How are you feeling?


Mildly lonely. Some days, I feel fine, other days I feel like my loneliness will kill me. 26, never had a girlfriend.

I was feeling worse yesterday, then I stumbled across this website and I feel a lot better knowing there are lots of people out there who are in the same situation as me. Its comforting in a weird sort of way.


Well-known member
I feel a lot better after my night episode of feeling sorry for myself lol I haven't been to bed yet and just been for the best run ever while watching Greg House do his thing <3 yum.

So yeah feel fantastic :D
I'm feeling good! Going to cycle with my best friend later on, Will be fun!! :D
Now just workin' on some remixes, Yeah I started making Remixes:cool:


Well-known member
Feeling quite down again. Why can't I just do things right? Why do I have to always mess up my hard work and progress?


Well-known member
Socialising is so hard for me. Conversation is so difficult. I wish I could free my mind.
I spend most of my time thinking about what I'm going through, analysing conversation and stuff.
This is so depressing.
One day I will be free...


Well-known member
Bored. Really, really bored.


Well-known member
next week will be 6 months straight I am back at my gym,longest ever,these last two months were hard,but at least is something I am still doing,one victory.
I feel ''empty''. I don't know why, I'm not feeling happy.
It feels like I'm really emotional, I can't cry, but still it feels like I would.
There's no reason for it, this just happens to me several times.
But it's a strong feeling, but still I won't let it take over my whole moment.
Because that would trigger more emotions, I just stay relaxed,
and just try to move on and enjoy my eve. But I'm trying to figure out what's the point..
but I guess I'm just overly Sensetive for all the impressions of the day.
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Fired up! First day of school tomorrow. I'm gonna talk to one person or die trying.
Feeling some better. Just had a funny conversation with my parents, that always cheers me up. I know I just had a hyperventilation attack, It was hard to breathe, but now i'm out of it again. Those moments suck, but I did some breathing exercises, that's the way.
I've been trying to objectively observe where I am in non-online life, I'm finding it painful and its leaving me feeling moody & sad ::(:. There's a rant building up inside.

hey Phocas, you sure are a great person online, so U must be a great person in RL too ;). I know it's hard to see the facts of which position you might be in offline, but you can work on that, or otherway, try to accept it, it's a part of you, many people feel unhappy about their situation, but maybe it's a sign to work even harder to make yourself feel happy in a good state of succes :). we all need some positivity, but still little things can make you happy right ^-^ look at those things, and i hope it'll make you smile. :D but i know it's hard, for me too, some moments i'd rather not smile, but sometimes i'm very happy, just need to force myself to do things and before I know I'm feeling good Cuz I approached my fear.:]
Hey, take care phocas
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Well-known member
Group meeting in a couple hours... Trying to breathe more, but my body doesn't want to!

in through the nose

out through the mouth

count: 1, 2, 3, as you breathe in

and 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, as you breathe out

just concentrate on that for a while

it's amazing how relaxed you'll feel