How are you feeling?


Well-known member
We have this new employee at work and we work in groups and he and my other coworkers really chat a lot non stop and I just stick out by being quiet. I was fairly comfortable but just sad about the fact that I didn't say that much and that I stood out of place by being quiet.


Well-known member
Yeah, I know what you mean. Have you tried eating more food with omega 3 (like fish oil or tuna or other fatty fish?) or magnesium (like lettuce/greens) etc? Some other foods can help too.. (or just not being hungry :)) which reminds me: supper time! :)
Some people also have food sensitivities or allergies, and it can be due to that..
I didn't believe it until I have experienced what changed nutrition can do.. but I'm still exploring it..

being under stress due to other things can be a factor too...
I've been snappy and dwelled on unnecessary things due to that too.. (it can be something completely unrelated..) just recognizing it for what it is can sometimes help too..

May be your right in one aspect. My diet could do with some adjustments. Like i eat well... But some foods i could proberly cut out. Yeah ive heard how ones diet can play a major role in some peoples recovery.

Did you change your diet yourself by researching it or did you get a professionals opinion?
So you are saying introduce more omega 3 and magnesium into my diet? What foods in your opinion would be a no no?!!!

Stress.... i no that feeling all to well !!! Stress is a HUGE factor in life and as much as we dont like stress it will be with us for our anxiety too. There are two parts to stress - positive eg preparing for a baby, moving house etc. and negative eg being late for work, arguements, begining a race etc. It is completely ivdividual to that people what their stress triggers are. In other words what stresses one, may not for another.
With stress...the key is to manage it...not eliminate some stress is healthy




Well-known member
I don't feel much well, i do now my best. I was going yesterday and today shopping (big deal for me), also i was going for walk, even ones for coffee...was very hard. I survive but still on my way i meet people what are ridiculing from me and having fun, i can't bear it. I don't know what do. Like i'm born for ridiculing and smiling for others. I take my meds. now and i also try walk more confident, i was trying walk with head up but some people was loling to me today coz of it and i'm really down from it:( right now...and this feedbacks what i get back from people hurt me so much that i always start thinking suicidal..i don't know what to do. I don't wanna walk around for fun to others, isn't funny at all:(((


Well-known member
I feel like I should eat something. o.o Just read that one about eating things with mangesium and all that (that message like 4 or 5 above) and that made me think about food. Haven't eaten in 2 days.. *stomach growl* ...


Well-known member
I don't feel much well, i do now my best. I was going yesterday and today shopping (big deal for me), also i was going for walk, even ones for coffee...was very hard. I survive but still on my way i meet people what are ridiculing from me and having fun, i can't bear it. I don't know what do. Like i'm born for ridiculing and smiling for others. I take my meds. now and i also try walk more confident, i was trying walk with head up but some people was loling to me today coz of it and i'm really down from it:( right now...and this feedbacks what i get back from people hurt me so much that i always start thinking suicidal..i don't know what to do. I don't wanna walk around for fun to others, isn't funny at all:(((

I'm sorry you're feeling that way. I go through that a lot. Are you sure people were laughing at you though? People very rarely make it obvious. Sometimes I think low self esteem makes us believe things which are not really happening.


Well-known member
I'm sorry you're feeling that way. I go through that a lot. Are you sure people were laughing at you though? People very rarely make it obvious. Sometimes I think low self esteem makes us believe things which are not really happening.

Thank u, well i know i'm being paranoid often but not this time, yes really they was i'm sure with this. Isn't just imagine. Yes low self esteem can damage a lot self picture i know it. Actually i know what will tell me exactly some psychiatrist that all of it is in my head. No isn't it is really going on, it's happening and almost any time if i try socialize in the crowd of people will be always at least one, two, three people what do so and i have destroyed whole day for it (life).


Well-known member
Thank u, well i know i'm being paranoid often but not this time, yes really they was i'm sure with this. Isn't just imagine. Yes low self esteem can damage a lot self picture i know it. Actually i know what will tell me exactly some psychiatrist that all of it is in my head. No isn't it is really going on, it's happening and almost any time if i try socialize in the crowd of people will be always at least one, two, three people what do so and i have destroyed whole day for it (life).

