How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I feel as I am changing for the better, but still uncertain about the future and feel like I am carrying the darkness and pain of the last few years around as a dead weight that if I am not careful will drag me down into a nightmare again.


Well-known member
I feel like a complete fool. I said something really stupid to my deceasts neighbours daughter today at a wake. WHY WHY WHY????? I feel soo worried by it but i really shouldnt be worrying. Why couldnt i have just kept my cool and not let my emtions get the better of me..................................


Well-known member
@hottie what did you say? i think you should just apologize and say that you let your emotions get the better of you, just as you said here. people can be irrational when things get emotional, i'm sure she will forgive you.


Well-known member

but i just made this and it's done in a couple of minutes so mood should be-- nevermind the timer just beeped it is done now. g2g.


Well-known member
Frickin' tired. I slept a full 8 hours, drank 3 cups of coffee, 2 diet Mt. Dews, and a green tea. Still can't stop yawning.


Well-known member
How am I feeling... ?



Well-known member
wired. excited about getting my new toy, spring, summer, and making plans. need to calm down and get to sleep.


Well-known member
Doing good, going to my next group therapy today, wish me luck!

Luck! Good luck! :)

I know I posted a few hours ago, and although I'm feeling much the same, there is another feeling now: nervousness. This day is going to decide if I go home or stay in this hell :|
I feel like.. I should make a change somewhere. Not to myself persay, but to the way people see me. Develop a system that shows people who I really am, and not someone that seems brain damaged. I'm more then that, dammit.

I think the problem is that I keep all my work and thoughts on the internet. I bet most people around don't know a single thing about my philosophic stances in life. Which is kind of a big deal considering it's the center pivot point that directs every choice I make.

I think I need to write them down, print it out, and let it be read by some key people in my life so that they understand how my brain works, and why I say the things I do.

I'm just so tired of people looking at me ''What the heck is he talking about..? He must be dysfunctional or something.''.


Doing good, going to my next group therapy today, wish me luck!

Hey, that's great! Good luck. :3


Well is great to see someone can improve:)
Congratulations Danfalc.
I bet this girlie was doing it all the time lol u was just stuck up::p:
Catch your luck and next time say some joke too maybe?

I wouldn't bank in this improvement being a permanent thing just yet, I have been struggling with chronic depression for years now, but yeah any positive change is great and I will make the most of it even if it doesn't last.

And I don't know about the girl maybe it was her just being polite to customers? But yeah I still feel bad..I hate knowing at times I may have hurt peoples feelings just because I was so fixated on my anxiety.

And no, she is kind of cute and sweet but there is already someone in my life I care about so. Though I will try and be friendly!

Anyway I am feeling sooo tired, these new meds are wiping me out, but Im eating more..and I actually can think clearly and enjoy things again. I still cant laugh or cry but it's a start :)