How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I actually took four days off like two weeks ago, and I can't lie I did check on threads even though I didn't log on. Like maybe 1 hour overall per day, but still. If I hadn't taken that break I wouldn't have found out about Fiona's new album though, so :).

lol its addictive :( Have to see whats latest, keep checking now and then but then I end up staying on and hanging around for a while lol


Well-known member
well looks like i didnt get the job i interviewed for the other day. even tho i was well qualified for it, if anything a little over qualified. i was competing with a bunch of old guys. guess they didnt like me.

i feel horrible.
Very frustrated at the moment.

I locked my keys in my car - and I never lock my car - what was I thinking?

I can't find my back-up key that I always carry for just such a problem.

Cant' find the other set that I stashed somewhere months ago before I moved.

And, I literally do not have enough money to pay someone to open my car.

I'm about to go look for a big rock.

Did you find a rock?


Well-known member
Fed up with depression, SA, and myself. So far my week has been horrible. I wish there was a safe way to sleep for several days and wake up with no memory of the past 5 days.

Note to self: invent adjustable human hibernation machine before Christmas. Better yet, have it ready to ship by Thanksgiving. Methinks I could sell a lot of them....

Fed up with depression, SA, and myself. So far my week has been horrible. I wish there was a safe way to sleep for several days and wake up with no memory of the past 5 days.

Note to self: invent adjustable human hibernation machine before Christmas. Better yet, have it ready to ship by Thanksgiving. Methinks I could sell a lot of them....


Hang in there man...


Feeling brain dead and drained of energy this week. It is annoying me that people can't commit to their commitments. Why am I always the only one?


Weird... I'm just lingering around, cant focus on my work. I'm way behind my daily schedule. Just want to break out of this.