How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Feeling out of harmony with existence and the universe due to my slothfulness!
I've just come to the realization that laziness is the number one enemy to ones self esteem.

::p:Hun then u publicly admit u are cured?:) And all of it was just a laziness? No SA?:D
I was kidding of course=)

Hun i understand how u feel hug your way and hope soon u will feel better;)


Well-known member
Things aren't very good at the moment. I have just started a new job and I think that it is going to send my depression into overdrive, if it hasn't done so already.

What am I doing? Why am I here? I have been alone all my life. If this is what it is going to be like for the rest of it, I think that I would rather be dead.

I have never had a healthy equal relationship in my life, only relationships based upon co-dependency. I just want to experience being happy for once, instead of being anxious all the time and bored. All my life, I have focused on getting "through things". I got bullied at school and I focused on "getting through it" as i though after leaving school life would be better. But then I hit Uni and my SA really ramped up. People look at me and think that "'re weird"::(:

man, reading that really reminded me of myself. all i can say is hang in there, and things will turn for the better.

As for right now, i'm feeling kinda bored.


i am so freaking hungry!!!!

Edit: not hungry anymore. heh ^.^
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Well-known member
Feeling great, thank god as i havnt been feeling good in a bit. :)

I managed 8 hours of socializing today YAY :)

I went for dinner with my best mate, she treated me (part of for my bday pressie!). All you can eat chinese buffet mmmm.
My friend had a baba and i went shopping after dinner to get her new beba something nice.
Then went straight to my mates house. There was 7 people there. I was only expecting the the couple and baby to be there but it turned out there was 6 people there. When i walked in, and was told there was other people there, my heart skipped a beat and my head said "oh $hit", but i over-rided the thought and said "ill be fine, these are good friends", and i was fine (well as fine as i could have been in that situation)

But isnt it funny how one anxious thing that happens (blushed at an inappropiate time) can ruin the whole good feeling. But im not focusing on that right now so yeah, good day over all and my back bloody aches right now! :)


Sial, I want to eat with you.

LOL what?? hahaha

Yes, Sial the food was pretty good, actually - macaroni and cheese :D Though, after I finished it I wished I had more but I was all out *sniff* :(

The asparagus was a bit soggy and... bleh. Not so tasty.


Well-known member
LOL what?? hahaha

Yes, Sial the food was pretty good, actually - macaroni and cheese :D Though, after I finished it I wished I had more but I was all out *sniff* :(

The asparagus was a bit soggy and... bleh. Not so tasty.

OMG I LOVE macaroni and cheese. What kind?