some things that's always nerve racking; and next few weeks; gonna eh. Plus something else that "happens" Friday just always hate that time.

Whatever. I'll figure it out. Gotta fight through apathy which is more prevalent atm than anxiety.

Fight the good fight. Then ... keep fighting. Of course you'll figure it out.


Well-known member
I feel like crap,there are times rage takes over me,and I do stupid things that I regreat later,dont know if there is something wrong with me, boxing is a temporary relief but it all comes back.


Well-known member
Kinda tired...stomach little better i hope will be soon over or i will be insane even more? DO i can be more insane ha oh yes i can=)
:)Sial Dexter u recommend it to me? Tell me plus and minus to being be more insane? I'm not sure if i will go that road down hill well i guess no one will ask me i just will fall a head ya.

I'll start with the minus
- any conversation skills you have, gone
- any real chance of anyone understanding you, gone
- people will generally be unsure about you

+ You're bloody well insane! You won't care what others think.
+ Everyday is a new day
+ Oddly things appear funny, hahahhahahahaa
+ you won't have to worry about people annoying you
+ Sanity? That's just insanity!
+ You're bloody well insane! You won't care what others think.
+ Everyday is a new day
+ Oddly things appear funny, hahahhahahahaa
+ you won't have to worry about people annoying you
+ Sanity? That's just insanity!

I lol'd :D

you left one plus out.....
+ People will never call you boring ever again.

While it is Good Friday here now, I am still trying in vain to find anything "Good" about it:rolleyes:
...well, I am not hungry and I have indoor plumbing. That will have to do.
I lol'd :D

you left one plus out.....
+ People will never call you boring ever again.

While it is Good Friday here now, I am still trying in vain to find anything "Good" about it:rolleyes:
...well, I am not hungry and I have indoor plumbing. That will have to do.

I did miss that point. :D

If you've been camping, indoor plumbing becomes not so mundane to have.

I have, in my hands something that reads: "Red 20 Minute Emergency Flare" "Danger: Extremely Flammable. Keep out of reach of children."

It also says outdoor use only. Hmmmm, not sure I will do it but I feel like I must see the red.