How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Like ****. I know today is going to be exactly the same as the last day. So will the next day, and the next, and the next, and the next...etc


Well-known member
My brain's not used to studying and it's feeling a little frazzled =_= I seriously underestimated the amount of maths I'd have to do too *groan*

Math is what keeps me from doing what I really want to do in life. I always wanted to be a scientist of something. Physicist, quantum physicist, astronomer, cosmologist. Too much math involved and it's an absolute necessity in each field.
I'm feeling good, but shiit at the same time because i Just brought my laptop to a computer engineer (im sorry for my english dunno the world) because i have got a trojan/virus and i was just about to record a song and now i have to start over again -.- , i dont know when i will get it back, so im not happy xD
i hope this evening.. So i can record again

But i am happy about my new song , a collaboration with another singer, we have sung ''9 Crimes by damien rice'' and it sounds good!
I will upload the vid later.



Well-known member
friends want me to drive up north to record but i REALLY don't want to. last time this happened they recorded vocals for 12 hours, didn't even use me and the drummer. i don't want to take a long drive up there and stay all night again to not even be recorded. i have a long drive tomorrow with a long weekend. ughhhhhh.


friends want me to drive up north to record but i REALLY don't want to. last time this happened they recorded vocals for 12 hours, didn't even use me and the drummer. i don't want to take a long drive up there and stay all night again to not even be recorded. i have a long drive tomorrow with a long weekend. ughhhhhh.

What, you sing? :eek:

I feel like crap. This has unlimited validity until announced otherwise.
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petrified eyes

Well-known member
I am so pissed at my mother right now, she gave my phone number out to someone without my permission. She knows I have a huge problem with phones. What the hell is wrong with her?! :mad::mad::mad:


Well-known member
Kind of upset... My parents, yet again, brought up the "You're not trying hard enough to get a job" rant...

The employers in my town are *******s and just get people's hopes up by making you think they'll higher you even though they won't... Even though one time I had an interview at Mc Donald's and was the first one there, early even, I didn't get the job..

There's another place that has the "Help wanted" sign on their window but they say they aren't highering, atleast to me anyway...

I f*ckin' hate this...

The way my parents talked to me tonight made it seem like they were going to kick me out into the streets if I don't find a job soon... I have no friends to stay with and I can't move in with my boyfriend because he lives mutiple states south from me... Not to mention, he wouldn't be able to afford it. His family is barely holding on as is...

Guh... I'm tearing up right now but crying doesn't really anything... I know no one is going to higher me and it's going to be soon where I'm not going to be able to stay here...

If there is a god, he must just really hate me or something.... What have I done wrong? Why do we have to live in such a sh*tty world where the rich live on and the poor suffer..? You may say it's natural selection but we humans should have found a way around that right?... Atleast I like to think so but ofcorse that isn't true... That would be too good... Our so-called "God" just uses us as his action figure set like a set of toys like an irresponsible child..

Sorry... I get this way when depressed.. But I just need to vent...


Well-known member
ive been in a horrible mood lately. struggling with my anger.

i went into a wendys between classes for lunch today. i had been there last week with a problem...they short changed me a few dollars. i came back and they checked their drawer, they seemed a bit irritated.
i went in there today and ordered my food dine in. i clearly said dine in. they handed it to me in a bag to go....i said uh it was for here. the clerk got smart and said just take it. im like...uh...can i get a tray please?
i got my food and it was kind of crappy. but i was starving. heres the real funny crap...i went back to the counter to get a refill...the lady was up there, she gave 2 refills, i was next and she turned around and walked off right as i said diet co....

i was so mad i wanted to throw the drink at them. i didnt do anything wrong to these people. but i stayed calm, just threw my trash way and walked out. im not going back.
people suck but i dont have to let it get to me and bring me down. getting angry only makes it worse. i do feel better today.


Well-known member
Not good. I woke up with severe anxiety the other morning, and have been concerned about it ever since. I vomited twice because of it (or I'm at least hoping that's what it was from), and it took me a long time to calm down, even after taking a mild tranquilizer. It's difficult for me to be home alone when anxious. Tonight is the first time since then that I've been completely alone. I took that same tranquilizer (Clonazepam) about two hours ago, to prevent any anxiety from happening. However, sadly, the brain is a very powerful thing. The more I think about panicking/not panicking, the more anxiety it brings. I fear having another attack and vomiting and having the runs again, and I'll be alone the whole time. My mom should hopefully be getting off work soon, and I'm finally starting to get sleepy. But I'm afraid that if I DO go to bed, I'll wake up in the morning with the same thing happening like the other day - severe anxiety and vomiting. Endless cycle, yay.