How are you feeling?


Well-known member
my mind reels in circles. i dwell on the same few things that make me angry ALL. DAY. LONG. what is wrong with me? the only way i can escape these dwelling thoughts is if i have an outside source pull me away; for example: overhearing a coworker tell a story or listening to a radio talk show. it's like my mind gets stuck in a ditch and i can't think of anything else at all for a looooong period of time. i am talking like my whole 8 hour workday. the things i am obsessing over would be rationalized away in a matter of moments if i were a normal person because they're quite petty issues that often don't affect me directly. i just get hung-up on injustices of the world! is this OCD? aspergers? stupidity? media dependency? i wonder what a normal person's thought flow is like.


my mind reels in circles. i dwell on the same few things that make me angry ALL. DAY. LONG. what is wrong with me? the only way i can escape these dwelling thoughts is if i have an outside source pull me away; for example: overhearing a coworker tell a story or listening to a radio talk show. it's like my mind gets stuck in a ditch and i can't think of anything else at all for a looooong period of time. i am talking like my whole 8 hour workday. the things i am obsessing over would be rationalized away in a matter of moments if i were a normal person because they're quite petty issues that often don't affect me directly. i just get hung-up on injustices of the world! is this OCD? aspergers? stupidity? media dependency? i wonder what a normal person's thought flow is like.

Oh my god, I am EXACTLY the same this way.


Well-known member
Well. Today wasnt as bad as my mind was thinking beforehand, as usual. And... man I was cooped up at home for 7 days because my other 2 days of classes were canceled this past week... just getting out somewhere else all day. PHEW. Amazing - and amazing how one day stuck at home can regress your mind. Heh. Felt so much better. And... well, the sights. *melts*

Trying to be mindful of the moment and enjoy it esp since I graduate this semester... heh; but now I already feel my mind reverting back to doubt and apathy. Fun. =)


Well-known member
@beatrice it's so weird. don't you just wish your mind would move on? it's said that you have control of your thoughts but i have to wonder, then, why is it so hard to switch subjects?


@beatrice it's so weird. don't you just wish your mind would move on? it's said that you have control of your thoughts but i have to wonder, then, why is it so hard to switch subjects?

I know! Maybe it really is different for us. Maybe we just have those obsessive minds, where a "normal" brain wouldn't. Not that we aren't normal, but I don't think the average person has this problem....? Maybe? :/


Well. Today wasnt as bad as my mind was thinking beforehand, as usual. And... man I was cooped up at home for 7 days because my other 2 days of classes were canceled this past week... just getting out somewhere else all day. PHEW. Amazing - and amazing how one day stuck at home can regress your mind. Heh. Felt so much better. And... well, the sights. *melts*

Trying to be mindful of the moment and enjoy it esp since I graduate this semester... heh; but now I already feel my mind reverting back to doubt and apathy. Fun. =)

Aww. Hang in there! I'm glad you felt better!

As for me, I'm not even going to state how I feel plainly because it seems every time I do, I jinx myself, haha. I'm not superstitious, but I SWEAR it happens every time. Soooo, I'm sure anyone reading this can guess how I feel today without me saying it ;) Or not. Meh, whatever, it doesn't really matter :)


Well-known member
I know! Maybe it really is different for us. Maybe we just have those obsessive minds, where a "normal" brain wouldn't. Not that we aren't normal, but I don't think the average person has this problem....? Maybe? :/


"Because the underlying problem of Social Anxiety is a two-axis neurological condition: obsessiveness and anxiety. This has nothing to do with your attitudes or beliefs, your attitudes and beliefs are instead largely affected by this condition. Just remind yourself that it's a dysfunctional neurological condition or tendency which is generating an psychiatric anxiety disorder (social phobia), and that it IS PART OF THE PROBLEM. Force yourself as much as possible to focus on other things. Remember that rigid and distorted thinking is a fundamental prerequisite of social anxiety disorder, and your SA won't get better until your distortions diminish."



"Because the underlying problem of Social Anxiety is a two-axis neurological condition: obsessiveness and anxiety. This has nothing to do with your attitudes or beliefs, your attitudes and beliefs are instead largely affected by this condition. Just remind yourself that it's a dysfunctional neurological condition or tendency which is generating an psychiatric anxiety disorder (social phobia), and that it IS PART OF THE PROBLEM. Force yourself as much as possible to focus on other things. Remember that rigid and distorted thinking is a fundamental prerequisite of social anxiety disorder, and your SA won't get better until your distortions diminish."

I KNEW IT!!! You know, this makes me so angry at the people who, over the years, have told me I'm a negative person and that I obsess too much, like it's a character flaw of mine. But what they don't understand is that I'm not REALLY that way, once you get past the anxiety! I'm a happy, bubbly, positive person deep down! I wish they would see that :( I almost cried realizing this. It's not fair we have to suffer this way...... :( :( Our real personalities can never shine through...... *SIGH*

Yesterday I was just thinking the EXACT same thing as what you posted, hoddesdon. I came to that realization, and this confirmed it. It's not that I BELIEVE negative things so therefore I act in accordance with them.... no. It's that I FEEL negative things like stress, depression, and most of all - the main cause of the aforementioned problems - ANXIETY. At least I know it's not me, I'm not at fault for FEELING negative. But then, I feel so hopeless and cheated out of life for having a disorder..... :'( oh, well. I'm not the only one, so I'd better get over it :/


Well-known member
I KNEW IT!!! You know, this makes me so angry at the people who, over the years, have told me I'm a negative person and that I obsess too much, like it's a character flaw of mine. But what they don't understand is that I'm not REALLY that way, once you get past the anxiety! I'm a happy, bubbly, positive person deep down! I wish they would see that :( I almost cried realizing this. It's not fair we have to suffer this way...... :( :( Our real personalities can never shine through...... *SIGH*

Yesterday I was just thinking the EXACT same thing as what you posted, hoddesdon. I came to that realization, and this confirmed it. It's not that I BELIEVE negative things so therefore I act in accordance with them.... no. It's that I FEEL negative things like stress, depression, and most of all - the main cause of the aforementioned problems - ANXIETY. At least I know it's not me, I'm not at fault for FEELING negative. But then, I feel so hopeless and cheated out of life for having a disorder..... :'( oh, well. I'm not the only one, so I'd better get over it :/

Most ppl here "feel" this way. I mean, there are genetics/brain chemistry that affect your anxiety, stress, emotions.

So we all deep down have these special personalities our true selves that we tend to reveal on a place like SPW more, but still that's buried by these issues/thoughts THAT THEN create those feelings. That's why, CBT for many has been so effective. But it's challenging and takes time. I couldnt do it the first time I tried, but I gotta get serious about it, find a specialist in it, cant to it by myself. It's like smoking, few ppl are able to quit the first time, doesn't mean they can't. And SA/depression/etc. is just as "addictive" a disorder as nicotine, in how it affects our thoughts/habits. Why it's tough to kick it.

And I SO Want to kick it like a big ole soccer ball.