Hey D.Soul,
sometimes people maybe do laugh or smile or grin, or tease a bit, but sometimes it's because they LIKE you (shock shock I know! :)) An accent or a pretty lady can be cute, and maybe they don't know what else to say or how to get your attention? ;)

And well, even if 1/100 of people you meet do tease a bit, 99 people out of 100 still LIKE you? (or are too busy with their own life to bother noticing others...)
If it's a crowd and only two or three don't like you, there's still a BUNCH of others who do! Or who would, if they got to know you better!!


Well-known member
I don't feel much well, i do now my best. I was going yesterday and today shopping (big deal for me), also i was going for walk, even ones for coffee...was very hard. I survive but still on my way i meet people what are ridiculing from me and having fun, i can't bear it. I don't know what do. Like i'm born for ridiculing and smiling for others. I take my meds. now and i also try walk more confident, i was trying walk with head up but some people was loling to me today coz of it and i'm really down from it:( right now...and this feedbacks what i get back from people hurt me so much that i always start thinking suicidal..i don't know what to do. I don't wanna walk around for fun to others, isn't funny at all:(((

I know how you feel....I used to be like this a few years ago .Walking in public could sometimes become very stressful for me and as a result I would frown without noticing it myself. I remember once walking in front of whole bunch of guys when one of them said " look at her she looks like she 's gona kill someone "and they all started laughing...Don't try to hold your head up if you don't feel like it.People won't pay attention and if they recognize they will just assume that you're shy.
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Well-known member
Hey D.Soul,
sometimes people maybe do laugh or smile or grin, or tease a bit, but sometimes it's because they LIKE you (shock shock I know! :)) An accent or a pretty lady can be cute, and maybe they don't know what else to say or how to get your attention? ;)

And well, even if 1/100 of people you meet do tease a bit, 99 people out of 100 still LIKE you? (or are too busy with their own life to bother noticing others...)
If it's a crowd and only two or three don't like you, there's still a BUNCH of others who do! Or who would, if they got to know you better!!

Well, honey this is like every day if i try socialize u would be to tired of it believe me and sick of it:( I mention 1,2,3 but every day. No isn't they wanna my attention they want tease and grin coz they have nothing better to do and at the moment i'm at the place then why not?

Edit> Isn't 1/100 is like more 5/20, or 15/50... i don't know but just it is how it is. Well u are very nice u try cheer me up and try turn this in positivity but reality is different.
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Well-known member
Hey Hottie,

I just did researching myself mostly, asked my Dr but she didn't have a clue, people in tha pharmacy shop had a bit more clue, mostly about supplements etc, but I didn't react so great to some supplements either, better to get the nutrients with food..

Foods that would be a no no are those that rob magnesium: sweets/sugar/alcohol/coffee/soda pops etc. Pre-prepared food with little nutrients and with artificial additives can be bad too.. Other than that, some people can be sensitive to different things, like gluten or milk or other stuff, maybe good to observe yourself a bit and keep a food/mood/activity journal? I used to keep a food journal on to track vitamins/minerals, was quite shocked how little of some vitamins/minerals I got with food I thought was 'healthy'... (it's just an approximation, but was useful..)

Yeah I know about good stress ('excitement') and bad stress ('overwhelm'), it's important how to manage it and RELAX in other ways... I do think it's good to eliminate the stressors that you can (or clutter/unnecessary things that just distract without added value etc), solve the problems you can..

LonelyWonders, how come you didn't eat for 2 days?? You must eat!! :)
Were you having a Lent fast or a diet?

Malady, sorry to hear you've been feeling bad.. Never heard anything.. Hope it gets better..


Well-known member
Well, honey this is like every day if i try socialize u would be to tired of it believe me and sick of it:( I mention 1,2,3 but every day. No isn't they wanna my attention they want tease and grin coz they have nothing better to do and at the moment i'm at the place then why not?

Well, can you tease & grin back? :) I sometimes got it too, and in unusual places.. some were happy if we had some friendly banter back and forth, and then I left anyway..
(like some waitors or some football players - yikes! I was usually soo embarassed too, but sometimes I said a few things back and then we all laughed hehe.. trouble is to think of something witty sometimes.. maybe you can prepare some silly answers in advance? I know you have a sense of humor and could think of something!!)
some people are just so bored: think about what service you are doing to the Universe: just by appearing you are making their day! :)


Well-known member
I know how you feel....I used to be like this a few years ago .Walking in public could sometimes become very stressful for me and as a result I would frown without noticing it myself. I remember once walking in front of whole bunch of guys when one of them said " look at her she looks like she 's gona kill someone "and they all started laughing.Don't try to hold your head up if you don't feel like it.People won't pay attention and if they recognize they will just assume that you're shy.

