How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Oh, yum! Post a picture! Wait, don't. It will make me crave it, too. ::p:

I didn't go after all... it's too cold outside! I had an orange instead!
I can't get ice cream out of my thoughts since you suggested it the other day! ;)

I feel pretty hopeless right now, just about everything in life I guess. I want to find interest in something, find a purpose, or at least create some meaningful goals. I’m stumbling through life absolutely clueless and I feel I have no purpose or meaning to exist. It’s really dragging me down that I have made about no progress whatsoever in getting over my abundance of mental and other issues. My life has been stagnant for quite some time, and I’m beginning to think none of this is ever going to change. What is the point of being alive when you feel this way? I am so lazy, dull, and useless right now. Just breathing and waking up often feels like they take mountains of effort to accomplish.

I don’t have much to look forward to on a day to day basis. I have no life, no friends, no job, no goals, and no hope, so naturally I feel that makes me pretty much useless. It’s like I am basically a dead person already. I never do anything, I never communicate with people much, and I hardly ever even step foot outside. I really don’t want to feel this way, it’s such a suffocating feeling. I feel quite selfish posting this, but I feel absolutely horrible right now. I wish I could find passion and meaning in something. I need change desperately, but I don't even know where to begin with that. All I can do is just sigh and panic all the time. The future is bleak, the future is really really bleak…
Re: dead

I feel pretty hopeless right now, just about everything in life I guess. I want to find interest in something, find a purpose, or at least create some meaningful goals. I’m stumbling through life absolutely clueless and I feel I have no purpose or meaning to exist. It’s really dragging me down that I have made about no progress whatsoever in getting over my abundance of mental and other issues. My life has been stagnant for quite some time, and I’m beginning to think none of this is ever going to change. What is the point of being alive when you feel this way? I am so lazy, dull, and useless right now. Just breathing and waking up often feels like they take mountains of effort to accomplish.

I don’t have much to look forward to on a day to day basis. I have no life, no friends, no job, no goals, and no hope, so naturally I feel that makes me pretty much useless. It’s like I am basically a dead person already. I never do anything, I never communicate with people much, and I hardly ever even step foot outside. I really don’t want to feel this way, it’s such a suffocating feeling. I feel quite selfish posting this, but I feel absolutely horrible right now. I wish I could find passion and meaning in something. I need change desperately, but I don't even know where to begin with that. All I can do is just sigh and panic all the time. The future is bleak, the future is really really bleak…

I really feel for you psych, I'm feeling a lot that way myself at the moment...its hard to believe when your feeling this way that things will ever get any better. But they inevitably always do, thanks to the arrow of time flowing in only one direction, which gurantees things never stay the same.
It might not be a permanent shift towards feeling in a better state, but you just have to hang out until that time arises, and enjoy it while it lasts. Sometimes when I feel down like this it helps me to think that life is only temporary and so try not to dwell on the negatives and allow your limited existence on the earth to be as pleasant as possible.

When depressed I can get into a negative thought feedback that I'm wasting my life away, with the same dull routine day in and day out, which inturn feeds the depression. Its better to change that thought process and convince yourself you can't always change your immediate situation...and that it takes time and/or many small steps. Take each day as it comes and don't ever tell yourself that the day was a waste, or that nothings ever going to change. These are very self destructive thoughts.


Well-known member
Today was a better day. I made progress towards a work project, I want to make happen and contribute to. I need to complete something and be able to at least say to myself you did well, you contributed to that. Then I might believe I deserve a rest, with all the extended leave I have owing.
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Well-known member
Re: dead

I feel pretty hopeless right now, just about everything in life I guess. I want to find interest in something, find a purpose, or at least create some meaningful goals. I’m stumbling through life absolutely clueless and I feel I have no purpose or meaning to exist. It’s really dragging me down that I have made about no progress whatsoever in getting over my abundance of mental and other issues. My life has been stagnant for quite some time, and I’m beginning to think none of this is ever going to change. What is the point of being alive when you feel this way? I am so lazy, dull, and useless right now. Just breathing and waking up often feels like they take mountains of effort to accomplish.

I don’t have much to look forward to on a day to day basis. I have no life, no friends, no job, no goals, and no hope, so naturally I feel that makes me pretty much useless. It’s like I am basically a dead person already. I never do anything, I never communicate with people much, and I hardly ever even step foot outside. I really don’t want to feel this way, it’s such a suffocating feeling. I feel quite selfish posting this, but I feel absolutely horrible right now. I wish I could find passion and meaning in something. I need change desperately, but I don't even know where to begin with that. All I can do is just sigh and panic all the time. The future is bleak, the future is really really bleak…
Nobody wants to be stagnant, but it's hard to move forward with life when you don't know what you want to do with it, as you said. You said you have no goals - is moving forward in life considered a goal? If so, you have one goal, at least.

Things can change, but it takes the initial push to make it happen. Think about the most crucial thing you want to change. Don't say, "I want to stop having mental issues," either - too broad. Simplify and specify what it is you want to change first, then do it. Maybe it's "go outside more." If that's the case, take 20 minutes every day to go for a walk around the block. It might not sound like much, but it'll give you something to do each day - something you say you're lacking.

You don't have to take my advice, of course, but I feel that if you're stuck in this horrible rut, doing anything is better than doing nothing, as difficult as that may be.

You have my total support, and my ears. I know we don't talk too much, but you're always welcome to private message me if you need to talk to someone one-on-one.

Don't give up, Ms. Delicious. We're all here for you. :thumbup:


Well-known member
Everything okay? It's not too serious, the doctor visit?

She said it's nothing. She barely check me. I don't like her to be honest. I wanted a different doctor. There is this female doctor. She is the most awesome doctor ever. She check you thoroughly and everything but I didn't managed to get her. But whatever it only cost me $15.

So anyway she just give me meds but I don't know. It could be something else.


Well-known member
She said it's nothing. She barely check me. I don't like her to be honest. I wanted a different doctor. There is this female doctor. She is the most awesome doctor ever. She check you thoroughly and everything but I didn't managed to get her. But whatever it only cost me $15.

So anyway she just give me meds but I don't know. It could be something else.
Depends on what your symptoms are. Maybe you could request your favourite doctor for a second opinion if you're not satisfied. Whatever it is, I hope it's not too severe.


Well-known member
Depends on what your symptoms are. Maybe you could request your favourite doctor for a second opinion if you're not satisfied. Whatever it is, I hope it's not too severe.

But apparently you can't choose because it's a government clinic. :rolleyes: I really really like the doctor. I wish she has her own practice so I can visit her whenever I like.

Maybe I would. We'll see.


Well-known member
But apparently you can't choose because it's a government clinic. :rolleyes: I really really like the doctor. I wish she has her own practice so I can visit her whenever I like.

Maybe I would. We'll see.
I thought you could request doctors, if you wanted. I must be mistaken. Good luck! :)


Well-known member
I know the type of person you're talking about. Having to keep up with the Jones's. So these people are just friends of yours? Maybe seeing them sparingly will help.
I see them mostly everyday because we've got several classes together. Right now its either keep hanging out them or become a complete loner for me. I do want to polish my social skills, I don't know.


Well-known member
Sad and empty, as usual.
Hey, what's wrong, Zaki?

I see them mostly everyday because we've got several classes together. Right now its either keep hanging out them or become a complete loner for me. I do want to polish my social skills, I don't know.
Oh, that's a conundrum. Would being alone be better than hanging out with people you don't like? If the answer is yes, then these people aren't for you. I do hope you find some nicer, more compatible people!