How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Just picked a fight with an online friend for basically no reason, just suddenly hated him argued so much over nothing that he deleted and blocked me... Dont feel any regrets, just a little suprised at what i did.
I've had to block two people who have done the same to me - both females. Your post gives me bad memories of that. What did he do wrong?

Suicidally depressed.
Go seek professional help, Graeme.

What, will all the bees eventually die and then we have to pollinate everything artificially? Is that even possible?
Once we start cloning bees, we'll have all the honey we can dream of! ;)


Well-known member
I'm trying to stay upbeat by telling myself jokes and keeping my mind busy with silly thoughts but its difficult. I know it sounds weird.

I am feeling evil and sinister vibes within me. I'm not feeling well.

Whenever I'm sad and lonely I get this hollow sensation within me. I can almost physically feel the emptiness on the inside. Anger and frustration builds up and I feel like hating the world. Not a good feeling. :sad:

I feel good, celebrating the birth of my son, he ain't here yet but he will be inside of 24 hours.


Well-known member
Thanks JuiceB. I am not drinking b/c I am broke though tbh... so I cannot take credit for trying to be a sober Sally :( I quit my job a few weeks ago and now I have to be very careful with what little I have.

Oh congrats JC!! *cheers*!
Thanks JuiceB. I am not drinking b/c I am broke though tbh... so I cannot take credit for trying to be a sober Sally :( I quit my job a few weeks ago and now I have to be very careful with what little I have.

Oh congrats JC!! *cheers*!

Thanks! Too bad you ain't around here, I'd say come on over and grab yourself a glass :)


Well-known member
I've had to block two people who have done the same to me - both females. Your post gives me bad memories of that. What did he do wrong?

He has been very inappropriate in conversations, constantly making sexual comments, often quite disgusting or misogynistic ones despite me telling him off numerous times. He is immature, i made a joke on his status and he and his friends all started attacking me with ridiculous "threats"over facebook (seriously what are we twelve?)... Lots of other little things that have just sorta built up over time and yesterday i just couldnt stand him and had had enough.
He has been very inappropriate in conversations, constantly making sexual comments, often quite disgusting or misogynistic ones despite me telling him off numerous times. He is immature, i made a joke on his status and he and his friends all started attacking me with ridiculous "threats"over facebook (seriously what are we twelve?)... Lots of other little things that have just sorta built up over time and yesterday i just couldnt stand him and had had enough.

Good for you, life's too short to deal with that :thumbup:


Well-known member
I'm trying to stay upbeat by telling myself jokes and keeping my mind busy with silly thoughts but its difficult. I know it sounds weird.

I am amazed and intrigued by peoples silliness. on Q/A sites people posting and asking silly question. Infact I love how they are communicating with each other with silliness which actually is a lot of intelligence. I try to answer these question trying my own silliness sometimes I find myself very dumb trying to be silly and I get to laugh at myself at such times. It makes me feel light.

Whenever I'm sad and lonely I get this hollow sensation within me. I can almost physically feel the emptiness on the inside. Anger and frustration builds up and I feel like hating the world. Not a good feeling. :sad:

I worry too much.. then I hit this point in my mind where I begin to ask what sort of a person I am and owing to my habits it's usually negative ones. I am human too I mean Evil and Good, the yin-yang. smart people balance it. While I am struggling to become aware of what exactly my evil, sinister side is. it's very tricky.

as far as I am aware my creepy silence and tongue tied feelings make me feel that way. I have problems expressing feelings even here I struggle a lot!


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Go seek professional help, Graeme.

Would like to, Mikey, but ma mum keeps discouragin' me from doin' so...

Sayin' that "It doesnae really help, you should've dealt wi' it last time (CBT reference). Just snap outta o' it n' grow up! Or kill yersel', if that's how ya feel...!!". So am kinda weary of openin' up aboot ma problems again... Obviously, it's not just feel anxious around people, that ah huv issues wi'. :idontknow: :sad: