How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I had no idea someone could be that selfish unless I met these people. I know I shouldn't judge anyone but they're so paranoid, even about the simplest things. Yet everyone adores them because they're bubbly and social but then these same people talk about them behind their backs. It just doesn't make sense to me. When they need you they're your friend, when that need is over to hell with you. Is this how "normal" people normally are?
Normal people shouldn't be like this. I like to think that my friends don't talk crap about me behind my back, but who knows, maybe they do. Are you having issues with people you know?

The town I live in seems uncomfortably small. It seems everyone knows me. There's the strange man who runs. At work, in shopping centres, service stations, chemists, newsagents. I see you running all the time, people tell me. I'd prefer anonymity, to be able to do things that bring me peace in privacy. The world always intrudes, sometimes abusive, sometimes poking fun, sometimes critical. There's no peace. I run to escape into a place where I can be completely lost and distracted. Lately I have lost motivation to run, and I think the reason is I can't face the world of name calling humans, biting dogs, dangerous cyclists.
Perhaps the person that has noticed you running was being complimentary, and looks up to you for your dedication.

I remember you don't like people talking to you or making comments, but these are things we have to endure, no matter the size of the place we live in.


Well-known member
Normal people shouldn't be like this. I like to think that my friends don't talk crap about me behind my back, but who knows, maybe they do. Are you having issues with people you know?

I think so, I think I'm running out of reliable people. The situation we're in right now is where everyone is hyper aware of their needs, they just have to get what they want and their so paranoid about each other, even about people they've been friends with for years. I guess me being relatively relaxed about things (too relaxed at times) and anxious is kind of making the situation more suffocating to live in.


Well-known member
I think so, I think I'm running out of reliable people. The situation we're in right now is where everyone is hyper aware of their needs, they just have to get what they want and their so paranoid about each other, even about people they've been friends with for years. I guess me being relatively relaxed about things (too relaxed at times) and anxious is kind of making the situation more suffocating to live in.
Are they paranoid that everyone else is going to hinder them getting what they want? I mean, there's nothing wrong with being determined and focused, but when it evolves into paranoia, then it becomes a problem.

I do think you need to get out but not having the means to can make it worse. Maybe your roommates will calm down, although I'm not banking on it.

Feeling good. Just made cookies. Everyone loves cookies. Makes people (and dogs) happies.
I'll take those, thank you! :D


Well-known member
Perhaps the person that has noticed you running was being complimentary, and looks up to you for your dedication.

I remember you don't like people talking to you or making comments, but these are things we have to endure, no matter the size of the place we live in.

It's not just one person who notices me running but possibly two dozen or more. Some comments are abusive, some are amusing, few are complimentary. Here is an example.

Stuff said to me while running | A place of running dreams come true

Maybe I'm soft but 5 years of this shit being thrown at me, wears me down. I think it is beyond what any person would expect cop.

Perhaps the name calling, the cars that have swerved to hit me, the guy who got out of the a van and ran after me swearing and then got back into the van and continued to follow me, is more than I have to endure. For those last two I called the police.

For an anxiety sufferer it is more than enough to trigger the desire to avoid, and my case to loose motivation to run.

I went to Sydney on holiday two years ago and had no problems on the training runs I did there.

I won't give up running, because it is all part of the challenge.
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Well-known member
It's not just one person who notices me running but possibly two dozen or more. Some comments are abusive, some are amusing, few are complimentary. Here is an example.

Stuff said to me while running | A place of running dreams come true

Maybe I'm soft but 5 years of this shit being thrown at me, wears me down. I think it is beyond what any person would expect cop.

Perhaps the name calling, the cars that have swerved to hit me, the guy who got out of the a van and ran after me swearing and then got back into the van and continued to follow me, is more than I have to endure. For those last two I called the police.

For an anxiety sufferer it is more than enough to trigger the desire to avoid, and my case to loose motivation to run.

I went to Sydney on holiday two years ago and had no problems on the training runs I did there.

I won't give up running, because it is all part of the challenge.
Some of that is actually really terrible, and I'm sorry it's happened to you. :sad: I'm glad you're not giving up, though. Good on you. :)


Well-known member
Some of that is actually really terrible, and I'm sorry it's happened to you. :sad: I'm glad you're not giving up, though. Good on you. :)

Some of it is freaking hilarious, but most of it I've heard 100 times before, particularly "Run Forest Run."