Thank u gazelle for sharing your story. Well, i overact if i'm nerves i do two things put head down or up(today helped me treatment hold head up), i have head down mostly and this too was for people the same reason to comment. I can't find any way how to look normal and don't go again trough the same issues every day. How did u stop it those feelings? Assume i'm shy i think more as like scared, tensed and stoned, it's my self-defensive behavior if i put head up or down:(


Well-known member
P****d off. Some people are so gullible. I'm sick of people talking about me, judging me and interfering in my life. This used to be a place where I felt safe and welcome but it's not anymore so I'm leaving.

Awww, no. I assume you mean leaving SPW, and all I can say ignore anyone who is being difficult. it can still be a safe and welcoming place, if you don't let them get you down.

Being kind doesn't pay. People only hate you for it in the end.

I was kinda thinking the same thing today. You'll be amazed how many people irl hate me, and I was never ever anything but kind to them.:confused:


Well-known member
Well, can you tease & grin back? :) I sometimes got it too, and in unusual places.. some were happy if we had some friendly banter back and forth, and then I left anyway..
(like some waitors or some football players - yikes! I was usually soo embarassed too, but sometimes I said a few things back and then we all laughed hehe.. trouble is to think of something witty sometimes.. maybe you can prepare some silly answers in advance? I know you have a sense of humor and could think of something!!)
some people are just so bored: think about what service you are doing to the Universe: just by appearing you are making their day! :)

Yes i teased back few times for sure before if was unbearable coz i couldn't take it anymore but not with words just with face. Well i could say something million times i had mood do it but i stop me by it, i don't want tease back i feel worse if do to much damage full for me i don't want tease no one even if they tease me, i don't want be like them. I just swallow with pain and suffer.

I make their day but they are destroying my :( but is good idea to look at this with those attitude. Like i make good something for fun, yay?


Well-known member
Thank u gazelle for sharing your story. Well, i overact if i'm nerves i do two things put head down or up(today helped me treatment hold head up), i have head down mostly and this too was for people the same reason to comment. I can't find any way how to look normal and don't go again trough the same issues every day. How did u stop it those feelings? Assume i'm shy i think more as like scared, tensed and stoned, it's my self-defensive behavior if i put head up or down:(

You're welcome :) I think it mostly stopped after my fist job because I had to have a fifteen minute walk everyday before taking taxi to get to work.I would also practice in front of a mirror sometimes until my nervousness gradually faded....I think the best practice for you in this case is exposure.Try to have a fifteen minute walk everyday and start from places that aren't crowded...I've heard this from poeple who don't have SA that they even get nervous going out if they haven't left their house for a while.
Also something I forgot to mention which actually helped the most was positive talking with myself in situations where I would get nervous.This might sound a bit funny but telling myself the key phrase "look at how everyone around you is admiring you" helped a lot!
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Why do some people get things handed to them on a platter?...Luck? Karma?
Why do some people have more random luck then others?
I hate unfairness!


Well-known member
You're welcome :) I think it mostly stopped after my fist job because I had to have a fifteen minute walk everyday before taking taxi to get to work.I would also practice in front of a mirror sometimes until my nervousness gradually faded....I think the best practice for you in this case is exposure.Try to have a fifteen minute walk everyday and start from places that aren't crowded...I've heard this from poeple who don't have SA that they even get nervous going out if they haven't left their house for a while.
Also something I forgot to mention which actually helped the most was positive talking with myself in situations where I would get nervous.This might sound a bit funny but telling myself the key phrase "look at how everyone around you is admiring you" helped a lot!

Gazelle:) well that's sound as good idea i will try that phrase. I doubt will work on wreck full of nerves as i'm.:confused:
I will try it. U are brave girl. I'm glad u did it well all of it. U aren't anymore anxious in public?


Active member
fuzzy headed and confused like when the radio is a little off station and you cant hear the voices clearly but you know they are talking