How are you feeling?


Well-known member
YAY you did it!!! Congratulations!! Big hugs!!

You never know as for again: you thought you couldn't do it before this time too, maybe in time you can probably do it again!! :) YAY!! GO ROCKSTAR!! :D

hahaha Feathers:D thank u are such a sweetie. Hey hey don't exaggerate(that i will do again) but i love your attitude i really do thanks. You are ROCKSTAR! i'm just this bushes around haha. Hugs back!:rolleyes:
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Well-known member
I guess I didn't end up going to my cousins baby Christening party. I gotta protect my self from judgmental people and danger sometimes.


Well-known member
tense. shoulders in need of massage. i should hire one of the illegal immigrants in front of home depot.
Frustrated that people without SA just don't get it.

Is it such a hard concept for their minds to grasp, or is it because they just can't be bothered trying.:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Frustrated that people without SA just don't get it.

Is it such a hard concept for their minds to grasp, or is it because they just can't be bothered trying.:rolleyes:

Both? Everyone has anxiety. So it's a contradictory thing - most ppl should be able to understand even more but - because ppl without SA "get through" their anxiety, just "tough it out" or whatever cliche to say - they don't get how debilitating it can be for ppl with SA and any other issues that leads to.

I look it at through my eyes - I have a hard time seeing how THOSE ppl without SA or just some shyness can do stuff they do. Because I don't "feel" that way or experiences or whatever. Thoughts I get that never would enter their heads, or for minimal time. They may have their own issues but I know it's not like SA or extent of mine.

That's why I'm obsessed in a way with ppl like for an example, Gordan Ramsay, that being a slightly more extreme one but everything that'd stop me, doesn't like him or even a thought. (a more real Ramsay like from Nightmares, not Hells Kitchen). Maybe not the best example... but... my Dad for example he's introverted but no SA - assertive, take no BS, he knows his social group, happy/content little shyness just reserved - but - having talked with him or trying to about SA - he doesn't nearly think like me or feelings. Why he has trouble "understanding" my SA.

ANYWWAYS yeah yeah I ranted w00t.


Well-known member
I feel socially retarded!
I was going for a walk around my neighborhood this afternoon when a man doing yard work said to me, "It's a beautiful day to be going for a walk, isn't it?" And I just felt so caught off guard all I could think of to say was, ".....Yeah." He must think I'm a jerk. :(


Well-known member
^ I would have probably said "yeah it's beautiful" or "sure is!" and keep on my way. Sure I'm not really serious, I'm just saying the nicest thing I can that will also prevent the conversation from progressing.

Deus Ex Lemur, you said "Thoughts I get that never would enter their heads, or for minimal time. They may have their own issues but I know it's not like SA or extent of mine." I feel the same way, when I'm talking and looking at them and they're really into whatever they're saying, talking loud, and I'm thinking about things like "is this real right now?" and "this is weird, man. Everything is weird." you know, weird philosophical thoughts about people, their eyes and expressions.


Active member
I feel socially retarded!
I was going for a walk around my neighborhood this afternoon when a man doing yard work said to me, "It's a beautiful day to be going for a walk, isn't it?" And I just felt so caught off guard all I could think of to say was, ".....Yeah." He must think I'm a jerk. :(

"yeah" is a normal, ok response to this. even a nod and a smile is ok


Well-known member
Today i will really nice:D Because i did! I DID IT! I was on celebrating in restaurant and i was feeling really alright. I was on start nerves, also if i eat i was too but not so much as usually, then i'm really happy was going so well. Thought some stuff make me sad which i did but of course was treatment helping and i'm happy with myself first time after so long time i could act so normal i can be proud of myself, i hope thought i will not long time go any restaurant again haha. Because i feel not well there and i think i never will this make me really sad coz they have so delicious food OH god:)

:D well done


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Not great. The past 2 months have sucked. ::(: There's been a recent marriage break-up within my family. Just trying to cope with that, alongside my own problems. So 2011 hasn't got off to a great started for me thus far.

My depression has been pretty severe lately. My confidence is non-existent at the moment. I'm always doubting myself. I also can't seem to stop dwelling on stuff that my dad said to me before I decided cut off contact with him in January.

I guess the only positive thing in my life right now is that I've decided to start keeping a journal. Whether or not this will actually helps me? I don't know... my mind is just all over the place. ::(:


Well-known member
weirded out that my mom has been on Xanax for over 20 years. I knew she was on Prozac 5 or 6 years ago, but I had no idea she's been on anti-depressants for this long...

No wonder I have issues. It's like Requiem for a Dream, the mother who takes pills to feel artificially happy...


Well-known member
Today i will really nice:D Because i did! I DID IT! I was on celebrating in restaurant and i was feeling really alright. I was on start nerves, also if i eat i was too but not so much as usually, then i'm really happy was going so well. Thought some stuff make me sad which i did but of course was treatment helping and i'm happy with myself first time after so long time i could act so normal i can be proud of myself, i hope thought i will not long time go any restaurant again haha. Because i feel not well there and i think i never will this make me really sad coz they have so delicious food OH god:)
Congratulations!! That was good news to hear!


Well-known member
chill. drinking a cup of fiiiiine coffee! (not crappy office coffee) mmmm this is good stuff! think i'm going to skip out on figure drawing since i was so social yesterday and today's weather sucks.


Not sure how I feel, not great and not really bad. Still waiting for my new meds to kick in and they are making be uber sleepy.

Got another c.b.t therapy session this Wednesday, but I honestly think I can do a better job of it myself using the audio series and books. He can be really helpful at some points and it's always good having the structure that therapy sessions offer. But my therapist at least seems to expect you to already be reasonably stable which I'm not.

He is also unsympathetic to this and unwilling to work on the things I struggle with right now and is condecending about it, but he also holds views like that depressed people have two arms and legs so nothing is really stopping them getting on with their lives :rolleyes: He also thinks that anyone who commits suicide or attempts it only ever does it for attention.

So yeah I don't think I will be loosing out on learning too much wisdom from this guy, though it's a shame as sometimes he does have genuine good advice concerning c.b.t. I guess he's only human but I do wonder how some of these people ended up in their profession and with such a distaste for the people they work with.