How are you feeling?


I feel good, celebrating the birth of my son, he ain't here yet but he will be inside of 24 hours.

Is here here yet? Congratulations. What will his name be? (unless you don't want to share that, completely understand)
Not gonna lie, I feel like crap. It might... I mean it MIGHT have SOMETHING to do with the fact that I work today... and tomorrow. Maybe. I'm just saying it's a... vague possibility...

Bleh. I feel like the are so many things to do and not enough time. I know that's "adulthood" in a nutshell but I just don't see why it has to be that way. I'm tired of the stress!
He ain't wanting to come out, his name will be Silas.

Oh no, I hope everything's okay. You mean he is just not being delivered at the time he was supposed to? I don't know much about these things, although I should considering I have 5 younger siblings o_O


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Bleh. I feel like the are so many things to do and not enough time. I know that's "adulthood" in a nutshell but I just don't see why it has to be that way. I'm tired of the stress!

Aye, ah can relate there, stress n' all.

Feelin' a wee bit better since ma last post on here... Just wish ah could maintain that joyful feelin' ye get fae laughter.

Am thinkin' aboot being a bit mair creative but what tae do...? Paintin' n' drawin' or write jokes? (Y'know, just fur me, like...) It's just gettin' back intae the swing o' things, confidence wise.
Oh no, I hope everything's okay. You mean he is just not being delivered at the time he was supposed to? I don't know much about these things, although I should considering I have 5 younger siblings o_O

Yeah everything is copacetic. Just a slow process. You're the oldest of 5? I'm the oldest of 4, all boys. Cool :thumbup:
Not gonna lie, I feel like crap. It might... I mean it MIGHT have SOMETHING to do with the fact that I work today... and tomorrow. Maybe. I'm just saying it's a... vague possibility...

Bleh. I feel like the are so many things to do and not enough time. I know that's "adulthood" in a nutshell but I just don't see why it has to be that way. I'm tired of the stress!

I always thought it would be so cool to be an adult when in reality, to me, I was better off as an adolescent. Why don't you take a few days off and regroup with yourself, some "me time"?


Well-known member
There's this part of me that wants to give in to depression and self sabotage. I feel like smashing down all the bricks of progress i've managed to build in the last few months. why? because even my progress can't shield me from inner shame, and i wonder, "what's the purpose of this progress"? i just hope i can persevere.


Well-known member
I feel sleepy and tired. But, is it really me or my body talking? My mind is alert but my body feels really tired...


Well-known member
I don't know what it is. I'm suppose to be more successful than I am right now but then I am stupid so I ruined things for me. I have to suffer and feel bad for myself everyday because of this.


Well-known member
I'm conflicted. I used to be friends with this girl many years back but then she moved abroad and I didnt see her again. Today or tomorrow is her birthday. I have her old email address but she said she doesn't use email a lot anymore. So she uses facebook, but the thing is I really don't like using facebook. I want to say happy birthday to her, but the only way for me to do it is facebook. So today, I logged into facebook for the first time in a long time and pulled up her profile. I see many people wishing her a happy birthday, so that made me feel relieved because I don't have to do it. She has so many well wishers, many friends and relatives, why does she need me anyway? I haven't spoken with her in like 5 years. The only reason why I even have a facebook account is 1) peer pressure, and 2) some people don't use email anymore. I would deactivate facebook account if I could. Man, this is driving me nuts!


Well-known member
I don't know what it is. I'm suppose to be more successful than I am right now but then I am stupid so I ruined things for me. I have to suffer and feel bad for myself everyday because of this.

Me too. But I've reached the point where I just don't care anymore. Nothing motivates me anymore - money, love, fame, glory, success. Now I just live for the sake of living. I hope I don't cry in class tomorrow again. Now I have 2 options: take pills like Celexa, or fake it. I can't afford pills so I chose the latter. I am taking acting lessons online in order to perfect my faking.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I can't take this anymore... I want out...

I don't know what it is. I'm suppose to be more successful than I am right now but then I am stupid so I ruined things for me. I have to suffer and feel bad for myself everyday because of this.

Me too. But I've reached the point where I just don't care anymore. Nothing motivates me anymore - money, love, fame, glory, success. Now I just live for the sake of living. I hope I don't cry in class tomorrow again. Now I have 2 options: take pills like Celexa, or fake it. I can't afford pills so I chose the latter. I am taking acting lessons online in order to perfect my faking.

Was gonnae respond tae these individually but couldnae be arsed (bothered). :bigsmile: So ah'll just reply tae them together. Sorry yer all feelin' this, at the moment. Ah can definitely, so yer no' alone, believe me. Jaim, ah can especially relate tae yer lack o' motivation & no' carin'. Ah've also been considerin' actin' lessons, partly for ma confidence & fakin' it... No' sure if that last bits good or bad? :idontknow:

Anyway, hope y'all feel better soon, even if it's just a wee bit better. :thumbup: At least that's summit (somethin') good, innit?