How are you feeling?


Well-known member
People should be able to die if they want to.

Wish there were one of these near me.
More than that I wish I could have developed depression later in life. These are supposed to be the best years of my life and they are the worst. Depression and anxiety is keeping me from making anything of myself and will probably eventually lead to destitution and homelessness.
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Kind of upset... My parents, yet again, brought up the "You're not trying hard enough to get a job" rant...

The employers in my town are *******s and just get people's hopes up by making you think they'll higher you even though they won't... Even though one time I had an interview at Mc Donald's and was the first one there, early even, I didn't get the job..

There's another place that has the "Help wanted" sign on their window but they say they aren't highering, atleast to me anyway...

I f*ckin' hate this...

The way my parents talked to me tonight made it seem like they were going to kick me out into the streets if I don't find a job soon... I have no friends to stay with and I can't move in with my boyfriend because he lives mutiple states south from me... Not to mention, he wouldn't be able to afford it. His family is barely holding on as is...

Guh... I'm tearing up right now but crying doesn't really anything... I know no one is going to higher me and it's going to be soon where I'm not going to be able to stay here...

If there is a god, he must just really hate me or something.... What have I done wrong? Why do we have to live in such a sh*tty world where the rich live on and the poor suffer..? You may say it's natural selection but we humans should have found a way around that right?... Atleast I like to think so but ofcorse that isn't true... That would be too good... Our so-called "God" just uses us as his action figure set like a set of toys like an irresponsible child..

Sorry... I get this way when depressed.. But I just need to vent...

Sorry to hear that. I'm in the same boat. Yeah.. humans should have found a way around that. If we were to somehow all of us just cooperate for maybe just a couple of years, we can probably make a paradise on Earth such that no one needs to work more than a couple of hours to live very well. Our technology has reached that level.

But it's not just about intelligence and technology. It's about character and compassion and those have always been in short supply. To a very large extent, I can see where you're coming from about the God thing.

On the other hand, if we were already living in paradise or something like it, our true natures will never be revealed. It's easy to be spiritual and 'noble' in times of plenty, where everything is nice and happy... but it's another thing altogether to have character in the face of senselessness and madness.

I think that if God, Heaven and Hell does exist, maybe we humans may yet make Hell out of Heaven. And that's maybe why only the good are allowed there (however you define that). Our time here on Earth to allow the best of us to know and show compassion in a world where such is not rewarded.

Lol... anyway, I'm ranting now. But good luck on your job search.


More than that I wish I could have developed depression later in life. These are supposed to be the best years of my life and they are the worst. Depression and anxiety is keeping me from making anything of myself and will probably eventually lead to destitution and homelessness.

I concur. I am too much of a wuss to end it all though...maybe if things get bad enough. I do share your thoughts about being homeless and destitution. I can see it happening. I feel sad and I am fed up with people.


Well-known member
People should be able to die if they want to.

Wish there were one of these near me.
More than that I wish I could have developed depression later in life. These are supposed to be the best years of my life and they are the worst. Depression and anxiety is keeping me from making anything of myself and will probably eventually lead to destitution and homelessness.

This is what really pains me. I feel that I wasted 20 years of my life on this s**t and they are never coming back. And it doesn't look like anything is going to change anytime soon either. If anything, my life constantly gets worse.
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Well-known member
I'm better than I was yesterday but still a bit unhappy. I really hate being under pressure to get a job by like.. EVERYONE! I went out today to go look for jobs but no one is highering but some said they MIGHT higher in a few weeks so I got applications from those places.

Wish me luck guys.

Obstacle 1

Well-known member
Very restless.. having to put together assignments in the last minute makes me super fidgety plus all the other emotions of deadlines.. combined with the feelings of anger at myself for getting to that point
The one good thing about getting sick is that nothing else seems important anymore. I'm soaking in indifference, and it's rather nice I have to say. :3