How are you feeling?

Why do some people get things handed to them on a platter?...Luck? Karma?
Why do some people have more random luck then others?
I hate unfairness!

Well, in all fairness nothing is fair with life, the world, what is around. Some may seem lucky some may not. Some lucky ones may see themselves as unlucky. Matter of perception. How one sees the surroundings.

Fair is unfair. And unfair is fair. Is what it is. Drop it and move forward, enjoy what is around.


Well-known member
Tired. LIKE MEGA FREAKIN' TIRED. Long day of nerves, stress, work, transport, and social interactions. Frankly - feels like a marathon I havent trained for. Trying to remain positive for I ain't gonna slip back into where I was the last 2-3 years in my hobbit hole. Time to come out and live out in the world. Nice and cozy as that little hole is.


Well-known member
P****d off. Some people are so gullible. I'm sick of people talking about me, judging me and interfering in my life. This used to be a place where I felt safe and welcome but it's not anymore so I'm leaving.

Aww too bad =( But better to leave than feel such a way. Will be missed.


Well-known member
pissed off. Lost my wallet at the Asking Alexandria concert tonight. My first concert in 2 years. Credit card, license, military ID, $20, car registration and insurance. All gone. I believe in karma though so he or she will get theirs.
P****d off. Some people are so gullible. I'm sick of people talking about me, judging me and interfering in my life. This used to be a place where I felt safe and welcome but it's not anymore so I'm leaving.

I know this account has been deleted, but wouldn't it have been better if the people whom contributed to this were reported, spoken to and potentially corrected? In effort to return the site to/keeping the site warm, safe and welcoming?

Anyway, I hope to see you around sometime regardless. Good luck, Malady.


Well-known member
wait wtf, Malady is leaving? Wtf happened? is absolutely ridiculous. You go places, meet people, hate everything out there so you stay home, hate life, eat food, sleep, work your life away, for WHAT?! **** this world.


Well-known member
Mixed feelings really. Elated that we actually won today. :D But sad because of what's happening around the world. ::(:


Well-known member
Im not quite sure how im feeling...

Last night was going to be the first day of staying of substances. I wasnt planning to go out because im broke, but a friend rang me and i ended up having a few joints and having a few bottles.
Im glad i didnt go out and take stronger drugs but im not happy i smoked joints.

But im bothered by something thats coming up - Paddy's Day...

My friends are going to a 'rave', and here drugs will be rampent and i know im going to end up taking them.


Well-known member
Uncertain and scared. Going to a race should be fun, but there is so much potential for misunderstanding.


Well-known member
my friend asked me this and I said "not dizzy, but maybe springy.. or stretchy, fetchy, feely itchy, furly curly"

so yeah, that


Well-known member
Gazelle:) well that's sound as good idea i will try that phrase. I doubt will work on wreck full of nerves as i'm.:confused:
I will try it. U are brave girl. I'm glad u did it well all of it. U aren't anymore anxious in public?
No,thankfully this problem has cured although I do admit that going in crowded places can sometimes still be stressful if I'm in a bad mood or if I haven't left the house for a long time.So if I was able to do it you surely can do it as well.:)
And about the phrase if it doesn't work for you don't give up you can try some other phrases and see which one works better for you.


Well-known member
No,thankfully this problem has cured although I do admit that going in crowded places can sometimes still be stressful if I'm in a bad mood or if I haven't left the house for a long time.So if I was able to do it you surely can do it as well.:)
And about the phrase if it doesn't work for you don't give up you can try some other phrases and see which one works better for you.

Well honey, that's amazing if just sometimes stressful not all the time. I wouldn't say i can do it surely. I saw your pic and you are really pretty, this make it easier believe me:( if i would look like u i believe i will do it surely. I have also BDD and that's make it harder:confused:


Well-known member
Today i will really nice:D Because i did! I DID IT! I was on celebrating in restaurant and i was feeling really alright. I was on start nerves, also if i eat i was too but not so much as usually, then i'm really happy was going so well. Thought some stuff make me sad which i did but of course was treatment helping and i'm happy with myself first time after so long time i could act so normal i can be proud of myself, i hope thought i will not long time go any restaurant again haha. Because i feel not well there and i think i never will this make me really sad coz they have so delicious food OH god:)


Well-known member
YAY you did it!!! :) Congratulations!! :) Big hugs!!

You never know as for again: you thought you couldn't do it before this time too, maybe in time you can probably do it again!! :) YAY!! GO ROCKSTAR!! :D