How are you feeling?

in through the nose

out through the mouth

count: 1, 2, 3, as you breathe in

and 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, as you breathe out

just concentrate on that for a while

it's amazing how relaxed you'll feel

I agree Coyote, most amazing feeling ever. Totally relaxed, peaceful.
It's great to apply this in a social situation, I think this is the perfect trick to overcome any anxiety form, Even sa ;). But it's hard to apply this, but I know if we practice alot, we can feel relaxed around people someday!:)
it's the key for anxiety, panic and stress =) and it works w/singing.

Good luck Xylia, btw :)


Well-known member
I feel.... completely screwed over.

My friend invited me to go on a road trip to MAGFest with him and one of his other friends and his friend was going to drive. But they both bailed on me. And I already registered and paid. So now, I can either drive nine hours and go to a convention completely alone (which terrifies me) or I'm out the $55.


Pirate from the North Pole
I feel.... completely screwed over.

My friend invited me to go on a road trip to MAGFest with him and one of his other friends and his friend was going to drive. But they both bailed on me. And I already registered and paid. So now, I can either drive nine hours and go to a convention completely alone (which terrifies me) or I'm out the $55.

Why did they invite you and then bailed on you?? Did you forget to say you were going ? Can't you call them and ask to meet somewhere?


Well-known member
Why did they invite you and then bailed on you?? Did you forget to say you were going ? Can't you call them and ask to meet somewhere?

I don't even know. They've been planning this for a while and they knew I wanted to go. I don't know why they decided at the last minute not to.

Sorry Shift. That's really rough.

Thanks... On the plus side, I found out that even though you can't get a refund on registration, you are allowed to sell it; I can get some of my money back.

At the moment, I'm feeling more disappointed that I don't get to go than I am about wasting my money.


Well-known member
Anxious. The whole of low lying areas in Brisbane, are being inundated with water and is set to get worse. While I believe I will be okay, I have a storm water drain at the back of my place, which sometimes turns into a creek and has been known to flood my courtyard in the past. I am hoping there is nothing upstream from the storm water drain that will send water gushing down it.


Tired with getting up at 6! It's worth it though as I don't have to rush round as much to get to my cbt appointment. Kind of excited to get back to cbt, but it's also hard and a little upsetting.

I am adding the finishing touches to some homework I had to do on "hot thoughts" and my negative thinking patterns In general. It's kind of sad reading through my typical thought patterns...I put myself down so much no wonder I have anxiety and feel pressured. A lot of them are really not rational either.


Well-known member
I'm feeling a bit down. I have to make a decision on my future soon. Do I give studying another go or not? Just thinking about having to go for registration is twisting me upside down. So whether taking the step to actually go and study is even possible, I'm not sure. In all honesty I don't really think I am up to it. But knowing that another opportunity is passing me by, coz of my mental state is making me more than a little depressed. I just wish I could accomplish those things which normal people seem to find so easy.

I'm feeling like giving up again.::(:


Well-known member
Gooooood good good good good good. So good that I don't wanna waste the greatness of mood, but I also should probably sleep 'cause I hafta be up in 6 hours.

Buuuuuuuuuuut this may be a perfect opportunity to fix my sleep schedule! See, 'cause if I stay up late and then wake up early, I'll be really tired earlier in the evening and go to sleep early and wake up early! In theory.


Feeling positive after my c.b.t session. My therapist thinks I'm making progress quite fast and picking it up really well which was nice to hear and a bit of a confidence boost.

He looked at my anxiety diary that I have been filling out for the past like 3 months and we started identifying what he called hot thoughts...or triggering thoughts. These are thoughts which are like a core belief and pop up consistently.

My goals for the next few weeks are to start testing the validity of these thoughts by putting myself In anxiety provoking situations.

Also got my hair cut up town which has made me feel better :) All In all a very constructive day I'm just tired now *yawn*


Well-known member
Alright, let us know what you decide to do. Kick your friends butts!

Newbie question: umm how do you quote multiple people?

I sold my badge and I'm feeling very relieved and no longer stressed out about things. Still a bit disappointed that I'm not going though. My friend said we'd "try" for next year. But now I know better than to register before everyone else has. Haha.

It's already been answered, but it's just the +" button for everyone you want to quote, except for the last person, who you just click the regular quote button for.