How are you feeling?


Well-known member
anxious. I need some advice pertaining to college. Current college students, graduates, if you're willing to lend an ear please let me know. :thinking:

i'm listening :thumbup:

it was a couple of decades ago, and it was an art college - so my experience may not be relevant :idontknow:


Well-known member
I'm feeling great! Decided to go out and see the botanical gardens in Wollongong. They're not as impressive or as large as the Sydney one, but it's a great place to go have a picnic, which I would totally go if I had friends, haha. I had fun walking around for an hour, checking out all the flora and the different cultures of people walking by.

Went to go to a restaurant in Wollongong but was too anxious to walk in.

That didn't stop me! I drove all the way to a place called Kiama (about 40 minutes from Wollongong) and was brave enough to eat lunch alone there. The meal wasn't that good, unfortunately (chicken schnitzel should not be that oily!), but it was still nice to get out and about on this beautiful day. I also bought a book that I gave away to Fiona that I didn't expect to see, so it was good in that way, too!

Now I relax and regroup until work this evening. Then it's panic stations getting set for my first aid course tomorrow. Eep! Excited and nervous! :bigsmile:
^ You and your travels... Man, I hope to be able to do that kind of stuff someday.

Good luck with your course tomorrow!


Well-known member
Resilient. Woke up to sunshine streaming in and have managed to keep a level mood despite annoyance that would usually drag me down about my station in life.


Well-known member
Sometimes I get this incredible urge to create something unique and different. Problem is my brain is so full banana peels that any step I take will just sit me back on my *** and my 'urge to create' dissappears.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Sometimes I get this incredible urge to create something unique and different. Problem is my brain is so full banana peels that any step I take will just sit me back on my *** and my 'urge to create' dissappears.

Aye, ah can relate there, pal. The problem wi' me is that ma brain always daein' this: :thinking: And no' much else... Sittin' on ma arse wi' an "urge tae create" summit. Then ah think: "Ach, f**k it! Ah'll just watch a comedy DVD n' laugh fur a few hours. :bigsmile:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I hope you all read this:

I love chatting with you all when I come here feeling dead. I leave in a better mood.

Awww, f**k...! Sorry! It's just that made me smile. :) Doesnae exactly help that am aw shy n' red-faced n' that fae (from) readin' that comment. :eek:mg: :shyness: Good, and nice, tae hear that, darlin'. :thumbup:


Well-known member
^ You and your travels... Man, I hope to be able to do that kind of stuff someday.

Good luck with your course tomorrow!
You will. Once the urge and the capabilities move in, they're not leaving. :)

I finished day one of the first aid course. Kind of cool, although of the seven in the class, four of them talk too much about personal experiences, when it's about learning about first aid, not a trip down memory lane! Overall it's cool to learn and the teacher is nice and I'm happy that I'm doing it. Back to do it all again tomorrow and leave with a first aid certificate.

Also, there's only one girl in the group and she's a cute 18 year old and I paired up with her to do practical activities. That was awesome and hopefully it's the same tomorrow, and then maybe I'll be brave enough to give her my number. :shyness:


Well-known member
You will. Once the urge and the capabilities move in, they're not leaving. :)

I finished day one of the first aid course. Kind of cool, although of the seven in the class, four of them talk too much about personal experiences, when it's about learning about first aid, not a trip down memory lane! Overall it's cool to learn and the teacher is nice and I'm happy that I'm doing it. Back to do it all again tomorrow and leave with a first aid certificate.

Also, there's only one girl in the group and she's a cute 18 year old and I paired up with her to do practical activities. That was awesome and hopefully it's the same tomorrow, and then maybe I'll be brave enough to give her my number. :shyness:

It's a good qualification to have. I find the practical exercises difficult, particularly turning people on their sides clearing airways. I'm always glad when it is over, but the three years between course goes so quickly.


Well-known member
It's a good qualification to have. I find the practical exercises difficult, particularly turning people on their sides clearing airways. I'm always glad when it is over, but the three years between course goes so quickly.
Yeah, the teacher instructed us not to put our fingers in their mouths. :giggle: It was difficult having to work on each other, but I find that's part of the fun, too. Thankfully the small group I'm in isn't so bad and everyone appears to be nice, so that helps. Was your group the same, Kiwong?

Do it, do it, do it, do it, come on you can do it!
I'll have to investigate if she has a boyfriend, since girls like that always seem to. I'm not sure how that's going to happen, but I'll try. :)


Well-known member
waswith Re: How are you feeling?

Yeah, the teacher instructed us not to put our fingers in their mouths. :giggle: It was difficult having to work on each other, but I find that's part of the fun, too. Thankfully the small group I'm in isn't so bad and everyone appears to be nice, so that helps. Was your group the same, Kiwong?

I'll have to investigate if she has a boyfriend, since girls like that always seem to. I'm not sure how that's going to happen, but I'll try. :)

MikeyC, my group was with people I work with. I think some of the things to do with CPR had been simplified since the last time I did it. Got to play around with defibrillators this time around.


Well-known member
Re: waswith Re: How are you feeling?

MikeyC, my group was with people I work with. I think some of the things to do with CPR had been simplified since the last time I did it. Got to play around with defibrillators this time around.
Yeah, we got to use defibrillators, as well. I think that's a new addition to the curriculum.

The teacher was saying her first aid course she did back in the 70's was far more complicated than it is now, so you're likely to be right about that. :)

I remember you saying you don't get along with a lot of your workmates, but hopefully the course was worth it in the end. :)


Well-known member
I'm not that nice a person. I have a huge ego, I'm overly sensitive, insensitive, angry, loud, lacking in courage, my attitude often sucks, I can be lazy, I can be shallow, I let the better side of myself down all the time. This has nothing to do with my anxiety, but it is who I am. I am fundamentally flawed

Still I see a photo myself and refuse to turn to self hatred. Instead I see a human being in pain and in need of help. I also see deep inside a huge potential of what I am capable of if I try.