Hie yer hence from me heath!
Burnt out. Pretty knackered and stressed with all that I've had to deal with lately. 
Mainly the worry over my mum's health. Granted, it's no just me worrying. But ah just wish my siblings wouldn't ask me how our mother doing, like asking how she seems. When I can only answer that based solely on my interaction with her every morning. Even then, that pretty late on, with me getting up around 10 o'clock and my mum usually get up 3 hours earlier than that. And I don't tend to pry beyond a couple of questions, since forcing my mother to talk, or elaborate on an answer she given, tends to just irritate her.
Does'nae exactly that I've had more than a few sleepless nights these past few months as a result of all that's gone on.

Does'nae exactly that I've had more than a few sleepless nights these past few months as a result of all that's gone on.