How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Hello Emerald,

Im sorry to hear that. I had similar problem at the bank i make from me also foolish. I was so scared go there anytime and wasnt so big bank. I just was feeling so awkward there. U can anytime go other bank if u dont feel comfortable. Change account etc. this i do always about anything if people makes from me fool somewhere but i guess i make it fool from myself there. I hope u will feel soon better!!!

Thank you DespairSoul. It is nice to know i am not alone in these circumstances. I was able to take a rest so i am feeling a little better now, and knowing there are people out there who not only understand but care, helps a lot.


Well-known member

I'm kind of a spiritual person and I like looking at growing old as a natural process that everyone should accept but I'm also realizing that I'm aging without having the wonderful experiences that everyone has when they're young. So yeah.


Well-known member
I feel like I'm living a cursed existence.



Hie yer hence from me heath!
Feeling incredibly guilty after what happened yesterday. My dad paid me an unannounced, surprise visit yesterday morning - as he usually does. Anyway, he was nagging me, telling me what he thinks I should be doing with my life - as he has done, constantly, for the last 7 years, since I was 15.

Well, after he left, I just snapped and lashed out verbally at my mum, unfairly. I just started ranting about how my dad doesn't care about me - because he doesn't, really - and hasn't been there for me. About how, in my dad's eyes, I'll never be good enough and haven't live up to his expectations. But, then again, he never lived up to mine. ::(:


Well-known member
I'm not feeling too bad actually. However I'm gonna have to push myself in ways to which have been avoiding for the past 4 years now. The thought of it is making me scared, really scared. But I need to break free from this dependency of being at home. Wish me luck...

I'm gonna need it.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Just say sorry to your mum, if you haven't already. This sort of thing often happens for a reason, maybe word will get back to him via her and some changing will occur.

I have apologized to my mum. I did several times, actually, during my rant and after I brokedown in tears, trembling infront of her. My mum said she'll be telling my dad exactly how I feel - so I'm glad about that. But, overall, I think she just accepted that some home truths needed to be said. Though, me snapping was probably inevitable at some point because the situation and tension had been building for a few years, as I said.

I've decided to cut off contact with my dad because if he's going to constantly give me grief about how I should be living my life, just please him; and pressuring me into being something I'm not. Then I want nothing more to do with him. Didn't want anything to do with him when I was 15, but that was more his choice than mine, in retrospect. At the end of the day, I've always felt, it's his lose for not being there for me or getting to know me - or wanting to, for that matter - when I was younger.

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
A little stressed because I forgot to dry my laundry last night, so now I gotta dry it this morning and it's getting kinda close. But I did my homework so there should be little to no nagging from any teachers.


Well-known member
i'm not feeling too bad actually. However i'm gonna have to push myself in ways to which have been avoiding for the past 4 years now. The thought of it is making me scared, really scared. But i need to break free from this dependency of being at home. Wish me luck...

I'm gonna need it.

good luck:D Glad to hear this that u will make progress!


Well-known member
I've been feeling worn down and quite unattractive lately so I stocked up on some nice beauty products. Mostly lotions, body washes, moisturizers, hair products and other pampering essentials. I'm also going to dye my hair. Nothing dramatic as I'm doing it myself. Yet, I'm thinking about going to a colorist and having her dye my hair some dramatically different color or getting a new hairstyle.


Well-known member
If it is about the same thing then I think of it as a bad omen

lol. It's not about the same thing. Most people would be upset being suspicious about...well, what I suspect, but I'm so happy with excitement. I don't know what to feel. Screw it! When all else fails, there's wine!