How are you feeling?

Feeling depressed, disappointed and low self-esteem!I think I have minor BDD taking out my mom's digital camera and taking pictures of myself relentlessly, staring at my picture until I've accepted myself! :(
It's hard to move forward now...


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
like a fairy princess

riding a unicorn

over a rainbow


Well-known member
!@#$ing disgusted. eating banana chips, lalala. delicious. dandy. randomly, i just bit into one that tasted like zest bar soap. no s***. there is a vomit-looking pile of was-banana chips sitting inbetween me and the keyboard. guess i should clean it and rinse this soap taste from my mouth. wtf. was it soap? what was it? >:l