Well-known member
Some of it is freaking hilarious, but most of it I've heard 100 times before, particularly "Run Forest Run."
Yeah, that's a common one. I got that a lot when I ran anywhere at school. Are there any less populated spots you could go running in? It might help alleviate some of the anxiety.


Well-known member
Yeah, that's a common one. I got that a lot when I ran anywhere at school. Are there any less populated spots you could go running in? It might help alleviate some of the anxiety.

The creek trail's not too bad, it's mainly dogs of leashes and speeding cyclists that are a hazard.

Anyway sorry to vent, but it is a battle for me to face this town I live in.
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Well-known member
The creek trail's not too bad, it's mainly dogs of leashes and speeding cyclists that are a hazard.

Anyway sorry to vent, but it is a battle for me to face this town I live in.
Don't be sorry! That's why I asked. :) I understand it's a problem for you. I hope it gets better.


Well-known member
Are they paranoid that everyone else is going to hinder them getting what they want? I mean, there's nothing wrong with being determined and focused, but when it evolves into paranoia, then it becomes a problem.

I do think you need to get out but not having the means to can make it worse. Maybe your roommates will calm down, although I'm not banking on it.

Yep, they think everyone is out there to stop them from getting what they want and they must do anything they can even if its immoral to reach their goals before everyone else. They're kind of like children, if someone has something new and shiney they must have it too. There's no way I can get out of this situation right now unfortunately, although they're not my roommates thank goodness for that. I live alone.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Like a square peg in a roon (round) hole, tae use a metaphorically expression. Am no' daein' too well the now - depression and insomnia's back wi' a f**kin' vengence. :sad: So... feelin' sorta meh! And unmotivated at the moment. Got use tae the fact naebuddy takes me seriously, whether I answer a question honestly, or just generally. Ah guess that's what ah get fur bein' "funny" aw the time. :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
Like a square peg in a roon (round) hole, tae use a metaphorically expression. Am no' daein' too well the now - depression and insomnia's back wi' a f**kin' vengence. :sad: So... feelin' sorta meh! And unmotivated at the moment. Got use tae the fact naebuddy takes me seriously, whether I answer a question honestly, or just generally. Ah guess that's what ah get fur bein' "funny" aw the time. :kickingmyself:

That's not good :sad:
I have insomnia too, big time. I so want to get the habbit of going to sleep before midnight at least, but that is not possible and it's making me so sick and tired.

I really want Oreos and icecream right now.
I probably shouldn't :kickingmyself:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
That's not good :sad:
I have insomnia too, big time. I so want to get the habbit of going to sleep before midnight at least, but that is not possible and it's making me so sick and tired.

Aye, ah kinda feel the same. Though, I've been unable to sleep if ah got to bed early. Ma brain just doesnae shut the f**k up!

I really want Oreos and icecream right now.
I probably shouldn't :kickingmyself:

Why not? Treat yerself. :)


Well-known member
Aye, ah kinda feel the same. Though, I've been unable to sleep if ah got to bed early. Ma brain just doesnae shut the f**k up!

Why not? Treat yerself. :)

I can't fall asleep if I go to bed before 2 or 3 am, even when I'm extremely tired. I think it's because I'm nervous to the core.

Well okay, I'm off to the store then!


Well-known member
Aye, ah kinda feel the same. Though, I've been unable to sleep if ah got to bed early. Ma brain just doesnae shut the f**k up!

I can't fall asleep if I go to bed before 2 or 3 am, even when I'm extremely tired. I think it's because I'm nervous to the core.

I know how you both feel. My brain is most awake at night and it takes a long time for it to quieten down, in order to sleep. plus i don't really have restful sleep since i'm dreaming all the time. i'm completely knackered throughout the day but awake at night. go figure. :eek:mg:


Well-known member
Yep, they think everyone is out there to stop them from getting what they want and they must do anything they can even if its immoral to reach their goals before everyone else. They're kind of like children, if someone has something new and shiney they must have it too. There's no way I can get out of this situation right now unfortunately, although they're not my roommates thank goodness for that. I live alone.
I know the type of person you're talking about. Having to keep up with the Jones's. So these people are just friends of yours? Maybe seeing them sparingly will help.

I really want Oreos and icecream right now.
I probably shouldn't :kickingmyself:
Oh, yum! Post a picture! Wait, don't. It will make me crave it, too. ::p: