How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I don't know what it is. I'm suppose to be more successful than I am right now but then I am stupid so I ruined things for me. I have to suffer and feel bad for myself everyday because of this.

you're supposed to be more successful? according to who? are you comparing yourself to other people? a couple quotes come to mind...

comparison is the thief of joy



i really hope you can show yourself compassion and self acceptance... no one is perfect.


Well-known member
Feeling a sense of accomplishment. I spoke to some people I never talked to before. I didn't cry in class like before. I was able to focus on the lecture too, for the most part. I'm proud of myself today.


Well-known member
Hysterical, suicidal thoughts.

One baby step followed by a nervous breakdown. Insignificant and mentally exhausted from trying to hurdle anxiety + depression. I most likely work in the morning..can't take another day off. :crying: :sad:


Well-known member
Feeling a sense of accomplishment. I spoke to some people I never talked to before. I didn't cry in class like before. I was able to focus on the lecture too, for the most part. I'm proud of myself today.


You took a great step forward today! Hope you can continue down this road and reduce your overall anxiety. I know what it's like to miss out on half the things the prof's saying because I'm too stressed and focused on my surroundings.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Hysterical, suicidal thoughts.

One baby step followed by a nervous breakdown. Insignificant and mentally exhausted from trying to hurdle anxiety + depression. I most likely work in the morning..can't take another day off. :crying: :sad:

:sad: Eh... sorry yer feelin' that way, Lamb. ((Hugs))


Well-known member
i feel amazing! i am so grateful for what i have in life right now. there is a lot.
^ That's really great to hear, dottie. :thumbup:

I wish I was feeling a little more thankful for what I currently have, even just the small things. I'm not feeling that right now though. Instead I'm once again falling into self-pity. I just feel so stuck right now. I hate making plans for myself and nothing working out. I hate how I can't go with the flow. Life's unpredictable, obviously, yet I always feel like I can make plans and they'll work out. Basically what I'm getting at here is all summer I have gone jobless -- not what I planned. I'm so tired of being jobless, yet there's not a single thing I can do about it. Places just aren't hiring around here, and what little I managed to find I can't work at because the employers want someone experienced. (but you need to get a job in the first place to get experience!) I've been trying to distract my mind lately by pursuing other things again, but every time I sit still my mind goes back to negative thoughts, how I feel like I'm wasting my time, how I should've never taken a year off, how I'll never find anything to earn any money, how I don't have friends anymore, how I'll never be happy, etc. It leaves me in such a crappy hopeless mood and I hate it.

I just talked to my friend on the phone too, after not talking to her in almost a month. It was so good to hear from her again, but of course I just lied to her when she asked me how things were and how I was doing. "Good!" I told her. No, not good. Far from good. I'm just so jealous of her and my brother's life right now. They're both busy with their jobs and are getting good pay, they just bought a (used, but almost) new car, they both have a new couple of friends they're hanging out with, they go out and have fun, and basically they're just happy. Deep down I'm glad my brother has gotten his crap together and I'm glad she's happy, but I'm just really hating my life right now and I can't stop comparing. I want to cry. :crying: I feel a tv binge coming forth where I'll lay in bed all day and eat nothing but junk food (well, as close to "junk" as I can get) or nothing at all.


Well-known member
I wish I was feeling a little more thankful for what I currently have, even just the small things. I'm not feeling that right now though. Instead I'm once again falling into self-pity. I just feel so stuck right now. I hate making plans for myself and nothing working out. I hate how I can't go with the flow. Life's unpredictable, obviously, yet I always feel like I can make plans and they'll work out. Basically what I'm getting at here is all summer I have gone jobless -- not what I planned. I'm so tired of being jobless, yet there's not a single thing I can do about it. Places just aren't hiring around here, and what little I managed to find I can't work at because the employers want someone experienced. (but you need to get a job in the first place to get experience!) I've been trying to distract my mind lately by pursuing other things again, but every time I sit still my mind goes back to negative thoughts, how I feel like I'm wasting my time, how I should've never taken a year off, how I'll never find anything to earn any money, how I don't have friends anymore, how I'll never be happy, etc. It leaves me in such a crappy hopeless mood and I hate it.

I just talked to my friend on the phone too, after not talking to her in almost a month. It was so good to hear from her again, but of course I just lied to her when she asked me how things were and how I was doing. "Good!" I told her. No, not good. Far from good. I'm just so jealous of her and my brother's life right now. They're both busy with their jobs and are getting good pay, they just bought a (used, but almost) new car, they both have a new couple of friends they're hanging out with, they go out and have fun, and basically they're just happy. Deep down I'm glad my brother has gotten his crap together and I'm glad she's happy, but I'm just really hating my life right now and I can't stop comparing. I want to cry. :crying: I feel a tv binge coming forth where I'll lay in bed all day and eat nothing but junk food (well, as close to "junk" as I can get) or nothing at all.
I'm sorry you're feeling like this, Phoenixx. Good things will happen if you continue to persist. You can chat to me whenever you need to, as well. Too bad you don't live around here because we could go get some (gluten-free) snacks. :)

Places just aren't hiring around here, and what little I managed to find I can't work at because the employers want someone experienced. (but you need to get a job in the first place to get experience!)
Don't even get me started on this! :veryangry:


Well-known member
^ That's really great to hear, dottie. :thumbup:

I wish I was feeling a little more thankful for what I currently have, even just the small things. I'm not feeling that right now though. Instead I'm once again falling into self-pity. I just feel so stuck right now. I hate making plans for myself and nothing working out. I hate how I can't go with the flow. Life's unpredictable, obviously, yet I always feel like I can make plans and they'll work out. Basically what I'm getting at here is all summer I have gone jobless -- not what I planned. I'm so tired of being jobless, yet there's not a single thing I can do about it. Places just aren't hiring around here, and what little I managed to find I can't work at because the employers want someone experienced. (but you need to get a job in the first place to get experience!) I've been trying to distract my mind lately by pursuing other things again, but every time I sit still my mind goes back to negative thoughts, how I feel like I'm wasting my time, how I should've never taken a year off, how I'll never find anything to earn any money, how I don't have friends anymore, how I'll never be happy, etc. It leaves me in such a crappy hopeless mood and I hate it.

I just talked to my friend on the phone too, after not talking to her in almost a month. It was so good to hear from her again, but of course I just lied to her when she asked me how things were and how I was doing. "Good!" I told her. No, not good. Far from good. I'm just so jealous of her and my brother's life right now. They're both busy with their jobs and are getting good pay, they just bought a (used, but almost) new car, they both have a new couple of friends they're hanging out with, they go out and have fun, and basically they're just happy. Deep down I'm glad my brother has gotten his crap together and I'm glad she's happy, but I'm just really hating my life right now and I can't stop comparing. I want to cry. :crying: I feel a tv binge coming forth where I'll lay in bed all day and eat nothing but junk food (well, as close to "junk" as I can get) or nothing at all.

yeah, it is really frustrating to know your skills and capabilities but constantly be dismissed for jobs. hang in there. be careful in your "self-talk" and avoid using words like "never".... this is self-defeating. be kind to yourself. although it will take time, your predicament is not forever.


Well-known member
yeah, it is really frustrating to know your skills and capabilities but constantly be dismissed for jobs. hang in there. be careful in your "self-talk" and avoid using words like "never".... this is self-defeating. be kind to yourself. although it will take time, your predicament is not forever.
^ Thanks dottie. Recently I've been finding myself going back to old ways with my "self-talk" whenever my mood dips... well, crashes... like it did today. Old habits are hard to break, but you're right that I need to keep reminding myself that this isn't forever, that good things will come eventually.